Man in Marvel, infinite devil fruit

People are in Mourner, Unlimited Devils Chapter 165

Just like Natasha made a living object.

Just like Collson himself directly quiz.

It is like Dr. Banner grows his body in any place.

These are all power of this universe rules!

Now, I also have such a force!

Lamell has just got this ability. At this time, he also wants to try it.

So, this building of the entire Stark Building became the base of his experiment.



". !"

A soft thing is constantly stacked in the Stark Building.

All the tables have become a state of one.

The wall of the Stark Building was scratched by him.

He found that as long as he has an idea in his heart, you want to cut up with a thick wall.

When he scared, he took him back, the cut gap will always exist.

In other words, he has no way to complete the whole recovery.

Scissor, is a destructive fruit!


Rumloe has another intention.

This fruit ability gives yourself, what you have to do is too much.

He is a special agent, the agent of the God Shield, is also a special agent of the nine head.

Later, under his ability, there will be no safe box insurance will stop him.

That is, any substantive confidential information will be handed over to him.

The only problem is that he is a violent destruction.

Once destroyed, it is directly exposed.

At the time of his task, it is necessary to receive the task that receives "command" to violent damage.

And such tasks, the gods and the nine snakes.

His strength of this agent will be played to the extreme.

However, as a captain of a special force, he is still fighting more.

Since it is possible to become a scissors.

After his assassination task will become very simple.

No weapons don't need, directly close to the target and then assassinate the opponent.

Even for him, security is a furnish.

They don't bring, but they can destroy the entire security system!

Another idea flashed in his mind.

Finally, he looked at Qin Wei.

The average person, even if it is a special forces, they will not be their own opponents.

So, your opponent will become another person.

For example, fruit power!

Just became a fruit power, let his inner heart have a little expansion.

"Devil messenger, your side is the fruit power, some people are willing to fight with me?"

At this time, he, confidence in the heart.

However, he heard his battle invitation, and several people did not move.

Gold and as a party, can't see Lombell.

The sword teeth only have a magnetic king in the heart, and now I only listen to Qin Yu, I don't want to be Rumolo.

King Girder is very interested in Tony's wine prepared here.

I have never stopped since I started here.

Even he just also made Ramlow helped him cut a few wine cabinets.

fighting? How to drink comfortably.

As for Frank, he is working with an alien weapon.

These guys, he is more interested.

The reactions of everyone have made Rumlo.

Qin Yu looked at Rumlo, then looked at the people around him.

"You don't want to see, is his scissors? Is it possible to cut your body?"

He asked a few people.

When I heard Qin Yu, I thought about it at the scene.

"He wants to fight, it is better to play abroad and play with him, his ability is useless to me."

Gold and I want to understand.

The scissors of Rumlo are useless to him.

This is not cutting the fruit cut.

But the other party has no chance to close him.

The cutting fruit is again, and the fruit of the explosion of gold will not occupy the advantage.

Whether it is the impact wave of the explosion, or the power of the explosion itself can make the other seriously.

The other party's body is an ordinary person.

This is a person who has a super recovery than a person who is not abhorrent.

If you hear gold, the other three have also reacted.

Scissor fruit is not large for them.

Frank's body is capable of embedding swamp.

Even if Rumlo cuts him, he can also recover again.

The King Kong Wolf is the forever, if the other party can cut the Edman alloy, then the two people fight up to the same.

Now fighting with the other party, it is desperate to do it.

The situation of the sword tooth and the diamonds are similar.

Fight is likely to be desperate.

However, both of them have powerful self-healing.

They still have a chance after being cut by Lombell.

So the final result is that Lomblo montes dead.

Qin Wei thought, decisively opened the mirroring.

Come Stark Building, others say that the evil Qin Wei did not let him come out.

Because his good character is really unbearable to end the boring wait.

So he will leave the hammer like a black dwarf.

Two big guys are still in mirroring.

Although it is necessary to send a black dwarf to Titan, it is too late to temporarily.

"Blasski, you want to fight, someone else also wants to make a look, come out."

Qin Yu finished, a huge yellow body was so out of the delivery door.

The evil is coming out of the week and found that it is just a team of ordinary special warriors.

Such a person is not worthy of him.


"That one."

Gold and fingers finger the cross bones.

"Do you want to play with me?"

The huge body of the harsh is in front of the crossed bones.

A pressure is overwhelming.

Even the cross bones that have just become a fruit power of the demon, also feel a huge pressure.

The expansion mentality that just instantly dissipates.

In front of you, there is also a record in their God Shield Bureau.

Powerful flesh.

A huge power.

The fruit strength that can also produce vibration can be generated.

It is likely that the culprit of the tsunami is initially in the unmanned island.

Cross bones don't know the latest information just got today.

The entire Gobi Beach is directly changed to the landlore under his fight.

If he knows, it is estimated that it will be more.

"I want to try it."

Cross bones took a deep breath and finally decided to play a game.

He finished, the body began to change.

The two huge scissors on the hand shine with cold light.

The opponent who is abducted is slightly lighter.

"What is the ability of the fruit? Such an opponent is worth a game."

He was excited to hold his fist.

Then, the fist shines on white light.

Qin Yu looked at the disgusting law, his brows were jumped.

This guy is going to open a big start, and the crossed bones are estimated to end.

The intersection of the intersection is prepared, he is directly rushed towards the evil (money).

It is too big to be too big and the other party, if it is suppressed by the other party, you will hammered.

I actively take the initiative, and it is possible to avoid it.



His hand is crazy on his hand.

The ground under the hairy foot turns directly into a soft fabric.

Waiting for the disgust of crossbone attack, suddenly the feet suddenly.