Man in Marvel, infinite devil fruit

People are in Yaowei, infinite evil fruits Chapter 71

As for the variables you cause, it doesn't seem to worse.

So we won't affect you. "

Ancient explains ancient explanation.

Looking at this young face talking about the old way.

Qin Qi always feels a bit.

Instead, she said, let Qin have a little peace of mind.

Your own strength now, escalation is a bit hanging in front of the two parents.

The original hand mirror image is enough.

The words of Ancient and Ododes, let Flika and Sols are amazed.

This self-proclaimed people of the Oriental Devils are so magical?

Suddenly, Sol thought.

"Austria, I ate a demon fruit he gave, and now I have a thunder.

Is this contract with other dimensions of Devil?

Octus, can you let me me? "

Sol said a sentence that makes everyone have a glimpse. people.

Chapter 86

"Demon fruit? What?"

Freaki looks nervously looking at Sor.

"Called the Lei Liguo, when the destruction of the ruins of Luoki, Hefu was injured by the destroyer.

I just ate that fruit.

After eating, my body has produced a powerful thunder.

The force of this Thunder does not even need the power of the thunder's hammer.

He said that it is a demon fruit, it is equivalent to the contract with the devil.

I think that there is no devil to block the power of Austria.

I think that the demon will lift the contract.

Father, I need your help. "

Soli looks like O'Don.

This is the decision of his spiritual flash.

He is full of trust in O'Dodine.

Although he denied certain practices of the top, he absolutely does not deny the strength of O'Don.

Here, it is another turn to Qin Wei sitting on wax.

Sol This guy, this is exactly what is going to find a parent.

Are you a thunder, take?

Don't you?

Sure enough, I came to Asaard, it was actually wrong.

The ancient pit once, Soli came again to the second time.

Special, I am in asthing, I am directly elevated!

And the ancient looks of Sol.

Can this people who eat the devil fruit and get the power?

It seems that the dimensions behind Qin Yu can raise a level.

Not only can I affect the earth people, but even the gods can affect!

Odin reached out to feel the power in Sol.

He has seen some other power in addition to his own strength in Sol.

I was going to find Sore after he intended.

I didn't expect Sol to come out directly.

With his feelings, you will feel that this strength is a magical.

"Medium is authentic, the source is constant, absolutely unrelated to the devil.

I have not experienced any evil from this force.

There is no other will interference inside.

This force can be used.

Moreover, even if it is to be seal, it is almost impossible.

It has been with your body, your power is integrated.

Seal it, it is to seal your strength. "

O'Din finally made his judgment.

can use!

Unable to seal!

"Although this fruit is called the devil fruit, the power in this fruit is pure.

In general, you don't have to worry about the effects of fruit. "

At this time, the ancient is also standing out.

"Do you have research on this power?"

O'Don is looking for ancient one.

This novel power is also full of curiosity even.

"Because, I also ate a demon fruit."

The ancient one recognized this.

Unlike Domar, Domam's dark dimension will constantly erode the ingredients.

Communicate Domam, K will continue to be in your mind.

Weak spiritual, the weakness will be directly eroded by the other party.

Thereby be a dog walking in Domam.

Just like Casillas them.

So the ancient one did not tell anyone to communicate with the dark dimension.

But the devil is different.

At least ancient eaten devil fruit did not feel the power of any erosion will.


Source continues!

As the evaluation given by O'Do.

Therefore, she dares to admit this thing.

The ancient acknowledgments, directly let everyone surprised.

Qin Yu didn't think of this sentence.

Because this sentence comes from the Extreme Master, the meaning of the representative is completely different.

This is equivalent to the Supreme Master is giving Qin Yuki!

Out of a thing, she also has a responsibility.

Looking at the ancient one to force, Qin Wei decided not to probably count his own things.

Sol is an unbelievable.

This supreme mage, actually eaten the devil fruit!

Why didn't she be a little worried?

Yes, she is the Supreme Master, maybe I have no problem with this fruit.

Sure enough, what is the strength of your strength than the father and the ancient?

O'Din is thoughtful.

He is what the Supreme Master of the ATM is now like this.

The Supreme Master is a mortal, and there is no longevity of the title.

It is possible to live for a hundred years, and he has a certain guess behind him.

Now suddenly I will return to the older children, which should be the strength of the fruit.

Moreover, the power of this fruit may suppress the other share of the other party.

So let her so easily.

Even dare to leave the court, come to Asa!

People who have such strength, generally have a long time in their own site.

Fliki is full of expectations.

She also guess the fruits of the ancient eating can make people become young.

This is amazing for any of a woman's killing.

I don't know if I can match such a fruit.

"Cough ~ Devil Fruit is not not affecting people's character, but the fruit is a few.

Soli's lingering fruit has a powerful attack power.

In the whole demon fruit, it is a strongest one.

And with Sol has superior matching, there is no harm in use.

The power of the devil fruit is only one way.

It is the host of eating the demon fruit.

Once this, the power of this devil is again condensed into a complete devil fruit. "

Qin Wei briefly tells the characteristics of the devil fruit.

The focus emphasizes that the power of the devil fruit will only disappear.

This is completely interrupted Sol wants to discard the thunder.

Just joke, spend such a big energy, I'm going to eat.

Looking back, don't you use?

Broken your mind and say.

When Qin Yu's words, Sor was thoroughly gave up.

Otherwise, die once?

Isn't this a joke?

"In this case, this is a matter of course, but I am curious, is our two people with suitable devil fruit?"

At this time, Flijia put forward a question that made Qin Yuyi.