Manuke FPS
Kill the warewolf of the Lord of the Labyrinth (Dungeon Master), the lowest layer of the Labyrinth of the Tooth Wolf, and all that will remain is to obtain the Great Magic Stone (Dungeon Core), which will be behind the Throne. That begins the slow death of the tooth wolf's labyrinth.
However, once the Lord of the Labyrinth has been killed and calmed down, there are some things to think about. I look into the jeans that I wear on its lower body as I watch the clothing wolf slowly sink, wrapped in black pockets gushing from the labyrinth floor.
I've never seen pants that fall into this world and resemble jeans. Including subraces, of course. Why does that bother you? Because that warewolf, like me, may have been dropped into this world by someone and rested in the Lord of the Labyrinth.
It sinks completely into the floor of the labyrinth, and all that remains is an internationally large demonic stone, which becomes a pick-up porch.
I guess there is still no mistake in saying that Demon Stone will remain, not a person, but a Labyrinth-born subrace. Cross the throne and head to the door that leads to the back.
I didn't see any kind of key in the door, and it was a normal door that would open if I pushed it. What if you can't ignore the Lord of the Labyrinth and target only the Great Magic Stone?
The end of the door was the same as the basement leading to the earlier room, which should also be said to be between the thrones. If it were different, would there be many wall candlesticks lined up and fireballs floating there instead of lighting?
If you look at the map of the head goggles, two rooms line up to the left and right of this basement, with a small room at the far back. I guess the deepest is the Great Magic Stone, so what about the four rooms on the left and right?
Stand in front of the entrance leading to the room as you look at the map, but there's nothing there that looks like an entrance or exit. Just the stone wall that runs from the throne room.
Is it also some kind of hidden switch? I'll try to tap the stone walls, explore if the stone bricks that are being assembled can be removed, but nothing.
"Destroy… or"
Activate the TSS (Tactical Support System) and remove the specially equipped C4 bomb from the inventory. Remove four explosives from the summoned black supply BOX and paste them into the entrance and exit portions of the four rooms to the left and right of the basement. Return a little down the tunnel and grip the lever of the detonator.
Four explosions rang in a row, dust and dust struck the basement. I've also heard rattles and stone walls collapse, so apparently I was able to blow them up well.
I checked sequentially from the room in front of me and it still looks like these four rooms were living spaces. There were four rooms: dining room, unit bath with toilet, living room and bedroom, all very rough.
The dining room is furnished with furniture like a refrigerator and furniture like a system kitchen, but all severely damaged. Unit baths with toilets were also shattered, with hot tubs destroyed and large mirrors supposedly shattered.
The living room, the bedroom, was similarly destroyed with furniture and not in a very livable condition. What you can see from these four rooms is - despair.
What the hell is the Lord of the Labyrinth (Dungeon Master)? This makes me look like a prisoner. What is not necessarily necessary to survive the labyrinth is evident in the fact that the Green Ghost's labyrinth operates without the Lord.
Why do you create and trap a living space on this lower level?
But no matter what I think, there won't be an answer. In the meantime, I decide to head to the deepest room and get the Great Magic Stone.
The deepest room is smaller than the room in the living space, where there is only one object.
The Great Magic Stone (Dungeon Core) was sandwiched in the roots of a tree stretching from the floor and ceiling, or something black and disastrous that could also be seen on the tentacles, floating in the hollow with polar-colored light.
Is a disastrous tentacle pinching from the top and bottom breathing light? If you look closely at the tip of that tentacle, there was something like a dark swirl, sucking in the polar-colored light.
It's a little creepy, so be careful not to touch the tentacles, while grabbing the great magic stone that is made into a marquee cut, about the size of a rugby ball floating in the hollow.
The moment it was touched, the polar-colored light added even more radiance, and its too much glare was such that the head goggle's blackout function was activated. Then, the glow gradually subsided, returning to a glow similar to the one we first saw.
Slowly pull the Great Magic Stone in hand and remove it from the pedestal. I felt the glowing light catch on the dark swirl floating at the tip of my tentacles, but when I pulled it to hand to shake it off, the entire labyrinth of the tooth wolf trembled to tremble, out of nowhere, and I heard a cry.
When such a cry and tremor healed, as if directly beside him or very far away, I felt that the atmosphere flowing into the labyrinth had changed slightly. The dark swirl at the tip of the disastrous tentacles stretching out in front of you disappears and looks just like the roots of a black tree.
Apparently, a gentle labyrinth death has begun.
Picorn ♪
The moment I looked back to get out of the deepest little room, my whole body popped and I felt an electric shock running from my toenails to my head hair tips.
Receiving icon for the email shown on the UI of the head goggle. Shivering right hand opened receiving BOX of emails from TSS.
It's another letter I can't read... The newly-marked unread email is at the top of the receiving BOX displayed without throwing up any errors. Its subject line is like hieroglyphics - staring at its subject line, the automatic translation function is activated and the translation comes to life.
Subject: Callout From: ERROR
Touch the incoming email with your trembling fingers and open inside......
Dropped from different worlds. I'm ERROR.
I said so. I prefer to live in this world.
I did. I saw it. Is the living path going to end in the labyrinth?
Being locked up in a labyrinth and unleashing a negative spring?
I'll lend you a hand.
A man of a different world without magic, to whom I send the tools.
The automatic translation function once again gave me a translation in ancient texts...... What the hell are you talking about? I hear the sender who can't translate is looking at me. After the Green Ghost's Labyrinth was crusaded, the email that came under me said to live as you please in this world.
So I put up a crusade for the Labyrinth as one of the goals of living in this world. I wanted to defy someone who dropped me in this world.
But what is a negative spring? Unleash that? No - you won't need to pretend not to notice or anything, I'm pretty sure this is referring to the Lord of the Labyrinth (Dungeon Master). I don't know much about the connection to the labyrinth right now, but I guess it makes sense to kill the Lord.
"Can't you save him? Can't the Lord of the Labyrinth save you!
Speak up in a small room where no one is. I'm guessing you're watching. I'm guessing you're listening. However, no new emails were received. There's no way to save him, is that what you're saying?
I'm not on the side of justice, I'm not a brave man, I'm not a hero. Now it's just one explorer. But as we crusade the Labyrinth, if it is within my reach... the liberation of the Lord of the Labyrinth, let's remember.
The incoming email was accompanied by a gift BOX, apparently giving me something. Receive a gift BOX and summon it from your inventory.
Particles of light appearing in front of me converged into the shape of a large box and a flashy BOX appeared as wrapped in pink wrapping paper.
Press the open/close button on the side and the top lid slowly opens. The monitor displaying the inventory attached to the back of the lid said "Magic Recognition Sheet" inside.
Get your hands on the gift BOX and retrieve its recognition slip. The magic recognition votes were two oval plates connected to the chain.
Is this… the ID plate used by the armies of the countries of the previous world for the personal identification of soldiers? There are several avatar accessories available on VMB, also known as dog tags.
The plate was stamped with my last name "Schwartz Powder", my region "VMB", my FPS team name "P0wDer" and a string of numbers that I thought were probably VMB ID numbers.
But why did you bother sending me this? Select Avatar Customization from the TSS and confirm that there is a "Magic Awareness Sheet" in the list of accessories.
Show me the accessory description field and I'll look there...
"Magic Recognition Vote"
Those who do not possess magic will also be able to register and use biological information with the Transfer Magic Formation.
However, it cannot be used unless it is equipped with a recognition slip.
I was speechless no more. The inability of the transfer magic formation to use was a very unfavourable condition in conducting labyrinth exploration. With this, however, it will be easier to escape from the labyrinth, and you will be able to fly all the way to the hierarchy where there is a transfer magic formation at once, using a mock magic formation to each level that is inside the management building of the labyrinth.
In the transfer magic formation brought out of the dying labyrinth, it is a one-way journey from real to simulation in relation to the supply of magic, but the magic spew out by the living labyrinth and the enclosed magic of the labyrinth make it possible to fly from both directions even in the simulation magic formation just outside the labyrinth.
When "Magic Recognition Voucher" is equipped around the neck with avatar customization, the recognition voucher that was in the hand turns into a particle of light, and immediately the particle that appeared around the neck is bound, shaping the recognition voucher.
Thank goodness, while I thanked the sender of the email, I went for the upper floor early, the underground twenty-fifth floor with the transfer magic formation.