Manuke FPS
Finally, it was the night the ball was held in the royal castle. Lapitilica and Ashley's health also recovered, and they still have a little bit of attention left, but they had recovered to such an extent that there was no obstacle to the attendance of the ball.
A young knight who will take over after me has also arrived from the fortified city of Barga. Ask him to go to the ball instead of me and accompany Lapitilica as his escort.
As a matter of course, Lapitilica, Ashley and the escort knights ride the carriage, and after climbing the castle, the escort knights are asked to wear the black surfaces prepared by Mr. Volker. It is not easily disclosed, such as the information of the climbers, so if there is a guard with a black face on the ballroom, it will be a "shaft on the black side”. Of course the name is shaft and unified.
I plan to infiltrate the Marquis de Fedorov mansion with a woman named Vee, the Duke of Varga's escort, to consolidate evidence and destroy the mausoleum. I have doubts about the need to destroy the mansion, but I suppose we also need visible restraints on the surroundings to ensure the safety of Lapitilica in the future.
I was taking two carriages from inside the mansion and dropping off the Dukes of Barga and Lapitilica heading to the Royal Castle.
"Are you ready?” Black-sided shaft ""
Behind me as I was dropping the carriage off the hallway window, a light dot floats with the clear voice of the bass. I thought it would be behind me if I showed up, but looking back, a brunette stood, hiding her expression with a face veil and eye mask on black leather armor.
"Is that secrecy magic? Or is it a skill?
"What do you do when you hear that? Ha!? No way, you, you want me to get my hands on this one while keeping a little glimpse of Ashley Zepernell!? That's the" black prince "bustling with the king's capital, the daughters of the king's capital are not tired enough, do you want me to make things with that black blade even to Zepernell and myself? But unfortunately, this Vee, the only one who forgives his heart is Master Frank, and no, if his heart desires it, from this..."
This woman... I can barely see the expression on her face veil and eye mask, but in a flat tone line that much, or it's nothing like before the Duke of Varga.
"Didn't you call me because we're leaving this one, too?
"Right, I'll be leaving in about an hour. Before we do that, how far do we kill in the Fedorov Mansion?
"How far? If I get in your way, I'll kill you. I don't do anything to be known for nothing."
"Sweet guy. Ha!? Is that how you show the" brutal outrageous black-sided shaft ”also has a gentle side, an operation to tell you to eagle my heart!? Is that how you attract the attention of the Ladies of the King's Capital? But unfortunately, this..."
"No, that's enough. You're in an hour."
Vee's character was too unexpected. I walked out of the hallway because I couldn't get to the spot, but I'm already ready. Seeing the red dyed King's Capital sky at dusk, he strolled through the mansion and crushed his time.
An hour later, the sun sets completely and the outside of the mansion is stained with darkness. I came to the hallway leading to the entrance lobby again, but I don't see Vee.
Just fine - I switched the Kevlar mask lens from normal to FLIR (Infrared Thermography) mode and looked around.
There he is.
There are no moving light points in the hallway on the map shown on the lens. But I saw a definite source of heat across the hallway from the lobby. A high-heat source in the shape of a person walks over here.
When I try to get the lens back from FLIR to normal, the high heat source disappears and I see nothing.
I see, the motion technique of disappearing and moving silently? But you can't seem to mislead the temperature of a living organism.
"Is that 'Shadowlan'?
Throw words into the corridor where no one is.
"It's awkward, you've already seen it through"
At the same time as his voice, a figure of Vee emerged in the hallway.
"I can't seem to take care of it, because I don't know when they'll scratch my neck."
"This is not a 'shadow run', it's a 'shadow walk' of the same lineage"
Still a skill...... I would like to switch to FLIR mode in small pieces in the future to check perimeter safety or use it in FLIR mode, but I didn't expect it to be this way.
"Then we're leaving, it's a carriage on the way. I use my own feet from some point on, I don't think I can follow a" black-sided shaft "..."
"Don't worry."
The Fedorov mansion was a mansion composed of five square buildings. Four buildings are built to connect from the four corners of the central motherhouse.
Me and Vee watched the mansion from behind the garden trees on the property.
"Where do we break in from?
"The second floor in the back left is the servant's bedroom. Break in from there."
Run amongst the garden trees to the wall of the mansion. Vee threw the chimney up against the roof as he removed the hook rope from what appeared to be a lumbar tool bag.
Check the fit, Vee goes up first...... but stopped on the way.
"What's up?
He stared up at me from the bottom and whined just one word.
"Look at my glutes. You're delusional, pervert."
He ran up the wall with a wall run from below, ran through Vee and hung his hand on the window frame section upstairs.
"Don't be silly, come quick"
The key attached to the window was Vee's use of the tools and broke into the mansion.
The room you broke into looks like a private room for a servant. The moment you step in, all the second floors of this building are mapped. I can see the light points moving around at the same time. A servant or a remaining guard.
"Is that the Marquis' private room first? Is that the office?
"Preliminary investigation suggests that both rooms should be upstairs in the central building, so let's go there first"
When he opened the private room door and went out into the hallway, Vee quickly disappeared on the 'Shadow Walk'. Not a little sloppy? Does having the skills to disappear figure and sound mean some skills to see through it?
Oh, is that magic sensing...... And if an assassin overcomes magic sensing with a skill that can erase magic, maybe the skill goes well with the skill or something.
With that in mind, we head to the central building, paying attention to the movement of the light points on the map. To avoid losing sight of Vee's position, he moved on to FLIR mode to make sure that he did not have similar hidden skills.
There was little movement of the servants because of the absence of the Lord of the Manor. The sun has already fallen, and it is also the time when the day is about to end. I guess I won't even do the work I'm about to start.
Inside the second floor of the mansion, there were no light points like patrol guards. The footsteps you hear from the sound collecting sensors are well heard walking down the hallway on the ground floor, but are we going to go upstairs? We go past the footsteps and follow Vee.
From the shape of the mapped map, I got an idea ahead of Vee.
"Vee, go ahead. I'll move on to my other job."
The ambient light point rang away and he spoke in a position that the servants of the mansion would not hear.
"Who's going to crush the mansion, or you know where I'm going?
"No problem."
"Okay, then I'll go first"
The appearance of Vee, who appeared because of his voice, disappears to blend into his surroundings again. It's convenient no matter how you look at it. But don't feel like there are too few ways to do this, maybe it's a rare skill that isn't necessarily available.
I just checked in FLIR mode for a leaving vee, and I'm turning back down the hallway and installing a C4 explosive bag in a private room where no one else is. Even after entering the central building, we head to the office where Vee would have headed while installing the C4 explosive bag in the blind spot.
There is no light point in the office shown on the map, peering quietly at the door open. Again, no one, but when I switched to FLIR mode, Vee stood in the corner located behind the door.
"You were right here."
"Are you still seeing it? That's how you have eyes that see everything. Ha!? What if you have rare clairvoyant skills! You're using it to see through my armor, through my underwear, to see where I am! What a disgraceful skill. But I'm sorry to hear that. Whether you want to see my body through clairvoyance, this body is flirtatious."
"Are you sorry you don't do that every time?
"... that's enough. So, did you find anything?
When I often looked over to the office, I could see signs of touching the desk and bookcase until earlier. I don't know what kind of person the Marquis is, but I don't think he's abandoning such strictly controlled tools as ”sorcerer kills” and air masks about his grand request for assassination.
"Nothing so far, there could be a stash room or a magic safe somewhere"
"I see. How's the back of the painting there?
What do you say? I knew I had something there. It appears on the map that the walls are obviously being machined to create a space for the magic vault.
Vee is dropping the painting of the forest and creek off the wall and examining the white wall with nothing. I felt the first time I smiled as I turned here unexpectedly and the edge of my lips connected that looked slightly over the face veil.
I can tell that Vee's right hand on the white wall is blurry and shining, passing through some magic. The magic formation floated around the right hand that hit the wall, and when it dawned, together it disappeared, and at the same time part of the white wall disappeared, where a metal box, which would be a magic vault, was filled.
"Can you open it?
"It's okay."
Vee is turning the dial, sending magic to the magic vault. As for the first time I've seen a magic vault, I can't help but think that if you're going to use magic, you need magic to disassemble the wall, which is pretty tight security for me, because I don't know how to open it.
A metal noise rang like a gear meshing, apparently open. Inside the magic vault were some paperwork, a transparent bottle in a tea towel bag, and an air mask.
"There it is, the contents of that bottle are" sorcerer killer "?
I'm going to check with Vee looking into the contents of the safe, but Vee's not responding. Looks like I nailed one of the papers.
"Vee, what's that?
"It would be a contract with the Dark Alliance. However, it is encrypted and cannot be verified. The contents of this bottle will be" The Sorcerer Killer. "
"Can you show me that ciphertext for a second?
"You know what I mean?
"No -"
I wanted to see the ciphertext and the dots of this world. That curiosity was greater, but when I was blinding myself to picturesque lines like letters, which I had never seen before, the automatic translation function, the communication function of VMB, was activated.