Manuke FPS
Three days to King's Capital while escorted by the Western Knights of Barga, no bandit raids like during the Merchant Corps escort of the Marida Chamber of Commerce, overnight in the east lounge of the castle fortified city of Barga, overnight in the west lounge of King's Capital, close to seeing the castle gate of King's Capital, but nothing happened.
Passing through the castle gate of the Wang capital are the carriages of the Dukes of Barga and Lapitilica, as well as several more carriages, followed by private soldiers of the Dukes of Barga, separate from the Knights, as escorts around them.
We entered the capital about an hour before sundown. People working within the Wang Dynasty finished their day's work, and the streets of the Wang Dynasty were overflowing with people.
The carriage, which slowly progresses through the streets of the Wang capital, carries the sealed flag of the Duke of Barga's house, and the voices of the citizens who saw its sealed flag are heard, "It's the Duke of Barga's house," "No way. Is that a black-sided shaft?" "It's the black side..." "The black side is back"...
I'm sitting on Lapitilica's carriage podium. Ashley's in the carriage, he's the one who manipulates the carriage, so I'm always on guard looking around.
I guess it's also because of that, then I'll have eyes on the city and the people. Lapitilica's carriage is at the beginning of the line, some private soldiers make their way on foot in front of the carriage, but I stand out unusually sitting on the podium of the next carriage.
This line was decided by the Duke of Barga, but apparently it may have had the purpose of informing the surroundings that I was employed by the Duke of Barga's house.
At the parade in the fortified city of Barga, no citizen spoke of me as a "black-sided shaft”. At least, my earpads don't capture that. But the people of the King's capital had not yet forgotten the disturbances that caused the King's capital to noise at the end of last year. No, the time hasn't passed enough to forget.
The Yagoche Chamber of Commerce conspired with the bandit gang Haunted Lotus (Onybus), which was rampant north of Wang Capital, to raid the Marida Chamber of Commerce's merchant corps and kidnap officials. In addition, Yagoche's confession and the back books found from the collapsed mansion revealed smuggling and human trafficking. And the topic of the trade hall and mansion of the Yagoche Chamber of Commerce, which collapsed without a trace overnight, never cooled down over the years.
That's what's causing it...
"Hey, are you... what...?
I see a sign in my sight looking around. Unexpectedly pointing fingers, I asked the one sitting next to me.
"Is that it? Don't you know Mr. Shaft?" Black-sided shaft, the black prince who appeared in the king's capital "! Save the girls caught by the Bad Chamber of Commerce, destroy the Bandits on their own, and fight the evils of the King's capital, a performance that is soaring in popularity in the King's capital."
"Hey, what...?!
I couldn't help but look away from the "Shaft on the Black Side" sign, which was posted in a passing outdoor theater.
With what an elusive sense of vanity, the carriage line arrived at the residence of the Duke of Barga. The mansion was a grand mansion, in the First District, an aristocratic neighbourhood of the King's Capital, and worthy of the title of Duke with only a few houses in the Kingdom of Kurtomerga.
The Duke of Barga residence was a three-story symmetrical left and right stone brick, with an impressive red tea brick color and a large white window frame.
In front of the arched doorway in the front center of the mansion, are the maids working in the mansion lined up, in the center of which is the mansion's summariser?
There stands a beautiful man dressed like a silver long-haired, black butler's dress. You're not a universal race, your face is too pretty, elf.
Step out of the carriage podium where you stopped in front of the front door and open the cabin door where Lapitilica and the others ride. The first person to come down is Ashley, who accompanies her as a secretary and woman with a private room.
Take her hand and help her get off the carriage. It is Lapitilica who then comes down, similarly aided him to take his hand and get out of the carriage.
Even in the carriage that goes behind him, Barga and his wife's escorts are hanging their hands in the cabin.
"Welcome home, sir, ma'am, ma'am"
"Hey, Volker. Does it make any difference?
"Yes, sir"
Mr. Volker of this elf says it's a family decree that divides everything in the residence of the Duke of Varga in the King's Capital.
Me and Ashley greeted Mr. Volker there, and the maid showed us to Lapitilica's private room and our waiting room. The waiting room leads to the side of the private room and can always wait beside it.
"Are you free to walk in the mansion?
"Yes! Except in the husband's or wife's private room, the escort is free to enter and leave."
Asking the maid who led me to the waiting room about the room and the mansion, and confirming so, the girl, still a young maid, stared straight at my black side and answered me with a red tide on her face.
... Why am I being stared at...?
No, seriously...... even when I was working on the FPS professional team, "POwDer," I was well directed at this kind of gaze. It's the eyes of fans, men and women alike.
I mean......
"Your black son..."
I can hear the maid's little whine......
Funny, to divert attention from Schwartz, the request to show combat behavior and force was meant to be done in the false form of saying shaft. How about that, at some point the shaft has become far more famous.
How did this happen? With that in mind, I'm going to map the Duke's mansion. After mapping the mansion, we will go outside and check everything on the premises as well.
Further start the TSS (Tactical Support System) at the edge of the premises and remove the special equipment from the inventory.
It was a small white cylinder that was removed from the summoned black replenishment BOX in front of me.
This is a tactical unmanned ground sensor called 'AN/GSR-9 (V) 1 (T-UGS)'. Open three legs from the bottom of the cylinder and install them on the ground.
At the same time, a smaller minimap is displayed next to the map shown on the lens of the Kevlar mask.
This T-UGS (Tactical Unmanned Ground Sensor) senses tremors and acoustics within a radius of 25 m from the installation site and causes them to appear on the minimap.
Go further to the other end of the premises and install another T-UGS. You can install up to 2 of these T-UGS and you will see 2 minimaps next to the map. This mini map will always display a radius of 25m from the T-UGS, even if it goes beyond the 150m radius around my body, if the mapping is done.
I'm doing this for a reason. In order to fully grasp the movement of people inside the Duke of Varga's residence, fixing the scale of the map shown on the lens, you can't really see the outside of the mansion, there's no way an intruder can suddenly appear in the mansion, it's bound to come in from the outside.
A T-UGS has been installed to grasp the inside of the mansion and detect external incursions as soon as possible.
When I finished my work and went back to the mansion, the Duke told me he was calling me. Guided by a maid, he headed to the Duke's office.
"Excuse me. Shaft."
"I've been waiting for you, Mr. Shaft"
"Looks like I've kept you waiting."
"No, I don't mind. I was walking on the property as an escort.
The office was awaited by the Duke of Franklin Barga and Mr. Volker of the Family Decree.
"No, I only went outside to check the premises, so what can I do for you?
"That's what I'm talking about."
Mr. Volker, a family order, said he had already served 200 years as a family order for the Barga family. I am amazed at the elf's longevity, but above all at his loyalty. In her explanation, Volker plans to go out and visit after tomorrow, luncheons and nightclubs to attend, and even more….
"Oh, is it an indoor theater..."
"That's right, I definitely want to see the play we're talking about. I wanted to go when the date was right."
"Of course, it's a black-sided shaft."
I knew it...