Man in Marvel, infinite devil fruit

People in Mount, unlimited evils, Chapter 310

After that, even Asaard is not an external attack.

As the eternal fellow, it took a lot of time, probably knowing what happened in Asa.

About infinite gloves, messages in infinity gems are also passed from Asquarter.

"Oil, do you know my existence?"

Haira saw the existence of our own existence, and there is also a surprise.

This at least proves that the tyrant is even his party.

"The name of death goddess Hailai once resounded throughout the universe.

As a pioneer of O'Dodia, he left endless legends throughout the universe.

In fact, the reason why I have been embarrassed today, still being inspired by you,

Of course, I don't have a heartbeat like you.

I want it just a balance.

And you, it is conquered. "

The tyrants of the tyrants admitted that he was aware of Hara, and even he took the road, or he was inspired by Hailai.

Use the war to end the excess of the population.

Haila needs is conquering because she is in charge, and all soul will be controlled by her.

The war is not fading against Haila, but is prosperous.

However, it is necessary for the tyrants that the universe is in the universe.

So he will select a semi-population in the war.

Thus giving a very heavy planet and race to a wheezing opportunity.

This is of course the endless kill, countless life will die in the war.

It is also a killing, but the family planning commission has been understood by some unrelated people.

Of course, this understanding is not the kind of mentality that is highly suspended.

Really when things happen to themselves.

It is estimated that all the other faces.

"Very good, since you know my name, then I have just proposed me, do you agree?"

Haira once again put forward the requirements of the minister of the world.

The tyrant smiled in the opposite side.

"Death Goddess Haila, maybe your strength and reputation have been very powerful more than a thousand years ago.

But this is not the era of you have existed.

In this universe now, I have my strength.

Do you think it is possible?

It seems that you will make such a request, and Luo Nan and the nebula have been lost in your hand.

Now I choose to succumb to you, what will I do next?

Come and attack me directly? "

The scorn on the face, turned into an eye.

"Don't you want to be satisfied? It is a bit mean, then I will take three infinite gems and infinite gloves to your place."

Death girls are also disdain that is full of face.

For her, let you surrender in fact, giving you a chance to survive.

If you don't want to surrender, you will become a big enemy into the undead army.

This may be very difficult for others, but as the goddess of death, this is not too simple.

Ascad has an eternal fire that provides the energy of the Undead.

She once again summoned the soul of death from the death, is a huge army.

And it is a military that will not violate his command.

When I heard the sea puller, the face suddenly discolored.

"Unlimited gloves! Three unlimited gems! You are also collecting these things, are you not giving up?"

I can't think of the tyrants, and the Xianche is starting to collect infinity gems again!

Most importantly, they have successfully collected three!

This makes the tyrants have serious doubts about his plan.

The Fairy Palace has been working. Have you have the opportunity to collect infinite gems?

The Fairy Palace has already given up infinite gems, why is it started to collect now?

What happened in this middle, what happened?

"Only Old antiques like O'Dodes will choose to give up. For me, these are my boosts.

And since you have already investigated such an unlimited gemstone.

Just look for you to ask about the falling of several other gems.

So you surrender or not, it is not too big for me.

If you can't do it, I will kill you, followed by trial your soul.

You have heard, then you should believe that I can do this. "

Haila has her confidence in this matter.

It was released from his Shenli Cage.

Haila was even returned to Astgard to supplement her power.

The longer the time in Asquarter, the more powerful.

This time, she didn't stay in Asa for too long. According to reason, she said that her strength would not be too strong.

However, this will not be too strong, taro, the top of Odin.

For others, her strength is still top.

What's more, she also has a gift that Odin is prepared.

Destroyer! Unlimited gloves! Unlimited gem!

At this time, her strength will only becomes more powerful.

I really didn't put it in my eyes. .

Chapter 265

Haila is really not in the eyes.

Her eyes gathered the mission to her. The truth between the universe.

In order to ensure that there is not much dangerous.

What she wants is to collect enough infinite gems as much as possible.

Now she also knows that it is the soul gem to get it.

But who is willing to sacrifice his own love to exchange this gem?

Her sea pulls yourself have no lover.

Let others come to sacrifice your lover to exchange the soul gem to you, this thing is hard to do.

So this gem is actually the most difficult.

However, these things hail have - the idea of ​​the heart.

In case it is anxious, I will directly threaten others to let others exchange this gem.

There is always a person who is willing to sacrifice individual lover for the so-called family.

That example, maybe it can be replaced back infinite gem.

There are also a few gems, she wants to find a killing.

She didn't know, in fact, two two gems were in the earth, and Qin Wei knowed.

There is even a gem to get difficulties more difficult than all other gems.

Because it is on the Earth's Supreme Master.

Haila didn't know these things, so she put their eyes on the body of the tyrant.

O'Dodians have not told her that these things, because the ancient one is personally across Asaard.

And the ancient also promised a condition of O'Dodia.

Will the child of Odin once.

The premise is that Odin's children are not particularly injured.

As for that this child is Sore or Rocky is not important.

Even now, the sea pull may be one of them.

Even if Harata has these unlimited gems and ancient battles, it is not necessarily inexpensive.

So it is not as good as the ancient times, it is better not to tell her.

Let Haila you look for those infinite gems in the universe.

Just a thousand years of time is not in the universe for more than a thousand years.

There is a lot of things, she is not understanding.

This time she took the death legion and some Asaard soldiers and the infinite gloves and space gems in the universe.

You can complete the task of Odin, but also make the reputation of the goddess of the goddess once again in the universe.

This is equivalent to solving some troubles of Odin, but also makes the sea lift feel comfortable.

"Other unlimited gems, I can tell you.

However, you collect so many infinite gems, what to do?

What you have done more than a thousand years ago, others may not know, I know some.

At that time, I rely on the Athgard's army, you have taken up the nine and nearby starves.

Now if you have infinite gloves and infinite gems, how do I know what you will do.

If you turn the entire universe into your injection, the whole universe will be in your control.

All gains will no longer have space living.

This kind of thing, do you think I will let him happen? "

I don't know what hai is going to do in the sea. What is the infinite glove and infinite gem?

So he can't tell the news of unlimited gems.

When he learned that Hailai had three unlimited gems, even when there was an infinite glove.

A bold plan is formed in his heart.

Do you want to use Hailai to help him collect infinity gems?

This idea fleeting in his mind.

He knows that it is difficult to deal with it now.

If the other party will collect more infinite gems, there will be no one can resist.

Even now has three unlimited gems, Hara, has become very horrible.