Manuke FPS
Departure from the town at the foot and continue along the mountain path with Mr. Shall. Mr. Shall said that until we cross the first mountain, we rarely encounter warcraft to the extent that there are wildlife.
Nature in this world is not always in danger by warcraft wherever it may be. This can also be said to be the result of daily crusades by adventurers, but due to the frequent movement of subraces through nesting and so on, caution is needed near the mineral veins of demonic ore, which thickens the magic veins preferred by subraces.
Demon Ore is an ore that has almost the same magic power as Demon Stone, and although Demon Stone captured in the labyrinth and elsewhere is not uniform in its attributes, the Ore vein of Demon Ore consists of the same attributes.
There are multiple processes by which demonic ore veins are born, but they are often born mainly in places where demons accumulate intensely or in sites where labyrinths have perished, he said.
There's a reason to crusade the labyrinth again. The water veins of demonic water had a similar relationship, and there were several instances in which the water gushing near them had become demonic water after crusading the labyrinths born near rivers and lakes.
Take the mountain path, lectured by Mr. Shall about the basics of such a natural world. Even when it comes to mountain roads, their width is more than three metres, and carriages can also pass. The shape of the road is also hard to fold, taking the form of a slow ascent up the loose slope.
"Schwartz! It's time to speed things up!
"I don't mind that, but do you run down mountain roads?
The look on Charles's face walking beside him makes him good at something.
"I'm not running down a mountain road! This is the place to run!
Bishi! and the short grass that grows in the slices of trees is at the tip of the finger with a stunning arm swing that sounds likely to be heard.
If you zoom in on the map that floats in your sight and see where you point your finger, is this a beast path or something? There is indeed a narrow road there.
"Is this a beast path?
"Yes, there are several places on this mountain mountain path that are connected by a beast path, and you can shorten them by a considerable amount of time if you go through there!
I see that the hard folding mountain roads increase the necessary walking distance between nature and over the mountains. If we can shortcut there through the proper shortened route, we can certainly shorten the time it takes to cross the mountain.
"I'm coming, follow me!
Follow behind Mr. Charles as he continues along the beast path, running up a field road that has become sloped tighter than the mountain path. That said, I don't know that my body gets tired. Follow Mr. Charles sparingly to the speed of his progress.
"You, you have strength for the D-rank. What do you use weapons for?"
"Is it a weapon? A little dagger..."
"Dagger art? You use surprisingly plain weapons. Light warrior?
"Right...... I think the movement is lighter. What does Mr. Charles use? From what I've seen, I don't seem to carry it with me."
Mr. Charles, who goes forward, carries what appears to be a tool bag on his hips and back, but doesn't look like he carries a clear weapon. Is he a magician?
"Me? Well, take a look there."
One deer-like animal stared at this one and stood at the end of the beast path pointed out by Mr. Charles.
"Are you a wildlife?"
"Dinner tonight."
Mr. Charles took a waved bow out of it like a Japanese bow when he put his hand in the slightly larger tool bag he was carrying on his back. The shape itself looked like a wooden Japanese bow, but the top of the bow spread like a plate of fists, where crystal-like transparent gems were buried.
But the only thing Mr. Shall took out was a bow, I don't see any arrows. Still upright on the spot and in a bow pulling position. When the string is pulled behind the face, the right hand pulling the string is lightly glowing.
Is this - a magic weapon (Magic Weapon)? At the same time as I realized who the bow was, the string was released, and the light that dwelt in the puller became an arrow and pierced the deer's chest.
What do you say? This is my weapon.
"Is it a magic weapon"
"Yes, the Magic Bow." Attribute Bow!
I see, a bow that shoots magic, not arrows, or somehow I don't feel that's all, but now I wish I knew.
"Schwartz, you said you didn't know how to strangle animals at the D-rank."
"Yeah, that's right."
"I'll tell you, you dismantle it!
Dragging a deer through his chest, he moves a little sideways from the beast path, where he pulls out the Combat Knife and asks me to teach him the twitching point when he drains blood as he is taught, cutting open the neck where the carotid artery is.
While I'm draining blood, I'll be ready to store the meat and skin I'm about to dismantle. In addition to the portion to be eaten as dinner today, they'll keep it together so they can sell it off in the mining district across the mountain.
Finishing his prep, he sticks a knife out of the deer's throat where he is ready to drain blood and cuts it straight open so as not to damage his gut. Remove the bones as directed, break the pelvis, separate the edible and inedible guts, wash the edible part while Mr. Shall sprayed the water magic out of his hand, and the inedible part I dug a hole in the ground and threw it there.
The edible guts will now be cooled in cold air after washing and wrapped in a clean cloth into a tool bag. Next, water magic is sprayed into the belly of the deer who took out his guts, washing the interior.
Magic can be handy, or people living in this world need skill in battle-related, powerful magic, but if it was low-power magic to cook or support their lives, they were manipulating a variety of magic with only a very few demonic words.
After washing, the skin peels off. Start by running the knife around the neck and cutting the skin of the hands and feet all the way around, linking that slice to the incision with the gut removed.
Once you've done that, tie your head with rope and hoist it to the appropriate tree branches. At the end of the day, if you peel it off with your hands, sultry peel it off - take it off? Sensibly I could strip it like that.
The peeled deer appearance appeared unrelated to the grotesque covering the red meat with a white fat membrane. To some extent, there's nowhere to throw up if you go in the right order......
Only the dorsal loin section on both sides of the spine was cut off this evening as it would take too long to dismantle all the deer bodies.
The rest is magically chilled by Mr. Charles, then dropped his neck and stored in a tool bag. The rest of the demolition is a round throw at the butcher in the mining district. All the skins that could not be sold were buried in the ground and returned to the beast path for the mountain path.
The fact that we got some delicious ingredients made me and Mr. Shall's footsteps pretty quick. When it comes to backloin, it is also said to be the most delicious part of cattle and pigs. I don't remember eating a deer backloin, but I'm sure this will taste good too.
I want to get to the rest stop that it's on the tallest part of the mountain road fast. Run up the beast path with that one heart, and if you go out on the mountain road, you run through to the next beast road, and then up the beast road again.
"Shh, Schwartz! Hold on, hold on!
"Mr. Shall, what's wrong?
"Oh, you, don't you get tired or something?!
"I won't."
"Huh?! 'Cause you keep running for another hour, huh? Rank D, why are you so, so strong like A-Rank!
"Is it rank? I haven't increased any Alliance Points because I don't want to receive a nomination request. I'll leave you to see if my strengths are comparable to A-rank, but I'm sure I can move better than a newcomer who just became an adventurer."
"I don't even know how to strangle a deer, you ignorant bastard."
"There will be things that people are not good at… each."
"I mean, you're a brain muscle! Seeing that you're not using magic, you're sure you don't like magic manipulation either! There's a lot of skill bigotry that doesn't use magic in heavy warrior systems, but how confident are you in your health that you don't use magic in light warrior systems"
"Besides, thanks to that hour-long run through, you can see the rest stop."
At the end of the mountain road looking up, you can see some wooden east houses and cabins. That would be the rest stop reserved for the ridge of the mountain.
"Phew, we're almost there! Schwartz, you can cook, right?!
"I can't."
"Do you have a back loin? - Huh?
"Huh? Can't Mr. Shall cook, too?
Two of us, me and Mr. Shall, stare at the rest stop in front of us on the mountain road. Behind the comfort of the breeze blowing through the mountain path, my heart filled with that anxiety to see if I could have a delicious backloin tonight.