Manuke FPS
I am now leaving King's Capital for the fortified city of Barga, sitting on the carriage stand at the Duke of Barga's house. Escorting a convoy of carriages is the face of the Western Knights of Barga, who have come to pick them up from the fortified city of Barga.
Next to me sitting on your podium, two cavalry approaching. Across the horse is Viscount Butler Caymon, vice president of the Knights. Or one of them is the head of the Duke of Varga Family Guard.
"Shaft, the captain told me. King's Landing, Venere and I have served well."
"I'm afraid so. But when we returned, there was a lot of damage."
"What, you don't necessarily need a perfect job. The important thing is to protect Lapitilica, only that fact, or the members of the convoy will come to mind."
"The Viscount is right, we are risking our lives serving the House of the Duke of Barga. Lord Shaft has enabled them to carry out their mission."
"If you put it on Barga, I'm sorry for your loss. Let him take care of it afterwards."
There was a young knight horse ahead of us who would take over after me.
"I'll take care of him inside. Even the Knights use one or two swords. If Lapitilica decides to marry the royal family, she's not going to recommend him to the Kingsguard."
"Can't Lord Shaft be a knight? Given the merits of this one, it seems that the Duke will reward you with something."
Knight... you're not going to be. But rewards are of interest.
"I'm not interested in knights, but if you're asked anything other than the reward of a request for escort, you have something you want."
"Ho, your lord saw greed as a character not on the table, but if you have any idea, just say so, let me ask His Excellency the Duke."
Viscount Caymon seems to distract me from my response. Then I'll just insist, or if I couldn't, that's fine.
"If so -"
Three days after leaving the Wang capital, Barga, the fortified city, was seen. For the past three days, there have been no dark guild scratches, no other problems, just a journey watching the scenery while sitting on the carriage's podium. To be honest, I was bored.
Speaking of which, I wonder if there was only one case.
While I was being loosened by the carriage, I was observing my surroundings while putting the Kevlar mask lens in FLIR (Infrared Thermography) mode because I was too free.
It was there when I arrived at the berth, the camp of the day, and got off your podium while in FLIR mode, opening the cabin and looking backwards to assist Master Lapitilica and Ashley in getting off.
Approaching from the rear of the carriage I was riding is the carriage of the Dukes of Barga and his wife. It was in the cabin of the carriage. It's a chunk of something, seeing it in FLIR mode shows that it has heat. But if you're in the cabin, you know, what do you mean up there?
To be even more precise, the chunk is drooping like a peek into the cabin from above the cabin. As the carriage sways, objects like hair drift further down from the peeping mass, shaking at the same time.
While opening the cabin door and aiding Master Lapitirica and Ashley in getting off, I can't help but look away from that chunk.
I approached the carriage of the Dukes entering the berth, stopped the escort riding on the podium with one hand, and went to the cabin of the parked carriage - momentum opened the door well.
"Buhi no"
Whoa, I think I hit something on the door.
Thank you, Mr. Shaft.
"We have arrived at the rest stop, my lord"
Wait for the Duke of Barga to get off and assist the Lady in getting off. I looked straight back after I saw the couple headed to the rest stop.
It's Vee.
"What the hell are you doing, Black-sided shaft?"
"That's what I'm trying to say. Are you always on the cabin when the Duke moves?
"What are you talking about, isn't it obvious? As Frank's escort, I stand by your side day and night. I'll be by your side until bedtime, when you're out, when you're eating, when you're heading to the hot water hall."
This woman, she's here!
"I'm coming,” disturbing bug shaft. "Master Frank's going."
Watching Vee run after the Dukes of Barga, there was a man chasing that back just like me, the Duke's exclusive male escort.
You noticed my gaze, and his face, looking back, was a tired look at what to say. Right, this guy's struggling too...
"Protect the Duke..."
"... oh, thank you..."
It was a journey that had such an act.
Arrived at Baldage Castle, the Duke's castle in the fortified city of Barga, I was led to the Duke's office.
"Mr. Shaft, this is the end of Larry's escort mission. It was a short time ago, but it was very helpful."
"It's an honor to do your best, my lord."
"Apart from the pre-determined reward, I wrote it down in writing so that I could prepare what you wanted. You should take this to the mercenary branch of the General Alliance."
Receive the written offer made by the Duke and look lightly through the contents. Looks like you'll get what I asked for.
"Thank you for your consideration"
"Instead, I wonder if that's okay, even if it's an incremental reward and you're accepting to join a knight?
"No, the first reward you decide and this is all you need. Now, if you'll excuse me."
I decided to leave the office early. If you talk too long, you might be asked to do something else. Get this reward and let me keep my distance for once.
The Duke of Barga was, personally, a favorite. If you need anything else, you can take the job in the form of a request, but that's another story.
Excuse me for the office, I headed to Lapitilica's private room.
In the future, it is not yet known whether Lapitilica will be married as the queen of the third prince. I am certain that I have come to the top of the list of candidates at this stage, but if there is no other candidate of far superior strength and merit, he will be chosen as the queen for a year beyond the celebration of the birth of the third prince, which will be welcomed shortly.
Until that day she will encourage the devil to practice and work for his studies.
In Lapitilica's private room, he received a generous thank you for this escort and said a temporary farewell.
She and I were friends who attacked the labyrinth of the Green Ghost together, but the relationship at that time and this time was completely different. We spent time together in a completely different capacity from each other and in a different role. Maybe the next time we see each other, we'll be spending time together in different positions.
With such a hunch, I followed Castel Valdage.
Outside the castle gate, Ashley waited for me. The two of us are going to head to the General Alliance. Ashley filed for Alliance exit, so I could get paid.
As I walk down the street, I will confirm my upcoming plans. Ashley has been ordered by the Sovereign of the Zepernell family to return to her main house in the southern part of the Kingdom of Kurt Merga and to crusade pirates roughing up the southern sea. To that southern port town, they say it's far away, which takes two months to get on with a carriage.
For this reason, Ashley said he was scheduled to fly to the south early, after sorting out his neighborhood in the fortified city of Barga, returning to the King's Capital to be accompanied by a noble transfer magic formation with territory in the south.
I'm the Tooth Wolf's Labyrinth first. Somebody who crusaded this guy and dropped me in this world, show me what I want.
You will then proceed by road to the south. Ashley and I make a lot of time differences, but I can't help it. I'm going to cut back some time while using a VMB moving vehicle along the way.
We checked each other's plans, Ashley went to the General Alliance office, and I went into the Mercenaries Branch.