Manuke FPS
From the office of the Duke of Varga he returned to the waiting room of the escort next to Lapitilica's private room. Basically, you're supposed to eat and sleep in this room while you're staying at the Duke's residence.
Ashley, another escort, eats meals with Lapitilica and the Dukes, but sleeps in this same waiting room.
The waiting room consists of two bedrooms with twin beds and a living room. There are other toilets, but no baths.
Baths in this world were common in non-popular baths similar to monetary water, and only some nobles had baths in their mansions. Naturally, this mansion, the Duke's residence, has a bathroom. It's for the Barga family and the guests. The maids also have a small bathroom dedicated to them.
I'm the only one in the waiting room, no one in the next room. Asked the maid who was cleaning Lapitilica's private room when I got back, Ashley and I went to the bathroom together.
While waiting for the two of them to come back, select Avatar Customization from the TSS (Tactical Support System), take it off the overcoat or German SS black clothes, and make it just a power suit like a thin rush guard. I'll keep my pants on downstairs, but the day's escort is almost over, you can dress a little rough.
When I was called to the office, I was given the designation for dress codes for luncheons and nightclubs. By "escort," we escort the social debut Duke's Lady, so a high-formatting outfit is required. If I wasn't particularly prepared, I was talking about lending me what was in the mansion, but I said no because of the function of concealing equipment.
Fishing for fashion items from avatar customization and buying new ones at SHOP, concealing gear and thinking about a configuration that doesn't deviate from the dress code.
Ultimately, a combination of black frock coats, white shirts, grey vests, black trousers and grey ties for luncheon.
At night clubs, it consists of a black tailcoat, white shirt vest, white tie and black trousers.
Isn't it crazy when you see a player in a VMB game who fires a firearm in a tuxedo? I suspected that, but I never thought that the time would come for me to wear a courtesy dress and grip a tomahawk... it's something I don't know about life.
I tried on various things with avatar customization and was satisfied that the waiting room door was knocked. Apparently, Ashley and the others are back.
"Shaft, just - ma..."
Ashley, back in the room, was standing up in front of an open door. The smell like soap in the bathroom is sucked into the room and it reaches under me.
Her red-gold hair was wet in water and sucked on clear skin. Will I go in this room to dry my hair?
"You're not going in? It'll be cold in there, won't it? Leave it wet and you'll catch a cold."
"Oh, yeah, right"
Did you even do it around the water? Ashley's face looks a little red. Ashley walked into the bedroom, I guess that's where she dries her hair.
I'm sitting in a chair in the living room playing TSS. A daytime flock coat can hide weapons, but there is no room for a tail coat for the evening.
Tomahawk, a blade, will be recovered just like Royal Castle, but would a special electromagnetic stick or wellrod ver.VMB be enough? I'm thinking if there's anything else I can hide.
"Shaft, you also had clothes like that"
When I realized, Ashley was standing in front of the bedroom.
"The Duke tells me you need a courtesy dress for luncheons and nightclubs after tomorrow. I don't think these outfits are suitable for escorts, but I can't let Lapitilica embarrass you."
"Yeah, but I think you look great"
"Really? Thanks, but I'm not too used to it, it's a little cramped."
"But... only that black side doesn't fit, I think - yours rather than the black side - Schwartz is better suited than the shaft"
Now the face under the Kevlar mask is not a zombie face. Because when I made the avatar customization, I wore it all after clearing the settings once. Get up from the chair and slowly remove the Kevlar mask.
Maybe from Ashley's point of view, that meant nothing to me, whether I was wearing a Kevlar mask or hiding my face with a zombie face.
"You look great."
"Yes -" Ashley, I made you a shaft, tea, would you like to join me?
Unexpectedly behind me, a door connected to the next room opened and I heard Lapitilica speak.
Master Lapitilica has only seen my back, the face of Schwartz, who is the true face...... Immediately put back on your Kevlar mask and give your voice back to Lapitilica.
"Welcome, let's have it"
The next day, the Dukes of Barga left the mansion to attend the New Year's Eve ceremony at the Royal Castle. Lapitilica is a prestigious aristocratic mansion in the First District and attends luncheons for unmarried children only. There is no nobility with any titles, so to speak, a luncheon like a pre-production exercise.
The owner of today's luncheon is an old lady named Captine Madrastes. He has already lost his partner, and his son inherits the title. Now they're throwing a small luncheon like this for the next generation of aristocratic children and letting them learn manners and stuff.
When entering the Madrastes residence, weapons were still collected. Special electromagnetic sticks that were not blades or Wellrod Ver.VMB had to be recovered, but the maid who kept the weapon also had a bitter laugh on the tomahawk being put out of the frockcoat.
The luncheon venue is a separate building from the Madrastes mansion on the property. The lines of terraces and windows that line the second floor, even from the outside, are spectacular, while two stone floors are built. If the sun goes down, it would be a building lit by indoor lights and emitting a very fantastic light.
Take Lapitilica and Ashley to the makeup room on the ground floor, and from here on up to the second floor, all you have to do is pull into a waiting space for some escorts.
Ashley is supposed to stand beside Lapitilica during the luncheon.
Luncheons in the form of a standing meal are basically dominated by face-to-face meetings and conversations. I can see a few but also the musical team in the venue. The music in this world, although I haven't listened to it firmly yet, is like a whistle and a string, so the classic tone wouldn't be that different.
Prepared sons and children from the downstairs makeup room come up to the upstairs floor one after another. Eventually, I guess all the guests were there. I can also see Lapitilica and Ashley. Finally, Mrs. Capucine Madrastes, the mistress, enters and announces the start of the luncheon.
The music squad sounds more gentle, and the young aristocratic boys move closer to the women who are shyly earing at the accompanying lady.
Staring at the appearance of such young people, they do not loosen their perimeter vigilance. The mapping of the venue ends in an instant, monitoring the movements of fine people, listening to sounds and listening to voices….
Whatever you heard, let's get down because it's too embarrassing...
On the first day of the schedule in the Wang capital, we will first finish our luncheon at noon and once we return to the Barga residence. A dinner party hosted by the Duke of Barga will be held tonight at the mansion. Now we have to be prepared for that.
This request for escort has been a busier job than I thought......