Manuke FPS
Me and a member of the Camellia (Southern Ka) were taking a small break in a large room after cleaning.
"Mr. Frau, I'm going to step back a little and add something for you."
"Okay, I'll be quick. I'll be leaving in about 10 minutes."
I went back a little bit from the big room to the exit and started the TSS (Tactical Support System) on the basement aisle. I didn't really leave the party.
I stayed away once to replenish ammunition every time I took a break after I acted with Camellia. In order to make the behavior the usual behavior, he left even when there was no need for replenishment.
By nature, leaving a party for such a small purpose would be dangerous behavior, which would be unacceptable at a normal party. But they recognize my ability to explore and my ability to fight. I mean, I guess they're done in the meantime.
While I was manipulating the TSS, I was thinking back about my exploration so far and this job. The mapping exercise, which began with this request for cooperation, turned into a labyrinth crusade with a ton of applause. When I took this request, I offered Mr. Remi three conditions.
One, lay down the mapmaker's name in the future. Two, exploring the labyrinth for cartography is a small exploration with me or someone I can trust. Three things, my mapping methods, my skills I saw when I was searching for the labyrinth, and so on.
But looking back at the status quo, I feel very unprotected. That said, on second thought, this job is the one I contracted directly from Remi, and he hasn't passed the overall guild...
Originally, I definitely need you to protect me! It was not a condition to say that, in the form of a similar direct request for cooperation in the future, I did not like restrictions on my actions or my freedom being compromised, but it was a condition for this.
The overall guild side is how it moves against the Knights, who will face each other after today's exploration, as I strongly say again to Remi: the King Flower (Rafflesia).
You need to sort out good information to be known and troublesome information to be known... firearm performance, presence of moving vehicles, mapping ability, enemy capability, so far.
But system usage via TSS, hearing sensors, gift BOX, automatic translation, non-vehicle support weapons, vehicle mobility, this body that knows no fatigue, and the wound heals...... this information can't be easily known, besides the person I trust enough, I'm not going to talk to or show you.
This line draw is absolute, at least until you figure out why I fell into another world...
"I'm back, is it time to leave?
"Oh, Schwartz, I'm back."
"Schwartz, I'm ready for this one. Go for the gatekeeper by the end of the day, and if we find him early, we'll attack him."
"Okay, Mr. Frau. I can go anytime, too."
Upon returning to the large room, the members of the camellia were already ready.
Once again he headed deep into the labyrinth of the Green Ghost and resumed his exploration. Bordered by a large room that took a break, the subraces that emerge have become all the top species of hobgoblins. Definitely, it should be getting closer to the back.
And that's what I saw before us.
Lu shrugged. For the first time, structures other than stone brick walls caught my eye in the labyrinth of the Green Ghost, which was only a dark underground passage.
"It's been a long time since you've done this with a gatekeeper!
"Does Mr. Malinda have experience crossing gatekeepers?
"Oh! Me and Lu have been through the gatekeepers! That's one of the conditions to be rank A!
"Have a chat, we still have time. I'm gonna keep going."
The gate that soars in front of me is a bright white stone gate, the gate columns and portals are staggeringly dug with sculptures, whether this is a fairy species in the universal or beast race or a warcraft or subrace arranged to contend with it...... and in the upper central part of the gate, there is nothing sitting, only a chair like a small throne of stone is dug.
Somehow, it's shaped like Augusto Rodin's gateway to hell......
From what I can see on the map, it's a big room over here. I guess that's where the gatekeeper is.
He said it would be a one-on-one battle with the gatekeepers and the Lord of the Labyrinth (Dungeon Master) at the Explorer Party. The most common case is one to six because the basic number of people at the party is six. Sometimes they attack in multiple parties and clans and fight in numbers of at least six.
As in this job, when you are coming to crusade as a request for a general guild, the gatekeeper wins the early, and the Lord of the Labyrinth (Dungeon Master) says it is customary to crusade with guild investigators or the Knights.
Listening to the common sense of such a seeker, I pushed open the gate of the labyrinth that stood in front of me.
The room with the gatekeeper was large, with no columns or anything, just a large space. Behind it, the upper body with green skin, not comparable to goblins, and the lower body with short legs but every muscle, is over 2 m tall. Is it something like a breastplate on the skin that protects the shoulders and chest?
With a large armor on his right hand and a large hammer with a fine design in his hand. The lower body is just a pair of worn cloth trousers, but the head is covered with an iron helmet that hides half its face, all you can see are its red fierce eyes and a mouth lined with wide open, fang-like teeth.
"That's an aug... a fighter..."
I can hear Mr. Frau whining. The more superior species of Hobgoblins that have come out so far, and the more superior species of Auga, the more superior species. That was the gatekeeper of this labyrinth of green ghosts.
The gatekeeper growls, this one expands the line, and Mr. Frau and Mr. Larry begin chanting.
Mr. Malinda stands in front and Mr. Meeche and Mr. Lu stand beside him.
"I'll get ahead of you."
I get on my knees next to Mr. Malinda, set up a P90, down-site, and tie my crosshair to the head of an orga. Auga is still barking, intimidating this one in the back of the room.
Trigger P90 with a finger cut for 2 consecutive shots. The bullet captured the head of the orga nicely, but at the same time a dull metal sound sounded.
"Did they play it?
I don't know what the thickness of the helmet that looks like the iron on the auger is, but I need a few centimeters to be able to penetrate the 5.7x28mm bullet...
But it wasn't all played out, and I wasn't aiming for it, either, AIM on the helmet part of everything. Several shots are scraping cheeks and bleeding.
Auga growled even louder when she was angry that she was attacked.
"Be careful! Skill 'Roar'! If you take it nearby, your body won't move!
Mr. Malinda's voice goes up. Skills...? Can skills be used for sub-races as well?
At the same time, the chants between Mr. Frau and Mr. Larry are over and some granting magic is cast on the three avant-gardes. The last thing I heard was "double strength" and "handsome feet".
With grant magic, the three avant-gardes run forward. Auga also put up a battle hammer and ran out this way.
When this happens, my chances of attacking are diminished. There is a real possibility of accidental firing, so it cannot be fired easily. I moved a little sideways from the front three, back two formations, to the right front of the Auga.
My aim is my leg. Travel with the first three to a place where the rays don't come on, stand on your knees and down-site. Align the movement of the orga, the movement of the three to the knee of the orga moving around the crosshair, while keeping the movement in sight.
Target three attacks and a gap in Auga's resistance and fire a bullet into your knees.
Auga held down her right knee and crouched in. It's unclear if you could have destroyed your knees, but the Augafighter's flesh armor seems to do enough damage even with 5.7x28mm ammo.
Auga is turning towards me, burning her red eyes even more red, roaring. But can I be distracted?
Hold down your right knee and three avant-garde attacks gather in the motion-stopped orga. And then Mr. Frau and Mr. Larry's offensive magic descends on a stopping orga.
As we watch, we relentlessly slam the attack into an org that fills our entire bodies with blood. Hearing the roar of anger turn into a breathtaking groan, he shoots more bullets into his right knee, completely destroying his right knee.
"Guuuuuu...... GuGAaaaaaaaa!!!"
Auga groans change from angry voices again, releasing the skill 'Roar'. The air-shaking vibrations thrust through my body with the three avant-gardes, but the state anomaly caused by the "roar" also seemed to interfere with the target's magic. The feeling of something pushing through my body flashed for a moment, but that's all.
But the first three are influenced by the 'growl' and the movement is stopped. Auga is shielding the destroyed right knee but still waving the hammer, putting up a big shield to stop the movement, swinging it down to Mr. Malinda.
But the way I wave it down, my shooting shifts me to Mr. Malinda's side.
I was shooting at Auga's face again. Now not the helmet part, but towards the wide open mouth. He crushes it so that he can't use the nasty 'growl' while preventing an attack on Mr. Malinda.
Auga has raised a voice that can't be called a scream or an odd voice, and he happens to keep his hands off the hammer, restraining his face and calling.
Mr. Lu and Mr. Meeche, returning from the effects of "Roaring," jump in from left to right of the Auga, Mr. Meeche's dagger decides behind the neck of the Auga. To the impact of that attack, Auga's jaw rose and his hand covering his face was turned behind his neck. Just as Mr. Meeche crosses, Mr. Lu decides to cut off his place to his defenseless neck. Blood bled out of his cut neck and a wide open wound had slit the thick neck of the auga in half or so.
Mr. Malinda, who had stopped the movement in front of the Auga, raised her voice, and the double-edged axe, shaken off by the stop and all, overlapped without dimensions to the wound of the Auga's open neck, whose impact cut the Auga's neck high above the ceiling in the large room.