Manuke FPS
It was necessary to break through the protection of the Black Knight's wearing demonic armor, "The Land of Chaos (Terrorist Chaosso)", and to go de flamboyant even to kill it because of its restraint on the Dark Alliance, "The Cactus".
And what I chose was to look at the fuel-laden Oshkosh M978 tank trailer as a mass weapon, drop it from the air, and stab it to a halt with a huge explosion caused by the explosion.
The fallen starry sky of the sun was burned red and the corner of the street from the eastern forest to the fortified city of Barga was engulfed in flames. I was going to get enough distance, but the hot air will get to me.
The remains of the M978 are still burning in what has become a blast site. The Black Knight should be under there, but until the fire builds momentum, there's no confirmation.
However, the armoured gauge of the M978 went to zero and turned into a particle of light in about three minutes when a full destructive determination came in. The fuel scattered around them becomes a particle of light in the same way and disappears as it burns.
The sight was of burning firepowder floating in the sky and disappearing, what a fantastic painting, but when there was nothing to burn, the surrounding fire also naturally disappeared.
Smoking smoke and the smell of the ground burning. When the smoke flowed in the night breeze and we saw the situation in the heart of the explosion, a large crater was formed there. I didn't think he was alive, but I have to make sure.
Feeling the heat coming from the back of my leg, I checked the center of the crater...
The Black Knight's demonic armor had fallen on the spot, partly buried in the crater but not looking destroyed.
I don't think I'll make it through, but I'll hold AS_VAL in my hands and I'll be on my guard and close. There's no way to move on the Black Knight, the demon armor's safe, but the people inside are dead?
I just went straight to the side of the falling black knight and unstuck AS_VAL. I'm not angry with the black knight looking down, I couldn't see what seemed like an eye at the end of a thin slit visible from a full-faced helmet.
If you look closely at the black knight's demonic armor, only the large earthy demonic stone that was on the center of his chest was cracked, losing its color.
I try to press that head gently with my toenails...... the smell of burnt meat can stand in, and the cracking sound that I never think of as the sound of pressing the human body......
Dead, convinced of it and as a final confirmation, crosshaired to the chest area and fired two triggers in a row.
Along with a dull penetrating sound, AS_VAL's 9x39mm bullet struck out the chest of black systemic armor.
I see, - have you lost the Demon Stone and its robust properties? I never tried it this time, but the weakness of magic armor (magic armor) may be its magic stone.
Reaffirming the end of the fight, he began walking from the centre of the crater towards the street while operating the TSS (Tactical Support System). Replenishment of ammunition and thrown Smith & Wesson E&E Tomahawk, plus M978 in the garage with a scrap state of destruction determination.
The vehicle for which the destruction determination was made is stored as garbage in the inventory. I would choose complete repair, which can be done at a slightly lower cost than buying a new one from here, or dispose of it as garbage. Naturally, what I choose is a complete restoration, and then I'll fill it with fuel.
Replenish the weapon and ammunition from the summoned replenishment BOX and check the perimeter. I focused on finding out if there were any lookouts hiding him, but apparently the Black Knight came here alone...
My sound sensor picked up a lot of horseshoe noises from the fortified city of Barga. I immediately hide my body in a nearby tree and watch it sound better.
Although not yet shown as a light point on the map of the head goggles, it is an open street of sight, even though the sun has fallen. Hundreds of meters away, a large group of knights, including carriages, were seen.
Is that... the Western Knights of Varga?
The armor of the leading cavalry belongs to the Western Knights of Barga. Several carriages follow in the rear, and a different group from the Knights can also be seen riding and following horses. And here's where we're headed. Apparently he was delayed in hiding in the shadow of a tree, or he was already captured.
Get out of the shade of a tree and welcome a group coming this way. Still, it's an amazing number, with only starlight, so it doesn't seem to be speeding that far, but it showed about fifty horsemen of light points.
The cavalry of the Western Knights of Varga moves to surround me, 360 degrees surrounded by cavalry, where the carriage stops at the front. The cabin door opens, and I wonder who's coming down...
"I wonder who's rambling, your lord or" black-sided shaft. ""
It was three... old men... who came down.
"I didn't think it would fit in a place like this either. Lieutenant Commander Kaymon."
It was Viscount Butler Caymon, vice president of the Western Knights of Varga, who was riding the carriage. That comes down to...... that's the magician guild branch manager, only Count Garasimos Temis. And the last thing that comes down...... you don't know, I know you're an animal tribe, but I don't remember seeing that giant body, brown hair, or pale yellow eyes.
"Shaft, no hissing."
"Long time no see, Count Temis."
"Shaft? The mercenary guild shaft you crusaded the Tooth Wolf's Labyrinth!
"... Ha, my name is Mercenary Guild Shaft"
I don't know who this beast tribe is, but it was in a carriage with two nobles. It would be noble and definite from the outfit. I showed some courtesy and lowered my head gently.
"Shaft, this is Count Garbus Büritz, the general director, who binds the general guild of the fortified city of Barga."
Deputy Commander Caymon introduced me, but is this guy the head of the overall guild... no, only of the fortified city of Barga, or what?
"Shaft than that, the blast that burned higher in the sky earlier is the work of the Lord"
"Yeah -"
I briefly explained to the three of them that I was here, but as soon as I gave them the names of the demon armor in the middle of the conversation, Count Temis ran off towards the crater.
"Never mind," continued Count Beaulitz's explanation. In the meantime, they're passing the closing hours while they're working with the Black Knight. I decided to let him rest tonight in the Labyrinth Management Building of the Tooth Wolf, and he even asked me to listen to him from the 21st basement of the Labyrinth.
I'd like to return to Barga as soon as I can, and then travel to the south, but I can't help it.
Even though there are only stars, there are numerous tents around the admin building, and a front-line base can be created that reminds me of the exploration headquarters of the Green Ghost's Labyrinth.
Originally, Deputy Commander Caymon and the others heard a report of the Tooth Wolf's labyrinth crusade and took immediate action, adding Alliance officials and investigators from the General Alliance, to put out the Knights.
I told him what I had seen in the labyrinth as he was questioned, hiding, of course... but it was the head of the General Guild, Count Beaulitz, who had many particularly specific questions.
He was one of the only parties to reach the 25th basement 25 years before he was an adventurer.
With that said, Mr. Malta said before that he withdrew from the basement twenty-fifth floor and then the party was dissolved and only one person joined the general guild......
"The gatekeeper, how did you knock that gatekeeper down? No, how did you stop him from running underwater and healing his injuries?
While we were talking, we were just talking about nature and Count Beaulitz and the two of us. Lieutenant Caymon will be ready for Operation Destruction in the Labyrinth tomorrow. Count Temis surrounds the land of chaos (terrocaosso), the demonic armor he has recovered, with the magician guilders he thinks are his disciples.
The Black Knight was completely extinguished in demonic armor. The face, which had been burned up in red and black and guzzled, was no longer discernible.
"Is that crocodile, still struggling with that behavior back then?
"Yes, if you hit the attack, you will escape and recover over time. Repeatedly, the battle finally became impossible and retreated. We're going to take down the gatekeeper and use the transfer magic team, but it's impossible. The retreat became a war of attrition, and our party collapsed..."
Count Beaulitz stood beside me and stared at the entrance to the Tooth Wolf's Labyrinth through the window of the admin building.
"So, how did you drag him out?"
"We made a blow and continued to launch flame-based magic into the water where we fled into the water. You've seen the Count, my magical power. It's not that big of a magic, but we tried to raise the water temperature, turn it into something so hot that the gatekeeper couldn't lurk in, and come out of the other side."
"In that way..."
I didn't use magic, but you didn't lie. This much information would be nice......
"Can't you join the General Alliance?
Count Beaulitz, who was looking out the window, said so with his eyes on this one.
"This is a terrible invitation from His Excellency the Count, but I reject it"
"Well... but Shaft, you can't stay like this. This country is not free enough to let go wild like crusading the labyrinth alone. You can't give up that power to another country."
Is that to say that if we are to leave this country and root for another country, we are to eliminate it before it is harmful to the Kingdom of Kurtomerga? But...
"I have many friends in this country, and now I'm not going to go to another country."
"Then put it under someone else. Unless you are a general guild, the Duke or Lord Termi would like you too. I don't care if it's another nobleman, put it under what will be an umbrella in this country."
"Thank you for your consideration."
"Well, you crusaded the Labyrinth of the Tooth Wolf, which was a feud of old age, and to this degree of advice, I can't thank you enough!
That's what I said and the Count walked away laughing. Let me rest tonight too, tomorrow morning in conjunction with the opening of the gates to the fortified city of Barga.