Manuke FPS
On the second day of exploring the Green Ghost's Labyrinth, me and three of Mr. Meeche Frau set out for the Labyrinth as soon as we had breakfast. Push the basement first floor with one hand the map that dropped the part you mapped yesterday.
When we left the camp, Barold and Keith contacted us a little later to confirm the accuracy of the map and the team entered the labyrinth. That's the verification team we were talking about yesterday at dinner.
According to what I've heard, the part that was created before I started making maps is going to be made by me again, but now I'm going to move on to the corner. This Green Ghost labyrinth basement floor is divided into two large strands as soon as it breaks in.
The route we took yesterday was on the opposite path to the route on which the map had already been created, and we wanted to see if the destination of this road was upstairs underground, or if it was already on the route that had been created, or if it was merging on the route that had already been created, at least a little sooner.
"Let's start with no stops to the big room we reached yesterday, we'll go on a little run, okay?
"Yeah, we should get to the untouched zone a little faster than we know how big the labyrinth is."
Mr. Meeche and Mr. Frau, who are exploring together as escorts, agree with me. I'll put the P90 in front of me and keep the gunpoint down and keep moving faster. Slower than running speed, faster than walking, never tired at that speed, my body moves around carving a certain rhythm.
The two behind you are just B-rank adventurers, flat following without breathing out. Mr. Frau, a mage, doesn't seem to be suffering at all either, and he actually wonders if he can do physical surgery as well.
Put your hands behind your back and make a sudden stop. Five footsteps you can hear from the front, this lightness is a normal goblin, and the sound of poking something...... a wand?
"There are five ahead, the normal type and maybe Maggie"
"Sure stinks, goblin '"
"If there's a goblin mage, I'll put up a magic barrier."
This magical attack in another world is very aggressive. But if you get into battle with a mage vs. a mage, it's not as easy to talk about it as it would be advantageous to let the magic go and hit it first.
A magician who unleashes a magic attack can likewise deploy a magic barrier for his magic defense. According to Mr. Frau's story, the magic barrier is invisible, and the size of the barrier deployed depends on the magician's skill and can at least cover himself.
Magic barriers by highly skilled magicians, of course, can cover everyone at the party, and they can develop barriers that are wide enough to cover up the small rooms of the labyrinth.
And this magic barrier has the ability to "play all attacks expressed by magic". The only way to break the barrier is to unleash a magic attack that exceeds the enchantment placed in the barrier, or hit the magician himself with a physical attack close to him.
Physical ranged attacks, bows and arrows and other attacks are also effective, but magicians with a little field experience do not forget defensive magic for anti-bows and arrows.
"We're going to preemptively strike, and I'm going to cover you, so Mr. Meeche will have Maggie's neck."
"All right."
I stand on my knees and down-site the P90 and wait for the goblins to show up in the front. The light of the tactical light is extinguished and white light grass seeds are scattered forward. The seeds soon germinated and began to emit slight light. The head goggles are in NV (Night Vision) mode, so they give me a clear view with this slight light source.
Eventually, you'll see an ugly face from the dark underground passage ahead, one, two, three, four, five! This is Maggie.
"Deepest, Mage 1"
Tell that to Mr. Meeche, who is behind my right diagonal, and start firing on non-Maggie goblins. The aim is from the right end of Mr. Meeche's running ahead.
When my fire puts a hole in Goblin's face at the right end, Mr. Meeche rushes out at the same time. The goblins who saw their people killed suddenly are calling out with some oddity that they don't seem to see this one, don't they have a night's eye?
But only Goblin Mage gazed at this one and lifted the wand a little and called for something. I guess I deployed a magic barrier, where I could see the air around the goblin mage distorted for a moment, even over the NV mode head goggles.
Even as I watch that, I slip my crosshair and crush the rest of my goblins, I'm moving my body somewhat bumpy as I wake up and it's hard for my head to aim, switch my aim to torso shooting, and stop the first three moves with my fingertips.
Behind the avant-garde goblin being shot dead, I saw a goblin mage chanting something. A fireball was created in front of a longscepter in his hand, about to be released here, but near the completion of the magic, the neck of the goblin mage unnaturally rolled down to the side, and the fireball dispersed on the spot.
Mr. Meeche walked around behind the goblin mage and literally dropped his neck.
"It's over."
Mr. Meeche came back as he picked up Goblin's demonic stone. By the way, the Demon Stone we acquired in this quest is divided equally between the three of us. We don't exactly divide it, but we can't redeem it in camp, so we share it in stone condition.
"Then let's move on."
The truth is, I know you can't play my P90 bullet with the Goblin Mage magic barrier. Because at the time I first helped Mr. Ashley, the 9x19mm parabellum bullet on the MP5A4 should have broken through the magic barrier.
I don't know exactly if the 9x19mm Parabellum bullet surpassed the Goblin Mage's magic barrier, or if it slipped through the barrier as a non-magical physical ranged attack, but I'm supposed to tell Mr. Frau and the others that what I fly with my skills is a block of magic, so I'm not going to tell them cheaply that I can penetrate the barrier, etc.
After this, the three of us still ran through the underground aisle while sharing roles, returning to the large room we reached yesterday. Here we take a short break today, and this is where today's exploration begins.
After a short break in the big room, we proceeded to the untouched area on the first basement floor. Proceed to the underground passage of the labyrinth of green ghosts without any light source, sowing the seeds of white light grass. Looking at the mapped up map shown on the head goggles, this labyrinth has the same intricate maze-like structure all the way from the entrance.
I asked Mr Meeche and Mr Frau when we were taking a break, but it seems that some of the labyrinths in other parts of the world, spacious from the first basement to this point, are about a few labyrinths that have been around for hundreds of years.
But this Green Ghost labyrinth hasn't been around for a long time, and even if you look at the number of warcraft and sub-races occurring in the neighborhood, it's definitely a very recently born labyrinth, so why is the basement floor so wide?
Continue down the underground corridor, killing the goblins you encounter and their superior species of goblins, and further back. And that was on my map...
"What's going on? Goblin, are you here?
Mr. Meeche and Mr. Frau took an offensive stance because I stopped at the head. But I stayed on the bar, I didn't detect any enemy movements, I was surprised to see something I didn't think I had, and I stopped my leg.
"Schwartz, aren't you the enemy?
"No, no... Huh? Probably... there's a fountain of cleanliness ahead."
Yes, what I saw on my map was a square space smaller than the normal little room, the same size as the fountain of cleanliness we saw in the labyrinth of the tooth wolf. But this is the first basement floor of the Green Ghost's Labyrinth, the Fountain of Purification is not defined by the hierarchy that exists, but from what I've looked at in the General Guild's library, there was at least no labyrinth on the first basement floor.
"There's a fountain? On the first basement?
"Rarely... no, I've never heard of a fountain on the first basement floor"
Are you both surprised that it's still impossible?
"In the meantime, let's move on to whether it's really there or not, go a little further, turn right and go ahead"
We rushed a little down the underground aisle and as soon as we turned right we knew it was as expected. It's bright, that room is in my tactical light, Mr. Frau's light balls, and the labyrinth of green ghosts only in the darkness where there was only white light grass light, emitting just dazzling light and illuminating the whole room brightly, definitely a fountain of purity.
"You really are a fountain..."
"This is not good"
"Unpleasant? Is there ever a fountain of cleanliness on the first basement floor?
"I can tell you in most of the labyrinths, there are gatekeepers below the two levels where the fountain is located. But if that's the last fountain, there's a gatekeeper down there and the Lord of the Labyrinth down there."
"I mean, to say there's a fountain on the first basement floor is to say there's a gatekeeper on the second basement floor and a labyrinth lord (dungeon master) on the third basement floor?
"No, this labyrinth is too large compared to other labyrinths, and if you walk more than two layers of other labyrinths during the time you get here, you're more likely to walk in two layers if you keep walking, which means the gatekeeper and the Lord of the Labyrinth (Dungeon Master) are more likely to be ahead of you."
"We should go back to camp and report to Barold and Keith on the discovery of the fountain."
"... okay, let's go back to camp"
We rushed to camp. To tell you why this labyrinth of green ghosts is even bigger by birth than other labyrinths, it is not a labyrinth made up of multiple tiers, but a labyrinth packed with everything in one tier.