Man in Marvel, infinite devil fruit

People in Mount, Unlimited Demonstration Chapter 414

Two parallel beds are being in the middle.

Countless gully prints around them.

Even directly to the top of the pyramid.

At this time, the entire earth seems to be trembled.

Several people see that the magnetic king began his troops outside.

The horrible magnetic field will hang him in the air.

Countless substances are presented by him.

A visible magnetic field directly surrounded him.

If you want to break through, you have to break his magnetic field.

Not only that, in addition to his magnetic field.

The four sides showed a horrible magnetic force.

Countless substances moves under magnetic force.

Those huge buildings are directly demolished.

Metal is most likely to be magnetized, and all metal substances are started to be tearned by magnetism.

The building collapse and the bridge is broken.

The vehicle is completely uncontrolled, and the air plane of the sky continues to crash.

The powerful clear show of the magnetic king is in front of everyone.

"Unfortunately, his strength is not suitable for magical dimensions."

Death goddess sea pulled on the side.

Qin Gray also seems to see such a million magnetic king at this time.

"This parallel world, the original is so amazing, in my memory, the magnetic king did not have this thing."

Qin Gray searched for all memories.

She didn't find that the magnetic king did it.

She is the most impressive, or the wanhan magnetic king demires the bridge, controls the plane.

Small range power control is not possible to control the world.

"This is the power after Tianqi strong."

Qin Xiao explained a sentence.

"It turns out that since the change is so big, it seems that it is really good to look forward to the strength of the day."

Qin Gray is also full of interest.

Her strength is now very powerful.

Because she got a power of Phoenix.

However, her own variant super power is also very powerful.

If the sky can strengthen his ability.

Is it easier if she controls the power of Phoenix?

This is her idea.

"Can my strength have been strong by him?"

Manda asked at this time.

Here, she is now the weakest.

After all, she has the shortest amount of power.

Chaos magic plus slippery.

Her strength is actually very powerful.

However, it is also to look at.

Those physically attacked people, even in the hands of Wanda, but only one round. .

Chapter 408

Wangda is almost impossible to attack the force attack.

All physical attacks will be slipperyed by slippery!

But her magic power is still very weak.

So I at this time, Wanda is so careless to ask this question.

Is the ability of Tianqi to make her also very powerful.

"This is not guaranteed, you can only say as much as possible."

Qin Xiao won't be a lot of money in this matter.

Because he is actually uncertain, the chaotic magic of Wanda is not able to be strengthened.

However, she is the most suitable candidate.

Wanda seems to have a little disappointment, but it will quickly adjust the mentality.

She itself is pulled open as a test.

Success, it is an accident, and there is no loss in unsuccessful.

In fact, I had a lot of money about this person. Wanta is selected between Wanda and Ice.

In fact, if you choose an ice person to come here, it is 100% enhanced.

Moreover, the strength of the ice man is bonded to the frozen fruit.

It has also been limited to the extent to five variants.

If it is enhanced, he may reach the extent of five variants.

Moreover, the Iceman is now able to elemental.

His living capacity is also a long-term person.

So he is also effective in the field of magic.

And he can reach absolute zero, and even have the ability to freeze time.

His strength is also very powerful.

But with Wang Dada, the iceman is still weak.

A sentence of "no change in variety." Directly eliminates 99% of varieties.

This is the gap.

If the power is strong, then I will wish in the magic field.

There are many things to solve.

So I finally thought about staying.

The submarine space, they are looking out.

In the pyramid, Tianqi is "winning" Charles.

The Blue Magic found it in, and there is a come back with the angel.

Charles is constantly struggling.

Unfortunately, in the face of the sky, Charles is really no chance to resist.

Fortunately, the blue magic gods will take Charles to take Charles.

This time, let a part of the spirit of the spirit and memories of the anger.

"Charles! I am also connected to you, you can't escape!"

Tianqi once again appeared outside.

And he came out and met the enemy.


Silver silver in the X baton.

If it is not a brother of Wanda.

"His ability, very powerful! And, I feel that he and Piertro's ability seems to be."

Wangda saw this fast silver ability and Pirlo is very similar.

She didn't know that this person is Pittro.

". ‖, It is really powerful, his ability seems to be in addition to the speed, and it is a bit like a control time."

The ancient one has seen the difference between the other party.

As a big man in the time, she can naturally find abnormalities.

"Well, only his power is actually limited, or it is really a good helper.

However, the speed of the speed, the brother Pitero, and the brother Pitero, who got a sparkling fruit, and now has reached the speed.

Waiting for him to transcend the speed, (Zhao Zhao) can do a lot. "

"Hey, so fast is actually caught by Tianqi. It seems that Tianqi also has the ability to exceed the time."

Running Pitero is directly caught by Tianqi.

Moreover, it is still caught in a manner of manipulating the sand.

This situation, proves that the speed of the day is more amazing than the speed of running.

Not a control time, absolutely can't do it.

"Tianqi, very powerful!"

The death goddess gives the final evaluation. Library.

Chapter 409

"Tianqi, very powerful!"

It is the evaluation given by the goddess of death.

It is still very profound of the impression of the death of the goddess.

And in fact, the sky is really powerful.

Even if it is placed in the future, he is also a powerful opponent.

The variant can reach this extent, and it is a little less.

More importantly, this ability of Tianqi is too changed.

One person can control a variety of super capabilities.

And you can transfer your awareness at any time, and you can transfer all over-capacity together.

Just relying on this, there are few people who can achieve such amazing results throughout the variety.

His strength, his ability is the top.

In this extent, there is not much person to compete with him.

The only thing I don't know is whether his transfer method is limited.

If there is no restriction, then in millions of variants now.