Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapters of Doctor Hou’s concubine a bit poisonous!The marriage decree is sent to Sun's house.

Since Sun Zhuangyuan kneeled down to take the order.

The person who declared the decree was Lin Shuping, the most useful person around Emperor Liu Zhao.

The Seven Mothers of the Sun Family are gentle and virtuous, with outstanding talents and appearance, and she refers to the marriage to the eldest prince Liu Yu.

The order was issued and the young two officially became unmarried couples.

Sun Zhuangyuan took over the decree for his granddaughter.

Lin Shuping personally helped him up, "Your Majesty is very concerned about Mr.'s body, let our family greet him on his behalf."

"Your Majesty Xie is so kind! The old man is very good, and he can still serve the court and your Majesty."

Lin Shuping smiled and said: "Mr. Sun is always strong, so your majesty is relieved. Is there any difficulty in preparing for the establishment of the college? You might as well bring it up, and your majesty will solve it for him."

"There is no need for the old man to worry about the construction of the academy. The only thing to worry about is where the master of the academy should be hired. The old man knows that there are many talented people in the imperial academy, but it is absolutely impossible to let them give up their official posts and teach in the academy. ."

Sun Zhuangyuan turned around and asked the emperor Liu Zhao for policy and support.

Can the newly established academy follow the example of the Imperial College and give it a half-time official!

Lin Shu was stupid, "Mr. can really laugh. Speaking of talents, who can compare to his grandson's family. The teacher, the husband, and his nephew can choose a few people from his nephews. Your majesty will definitely support him."

Master Sun Zhuangyuan trembled, "So, the old man will figure out his own solution."

Lin Shuping smiled, "My family knows that it must be difficult to organize the academy. I think Cui Qi of the State Government House of the town, went south to Jiangling Prefecture, and after a lot of hard work, he also opened the academy. Mr. Sun is a dignified scholar who is planning to organize it. The academy definitely has an advantage over Cui Qi. Our family is waiting for good news from Mr., and when the academy starts, we will definitely come to join us."

"Good talk!"

"Our family has to go back to the palace to return to life, goodbye!"

"Minrong, send Grandpa Lin to the house."

The eldest son Sun Minrong personally sent Lin Shuping out of the house.

When he reached the gate, Lin Shuping stopped and looked back at the door plaque on the door frame.

He said meaningfully: "New home and new atmosphere, congratulations to you three rooms! Your Majesty is very concerned about the division of the clan and is very pleased. You must work hard and write more books for the world's scholars."

"Daddy Lin can rest assured that our Xinmin Sun family dare not slacken their efforts for a day."

"That's great!"

Send away Lin Shuping and his party.

Sun Minrong turned around and went back to the house, telling Lin Shuping's last words to his father.

Sun Zhuangyuan stroked his beard, "He is beating the old man, don't forget the original promise."

"Promise to write a book?"

"How could it be that simple! The old man wrote a book and said that you should not repeat the old tune, you have to put forward new academic ideas, it is best to criticize the side who is the parent of the big house, or even form a competition. So don't think that our father and son can build a college. , Everything will be fine. If academic matters are not handled well, the palace will be angered, and be careful not to eat."

Sun Minrong frowned, "How did my son feel that the palace has a deep malice towards the grandfather's daughter."

Sun Zhuangyuan smiled clearly, "Who let the Sun family's academic thoughts occupy half of the literary world? To maintain this glory, the Sun family's doctrines have become more conservative in these years. This is contrary to the palace's ideas."

"Father's meaning, the palace needs to be more open and inclusive. I hope that through our father and son, we can influence as many scholars as possible."


This is just one purpose.

Sun Zhuangyuan has seen through the sinister intentions of the empress.

She wants to start an academic struggle in the literary world.

To put it another way, she wants to see the literary world blooming and the collision of various ideas and academics.

Why did you choose him?

Because his surname is Sun, he is also the champion.

In the name of the Sun family, he has enough influence to move the conservative literary world.

Sanyuan Gong Yang Yuanqing was able to create new theories, but he couldn't move the diehards who had developed for hundreds of years.

Only his grandson champion can do this.

Only when he takes action and fights with the Sun family, will cracks appear in the die-hards.Those students who stick to everything will shake their hearts.

However, he will inevitably betray traitors, shameless villains and so on.

Sun Zhuangyuan said with emotion: "The fame of the first generation will soon be destroyed."


Of course not reconciled.

But he had already boarded the thief ship and could not disembark.

Sun Minrong bared his teeth, his heart was cold.

"In the palace, this is to squeeze our father and son, eat our flesh and blood, and squeeze to death!"

Sun Zhuangyuan raised his eyelids, "Otherwise, why should the Queen Mother let us father and son prepare for the establishment of a college. This is a good thing, and everyone with a little reputation in the capital will be jealous and crazy."

Preparing to build a college is very hard, but compared to the honor and status, that hard work is nothing at all.

The first mountain leader of the newly-built academy will surely stay in the history and occupy a place in history books.

"When the academy is built, the academy in the capital will no longer be a battle between two kings, but a three-legged one. Therefore, the master of the academy must have real talents. We can't let the Shanhe Academy and the imperial supervision over us."

"Son understands! My son has been contacting former friends and classmates these days, and I believe he will reply soon."

"Not enough! Learn from Shanhe Academy. How did the old man get fooled into Shanhe Academy, why Sanyuangong agreed to teach at Shanhe Academy, and Zhou Shian... Not sticking to one pattern, all talented people, even if they are with us If there is a gap, please also come."

Sun Zhuangyuan was so arrogant that he wanted to make the academy the first academy in Beijing, and squeezed the limelight of Shanhe Academy.


San Yuan Gong post, invite Sun Zhuangyuan to drink.

Sun Zhuangyuan gladly attended the appointment.

"Brother Sun is not authentic!"

"Punish wine and drink!"

"Brother Sun is branching the clan and preparing to build a college. Zhenger has become a busy man. Recently, the newspapers are full of reports about you and your family, which is very lively."

"Brother Sun is planning to build a college, why don't you find us. Is it because you are afraid that we will steal the spotlight from Brother Sun?"

"This is definitely wronging the old man. The old man dreams of asking you to be the master of the new academy, for fear that you will not agree." Sun Zhuangyuan excused himself.

Sanyuan Gong laughed, “I’m used to Shanhe Academy, and I’m really unwilling to move. But if Brother Sun sincerely invites him, the old man and Brother Zhou reluctantly support you and set aside three days a month to teach in the newly built academy. how is it?"

"Great!" Sun Zhuangyuan was overjoyed. "We've decided on this matter. The gentleman can't chase after a word. Don't regret it temporarily."

"No regrets, no regrets. Unless Brother Sun thinks that the two of us are not enough to meet you, and you can't afford yours."

"A bunch of nonsense! With the status of the two in the literary world today, no number of colleges can be invited. Those who can say that there is not enough space will definitely be a stick."

"Haha... Brother Sun doesn't have to wear high hats for both of us."

"Brother Yang found out. Since Brother Sun started preparing for the establishment of the college, his words have become more and more tacky, just like the vendors under the mountain, insincere."

Sanyuangong Yang Yuanqing nodded repeatedly, "Brother Sun is becoming increasingly insincere."

Sun Zhuangyuan shouted injustice, "The old man held up a sincere heart, but was rejected as not sincere enough. The two of you have really high demands."

"Who gave Brother Sun a great advantage? He told me to wait to be envious." Zhou Shian made no secret of his heart.

What an honor to build a college!

Sun Zhuangyuan sighed again and again, "You only see the glory of the old man, but you don't know that the old man has trouble sleeping and eating these days, trembling every day."

"Brother Sun is worried about running the college?" San Yuan Gong asked concerned.

Sun Zhuangyuan waved his hand and shook his head, "No! The old man is confident that he can run the academy. You know, in order to obtain this honor, the old man not only paid the price of dividing the sect, but in the future, he will have to face the same sect. Academically tit-for-tat. This is the task of the palace."

"Brother Sun meant that the palace deliberately launched an attack on the academic thinking of the Sun family?"


"The palace actually came up with a trick for the grandson family to fight against the grandson family, which is really insidious."

Sun Zhuangyuan smiled bitterly again and again, "It's more than sinister, it is to put all of us on the fire. The old man is miserable!"

"Your grandson family occupies an absolute dominance in the literary world, and is supported by scholars all over the world. The fortresses are all breached from the inside. The palace wants to move your grandson family and let your grandson family fight the ring. This method is currently the best. You can see the effect soonest."

Zhou Shian analyzed it seriously, without any emotion.

Sun Zhuangyuan became more heartbroken. He pointed to Zhou Shian, "Next time it will be your Zhou family, believe it or not?"

Zhou Shian laughed loudly when he heard the words, "If the queen empress really has the ability to force the Zhou family to divide the Chuzhou family, the old man will definitely laugh three times up to the sky."

Sun Zhuangyuan twitched his beard, "Zhou Shian, you are the number one weirdo in the world."

Zhou Shian was very proud and laughed loudly, "Concession and concession!"

Sanyuangong Yang Yuanqing said with a smile: "Brother Zhou seems to be looking forward to the Zhou clan division of Chuzhou."

"Thousands of clansmen hug each other, and the result is that the dirt is hidden and the old man looks disgusted. In the so-called overall situation, not only control other people's property, but also control their will. Such clans are best separated sooner or later."

Zhou Shian is like an old angry young man with deep resentment towards his family.

Sanyuangong said with a smile: "Brother Zhou's thoughts in the palace coincided with each other. Your Majesty and the Empress, you just don’t want to do anything, you can use the Sun Family, the world’s largest family, to operate the knife. The old man estimates that the court will say Certain measures will be formulated to restrict the development of clan families."

"Restricted clan family?" Zhou Shian was surprised, "How to restrict?"

The Sun Zhuangyuan of the Sanyuan dynasty Nunuzui, motioned Zhou Shian to ask Sun Zhuangyuan.

Sun Zhuangyuan poured a glass of wine, "The old man has a heart, and it still hurts even now."

"Why does Sun brother feel so distressed?" San Yuan Gong poured wine for him.

"The Queen Mother said that our Sun family is the greatest evil in the world, and has set a very bad example for the people of the world."

"This statement is new. How do you say it?"

"The Sun clan grouped xenophobia and gained great benefits, and set a very bad example for the world. So that the people in the world follow the same example, have the same surname, hold group xenophobia, and the tyrants of the clan all over the world are rampant, starting with our Sun family ."

"This is a big crime!" Zhou Shian knocked on the table, "However, the old man thinks the empress empress's remarks are very reasonable. The clan is evil and xenophobic, and evil is evil. For the benefit of the clan, countless family names can be sacrificed. Interests. For the benefit of the whole family, frequent fights are started at the local level... The old man has decided to rewrite an article and publish it in the newspaper."

"But without a clan, how do people live? Even Brother Zhou received a lot of help from the clan in the process of studying." Sun Zhuangyuan retorted.

"The old man will answer this question." Sanyuangong Yang Yuanqing said first: "The old man said that the court would restrict the clan, but did not say that it would eliminate the clan. The clan cannot be eliminated, but it can be restricted and the scale can be controlled. Empress Empress, there is no Forcing anyone to leave the clan. Even if it is the grandson brother, the empress and the empress are just letting you divide the clan from three rooms and set up another ancestral hall to become a new clan of the separated clan."

Sun Zhuangyuan pointed to Sanyuan Gong, "If the court really wants to restrict the clan one day, Brother Yang must be a servant."

Sanyuangong laughed, "The old man doesn't have the ability to be a servant, and at best he can only scream in the newspaper and do his best."

"Brother Yang Gao Jie! I should go to the court as an official." Sun Zhuangyuan teased.

Zhou Shian laughed, "Brother Yang, who has such a temperament, went to the court to serve as an official. Within a year, he was swallowed up by officialdom."

San Yuangong shook his head and smiled bitterly, "The old man is really not suitable for being an official."

If he could be an official, he would not be exiled for decades.

"It can be seen that being an official is a science. Brother Zhou, your "Officialdom" is not comprehensive enough, you can sublimate it. Teach the world how to be an official."


Teach the world to be an official, and you can think of it as a grandson champion.

Sanyuan Gong laughed, "Similar to a book that teaches the world to be an official. Brother Sun wrote and signed the name of his nephew Min Rong."

Zhou Shi comforted his palm and laughed, "This method is good."

Sun Zhuangyuan Zheng'er thought about this issue in the Eight Classics, "The old man wrote a book "Promotion of Officialdom" to teach the world how to be an official."

"It's all on paper."

"I haven't eaten pork, I have always seen pigs run. With Sun brother's family background, I think it's not a big problem."


Sun Zhuangyuan patted the wine table, "That's all set."