Man in Marvel, infinite devil fruit

People are in Yaowei, unlimited evil fruits, Chapter 287

Burning fruits, giving , also directly strengthened his power.

However, the rubber fruit and transparent fruit do not have such an capability.

Everyone heard this result, everyone's reaction was different.

Susan and Riddles are obviously disappointed.

I saw the elementalization of the bang fire, I have already caught their curiosity.

And stone stone fruit, but also makes them more expecting the demon fruit.

But I didn't think that the last result is not what they think.

A demon fruit can make their strength become more powerful.

Instead, it is the strength of fruit and their ability to compensate.

The Antatsu, the age of the gods, such as Natasha, and Collson slammed.

The shock of stone stone fruit has not ended yet.

If you come to a few more powerful fruits, then their days can be sad.

"So, then we need to think about it."

Reed made his choice.

Since you are the same, you will not choose.

"No problem, you can think about it."

Qin Wei did not urge them.

"In this case, then you should make a good one.

Qin, give us a combat space, I want to find him a game. "

Just then, I have been waiting for this side of the abomination that has finally put forward his request.

As the "hand" of Qin Yu, he is the highest in the fight.

He now, I want to play with the stone.

"Haoke also has to fight!"

Haoke heard the abomination, he also had to fight!


Even the curse did not give up the battle plan.

This seems that it seems directly to cause the battle of everyone.

Even the head of Rogers has the desire to fight.

"Somet, you will fight there."

Qin Yu is another portal to send everyone.

Originally, the mirror space is a nice location.

However, in the mirroring period, the stone fruit is basically abolished.

Because he is impossible to absorb the stone from the mirroring period.

In the mirroring, the shock fruit is also impossible to vibrate the ground.

In this way, it reflects their true combat power.

Several wanted fighters and passed through the delivery door.

When everyone left, Professor Charles took the initiative to find Qin.

"Qin, I don't know how your devil fruit can I solve the ability to solve the ability to be small naughty?

Her variants make her unable to do it in the normal contact with others.

We can't find how to solve her problems temporarily.

Since you have such a variety of devil fruits.

Is there a problem with her solving her? "

Professor Charles actually asked this question.

And this problem, there is no way in the fact that Qin Wei.

This kind of variety of variants who cannot touch this touch can be a bit no way.

The other party is indeed possible to match some fruit.

For example, diamond fruits, slippery fruit.

This fruit can make her body like a diamond.

This is still not known to touch Qin Wei.

Another slippery fruit is more interesting.

It will make the workman's body as a zero friction.

Such strength is in fact to give an extent to a certain extent.

Think about it, you just hit the other party directly.

This short time contact does not affect what others have.

In a sense, this is the protection of others.

However, this does not change the super power of small naughty.

As long as she thinks, it is still harm to others.

This is a strong amazing ability.

Not only this, the little naughty even matches several fruits that can increase her ability.

For example, transparent fruit, silent fruit, rubber fruit ...

Think about it, a transparent person walks to your side, just touch you, you can let you die almost.

Is this power horror?

And the still fruit can make the little naughty close to the quietness.

This power is not transparent, but it is also a fruit that can be close.

The rubber fruit can make the body change.

You have failed to be clear, and she reached out with you.

This result is also very horrible.

Qin Wei shook his head directly.

"Her situation is too special, I want to stop her harm is very difficult, but it is also a way to increase her strength."

"What? It seems that I need other ways."

Charles understood Qin Yu's words.

"In fact, the way to eliminate her strength, maybe it is true."

Chapter 243

"In fact, the way to eliminate her strength, maybe it is true."

Qin Yu suddenly thought about what.

"Is there any evil fruit that can eliminate her strength? No, or say, have other methods?"

Charles happens.

"Eliminating her variants, only this can let her live as a normal person."

Qin Yu gave him a reply.

"Eliminate variety of people? This doesn't seem to match ..."

Charles did not continue.

But he means that it is obvious that this is not in his choice.

"In addition, is there anything that can eliminate the power of variants?"

Charles' attention returned to this issue.

If there is something capable of eliminating the capabilities.

No matter what is, it is a threat to variants.

It can even be said to be subversive.

"I heard that a laboratory of the recent governments studied drugs that enable variants into ordinary people.

Even they have started experimentation, many variants have become ordinary people.

Specific cases, maybe you can ask the beast Hank. "

Qin Wei said a message that made Charles.

This is the story in the X baton 3.

There is a variator who has the ability to disappear with other variable breeders.

This has to be said to be a satiric.

Dealing with variants, and finally actually variants.

This message is the recent departure of the penalties Frank pass.

So he told Charles directly.

This news let Charles feel behind the crisis.

"Qin, send me back to X school, I need to know if this is true."

"Zi ~"

The light of the pass gate flashed, Professor Charles disappeared in the same place.

Professor Charles left did not have much impact on this.

He did not missed an opportunity to enter the universe.

Because Qin Xiao said to take everyone to Shandal Star.

Therefore, the Shen Shun Bureau is directly prepared to prepare Shan Darn.

A modified Quen-style fighter is on a ground.

In the fighter, a group of people who have participated in the fruit test of stone stone fruit are all inside.

Qin Yu opened a huge portment door, and the opposite side of the delivery door is not a mountain, but a virtual.

At this time, the Sandal Star is harmonious, they are temporarily inconvenient to go there.

Because their spacecrafts do not have the basic information of the universe navigation.

It is likely to be treated by Sandel Star.

Moreover, even if you don't make a spy, go to Shandal Star, but also abide by the rules.

There are several people here, and there are several rules.

Not good, Luo Nan did not have the Sanda War.

Instead, they have done with the people of Sandal Star.

Naturally, no place is a good place.

It doesn't talk about the rules here.

Such a scene is undoubtedly a lot of people like this group.