
Lesson 579: Let's build a new weapon.

◎ In front of the Batroy Workshop in the city of Gordios

"Oh, you're here."

"Yeah. Here we go. I brought you an example thing."

When the wind sounds reached the front of the Batroy Workshop, there the parent of Hokhok's face was polishing Cerion Hammer II cuckoo.

"You've been riding today."

"Sort of. This guy is worse than Agato's. You're doing great."

Its golem horse, already in a state capable of being moved by a golem maker of wind sounds, was the latest model that was bigger, more powerful and, in fact, more capable of fighting and speeding than No. 1 received by the military.

I mean, it's been windy since this morning.

That's what my parents said with a full smile.

As a matter of fact, since the Cerion Hammer II was formed, my parents seem to be riding this golem horse around outside the city every day.

There are no demons around here because there are dungeons, and there are only wildlife, so there is less danger. There are many adventurers trying to challenge the A-level dungeon, so the bandits don't lean on the land pattern either.

Also, the magic conferred on Cerion Hammer II ended up being the same 'fly' as Mighty Ultimus I of Agato.

Forty seconds longer than Mighty Ultimus I also seemed to be able to fly, especially because the parent Cerion Hammer II was powered by Sixtieth Hierarchy Class child stones.

"Oh, serion hammer. You go back to the garage. I'll brush it later."

Cerion Hammer II nodded to his parent's words and went straight inside the workshop with Pakalan Pakalan.

"It's a brilliant thing. Well, I'm not jealous because there are flame griffons left. '

That's what I said as I watched Mephilus leave Cerion Hammer II. Parents laugh when they say, "Hehe, is that right?" In words, I knew right away that I was envious of you for saying that. Either way, the wind sounds didn't come to the workshop to hear Cerion Hammer II brag about it.

Parents also switch their heads and open their mouths to the wind sounds.

"Uh-huh. That's the blueprint. I'll take a look. Let's go inside."

Then, guided by his parents, the wind sounds entered the Batroy workshop.

◎ In the Batroy Workshop in the City of Gordios

"Mondrie, are you there?"

"Yes Parents"

Mondry's energetic voice returned to his parent's words. The room where my parents led the wind sounds was Mondry's lab.

"I'm talking about an example. I want your opinion, too. Can I borrow this place?

"Yeah, now it's just a follow up, and there's nothing wrong with that."

On the table next to Mondry returning that word, a small earthly shape was in motion. Apparently Mondry was observing it.

"Oh, you seem to be able to move a lot."

"This way, sir."

The wind sounded and the tatsuo opened his mouth as he looked at his neck pretentiously.

"Yeah. Looks like it's working better than I thought. It's going to be ready for mass production soon."

The earthlings were bowing their heads with a peck next to Mondry, who said so satisfactorily. It is the earthly form (golem) that is moving in Mondry's golem magic. After gaining golem witchcraft in Grimoire and learning golem witchcraft in the king's capital of Minciana, Mondrie was able to control his own golem.

"Oh, that's adorable. Is that... uh, muscle clay?

Mondry shook her neck to the side to Tiara's inquiry, who was still looking at the earthly shape. As Tiara tilted her neck at that reaction, the wind noise opened her mouth from the side.

"It's a little different, but it's something similar, yeah, the next new product."

The things that make up the earthly shape in front of me were a different material from Muscle Clay, and it seems that the project involved a lot of wind noise.

The wind sounds say that to Tiara before she sees the dragonbone spear standing in the room.

"So the parent. How was that?

Sole, originally the property of Jinlai, traveled to Tiara because Jinlai obtained the Dragon Tooth Spear, a weapon that now belongs to Mephirus. The wind noise was bringing the dragonbone spear to the workshop first, and they were asked to see if it could be incorporated into the supposed weapon.

"Ouch. It's harder and more evolved so that he doesn't play the other dragonbone spear dance that broke before. Well, I got confirmation that there's no problem with it."

The wind noise lowered his chest slightly to his parent's words.

The weapon on the blueprint had a candlebone spear. Originally the bone of the Fire Dragon, its spear was well compatible with the Summoner of Fire and was necessary to fully mount the power of Mephilus.

"Well, let me see that one. I've heard about it, but I don't know what it's actually like."

That's what my parents say as they gaze at the blueprints that the wind sounds have.

The words also nodded the wind, placing blueprints on the table to spread.

"Yeah. This is the blueprint for power-stone mounted armed"

That being said, it was a Lance-like weapon painted on a piece of paper that gathered the surrounding gaze. But its interior depicted a mysterious mechanism with the addition of 'Dragon's Heart', muscle clay and hihihi-irokane. And in front of parents who could see what it meant, Tiara, etc., who had no idea what it meant, the wind laughed and said something like this.

"I mean Grandpa's new weapon. It's a drill flame lance."

◎ White Hall Courtyard, City of Gordios

"Oh, yes."

"Yes. Good luck"

While the wind sounds were spreading the blueprints, the bowflowers dropped off on the back of the swordsman as he wore out from the front door, waving with a particularly tireless face.

(Uh, I was wondering if it was a little short)

With that in mind, Bowflower returns to the courtyard.

The game had been settled sooner than I thought. It wasn't a big deal to say. He is still a young (though older than a bowflower) swordsman. Rank said he wanted to try his sword arm because he had recently been promoted to b, but it was an arm to the point that even Naoki and Lyle could defeat him without any problems.

(Still got the harvest, didn't it?)

Bowflowers are nodding to themselves, yeah. Basically, Bowflower is dominated by the battle of demonic opponents, except for a mock match with a group of non-white members, who have little experience in interpersonal fights. So I followed Jinlai's saying that it was worth just doing the fight against the other swordsman regardless of his opponent's strength, and this is how Bowflower was received without any challenge.

(Well, you're a better person than before. We could have a fan club.)

That fan club of bowflowers refers precisely to Mountain, a sponsoring organization that brought together people who wanted to worship 'the incarnation of violence in the name of saying bowflowers,' not something that could have been done with an emphasis on the idleness of bowflowers themselves, but now bowflowers fortunately didn't understand much about it.

Either way, it was certain that there had been some change in the surrounding reaction to Bloody Berserk, which has continued to be recognized as the closest to the swelling in a group of whites.

The presence of the crystal Princess Dragon (Crystal Princess) was still perceived as something that people didn't quite understand, but it was becoming recognized to such an extent that it was the opponent who wouldn't be killed if it tried this way.

The four most challengers from yesterday have a strength equal to the proper strength of Ranks C to B. Generally speaking, it's a strong category, but there was also not enough for bowflowers today.

(Hmmm. Someone stronger, could you come)

Reflecting on that, he rebelled an earlier struggle, and Bowflower, waving one spear, realized at some point that there were signs outside the house.


A bow and flower gaze towards the front door at the signs. And he caught a nostalgic face in sight.

"Erm. Could it be, Minaka?

"Long time no see, Yumika."

Tip where the bowflower turned its gaze. It was Minaka Rydow, a girl who broke up in the city of Lisalekt in the Duchy of Hyvern, who was on the front door of the White Hall.

That was actually the first reunion in about eight months.