Man in Marvel, infinite devil fruit

People are in Mourning, Unlimited Divo Fruits Chapter 123


Haoke roared and continued to rush to Solo.

That violent fist, so that Sur is big.

If you use the flesh, you will definitely be missed by him.

"Call, although some are reluctant, but the demon messenger gives the thunder fruit, but there is a good ability."

Elemental! !

Haok violent fists a punch to Sol.

Soli is always moving.

But his body, it turned directly into the Thunder!

"Zi ~"

"Zi ~"

"Zi ~"

Hoke's entire man wore past from Sol's body.


A punch did not hit the real thing, and the Hao Ke face was confused.

How is this going?

How do you wear it from the other body?

"Zi ~~~"

Just when he was confused, Sol is issued directly from the body.

The whole thunder is hitting the land directly.

"Hahaha, this power is really powerful."

Soli looked at Hao Ke, he finally felt the power of the thunder.

This kind of body is really cool.

Originally, because of the strong thunder, he has not used the elements of the thunder.

I don't even want too much to use the power of the Thunder in the body.

Because he thinks, communication is naturally the best.

As a result, in this narrow place, elementalization and its own thunder are too powerful.

Really fragrant!

"Sol, don't use Thunder, you will be damaged all the lines around us."

Just when Sol excited, the sound of the Hill agent sounded again.

You are cool, but the sky mother carrier can be metal!

Thunder's power hits Haoke, and also directly spread to other places.

The most recent place from two people, now all circuits are damaged.

Sol is somewhat embarrassing.

It seems that it can only use the elementalization to avoid the attack of Haoke.

Fortunately, I have a hammer of Thunder.


Raytheon's hammer returned to his hand.

" ~"

Another hammer is directly smashed in Haoke's body.

Hooke hands, holding hands with hands.

It's like a monster who died, staring at Sor.

" ~~"

The metal depression of Haoc, and his whole person is like a giant shell.

The four arms took a whistling to Sol.

This is more difficult, Sol is absolutely not good.

However, Soli directly elementalization, Haoke has risen again.

However, this time Haoke head does not return, directly smashing the metal wall in front of him.

He actually abandoned Sol!

Four arms are like demolition, the entire metal wall is a sheet of paper in his hands.

"Hey ~~ I am here!"

Sol is helpless, and it is a hammer to Hao Ke.

Angry Haoke double fists, the entire ground is directly torn.

He can't get an entity, transforming anger to other places.

So, the entire battle site presents a strange scene.

Sol chased Haok.

Hauck is concentrated by the sky aircraft carrier.

"Sol, can't you do it? Don't you send the plane to transfer Hao Ke."

Hill agent anxiously asked.

"Ms. Betty can't come to the scene?"

Sol is cared for Betty that enable Haoke instantly.

"I'm coming."

Betty's voice is a little urgent.

"Be careful, you can't act vigorously, you are injured in your body, accompanied by brain shock."

Some medical staff are advise to say Betty.

"It doesn't matter, if I don't go, it is not only the brain shock, but I have to die in the air."

Betty dragged the injured body finally came to the scene.

The ghost fruit took a rapid and huge body.


He issued a final roar.

Then, his body gradually became small.

"One thing falls, sure, you are the most matching."

Sol shakes, it is very powerful, but Nahak has no way.

This man is very fragile, but it can directly let Haoke will have no effort.

"All units pay attention, all units pay attention, Barton agents are rushing to the bridge, who can stop him?"

Chapter 120

"All units pay attention, all units pay attention, Barton agents are rushing to the bridge, who can stop him?"

At this time, a lot of agents rang a sound.

Natasha, who was originally rushed to the battlefield, stopped.

"I am Natasha, I will go to block ~ stop him."

She turned into the place to leave in Barton agent.

She has always listened to the situation in the communication.

However, Haoke's crust made her no way.

Because that is no longer the opponent she can solve.

Fortunately, Sol took the battle of Haoke and Haoke.

Let Haoke's destructive power is limited to a certain range.

It is even more waiting for Ms. Betty to be saved, thus thoroughting Changhaoke lost the destruction.

Now, there is one thing she can do.

Block Barton!

This is my owe!

At the beginning, he gave up the chasing himself, but introduced himself into the goddess bureau.

And guarantee your own identity.

Now, he has been controlled, then it should be brought back by himself.

At this time, Barton is almost unimpeded.

His arrow did not work.

If it is not the channel in this, it is very narrow, the distance is limited.

Even he can avatar super sniper.

But just rely on this, it is also enough for him.

Moimo's power exceeded his imagination.

Even, he also discovered a new usage, Mo Mo fruit can make him own speed!

Due to the relationship of physical fitness, he is now only available in speeds up to several times.

Even can only be used in a short time.

However, this power makes his strength again, I don't know anything.

Even if you are aiming at it, he has time to escape the shooting of the bullet and give a counterattack.

"The task is completed, and now it is now."

Barton seems to hear the battlefield that gradually became quiet.

So, you should leave.

No longer leave, wait until they take the hand, I will trouble.

" ~~"

Just then, a slight sound rang in the Barton ear.

He is a force, and the whole person hides directly in the past.

A woman's figure is just in his sight.

Black widow Nata.

The widow in her hand shines at this time.

No accident, the thing that is shot, with a current that can be anesthetized.

Barton saw the black widow moment directly on the bow on the arrow.

" ~~"

The whole arrow shot out with the speed of the naked eye.