Manuke FPS
The pirate fleet finally showed up as they were tracking the convoy of escorts in the marine city of Amar, which was set in motion to search the home of the pirate fleet "Kaito (Kaido)".
I had asked in advance the director of the Marida Chamber of Commerce and Shipyard, Borroy, about the naval battles in this world. Regardless of the use of oil, developments regarding gunpowder were delayed in this world. Because most of the methods used are magical and substitutive. No, from this world, it seems that gunpowder and other objects were priceless objects that could not even be magical substitutes.
If escort convoys and pirate convoys had fixed armaments, I guess that would be a bow punch angle. Small physical attacks such as bows and arrows, conceivable by means of ranged attacks, are almost nullified by defensive magic using seawater.
The means of ranged attack in maritime combat in this world was nothing short of attack magic. And in order to make it attack magic, defensive magic, and increase its power and effectiveness, it was performing magic formations on ships and boosts by simultaneous chanting in multiple numbers.
So it's 'exorcism', and what do you do in my case without magic?
That's the answer.
The ships of the Pirate Fleet are scratching the long-range magic of the convoy of escorts and carrying them into the White Soldier War with an impact angle attack. Not all ships have, of course, succeeded in attacking the convoy of escorts at an angle of impact. The pirate fleet is also attacking while causing damage.
And five pirate ships were circling around so as to surround the area where that melee was taking place. It seemed to interfere with the inner waves of the siege net and blunt the seafoot.
But of those five ships, four erupt water columns and flames and sink into the sea.
I'll steer, it's a torpedo attack from a U-boat.
The U-boat's bow torpedo tube will be loaded with four torpedoes, with a total of fourteen rounds. Whenever four shots were fired, cool-time for automatic loading occurred and torpedoes could not be fired, but in the meantime the ship proceeded to the center of the battle.
"Hey, what happened?"
"Let it be, Captain! Ships two to five will sink!
"Idiot! You know that when you see that! Be on perimeter! From where?!"
I can hear the confusing voices at sea through the periscope. Apparently, there was a captain-like man from this pirate flotilla "Kaito” on the ship that was surrounding him.
What are we gonna do, aim at capturing the captain? No, how do we tie him up at sea... And even if you are called captain, you can't say enough that you may be the captain of a single ship, the captain of the whole ship.
Then… while waiting for the automatic loading of the torpedo, we decide to continue our policy of not changing the direction of travel and heading for the support of the convoy of escorts in the White Soldier battle under attack at the shock angle.
Fine-tune the path with a periscope and adjust the path so that a pirate ship attached to the convoy of escorts comes to the front of the U-boat.
And then a U-boat emerged at sea, as it surfaced rapidly, breaking through the border between the sea and the sky, which spread over the sea.
"Captain! Two o'clock! Something's coming from the sea!
"Oh, what the..."
The enhanced sound collection capabilities on board the U-boat make me hear the surrounding voices. But I didn't let it surface to hear all those surprises.
Operate the window monitor of the TSS (Tactical Support System) and switch the object of operation from the steering of the U-boat to the gun seat mode of the other stationary weapon installed on the upper part of the hull, the 88mm cannon.
An eighty-eight millimeter gun is a flat-fire/anti-tank gun that is originally used in ground warfare. Since the fire rate (firing interval) is also high, and the number of rounds loaded is 220 automatically loaded, you hardly have to worry about running out of ammo if you wait for cool-time for loading.
What is equipped with a U-boat is different from the ammunition used in ground warfare, but its power would be too much to slaughter a wooden sailboat.
But starting with the U-boat, the submarine's armored gauge is pretty low. As soon as he gets a counterattack, he becomes unnavigable and just waits to be sunk. So we're going for a blow out!
Align the aimer shown on the window monitor with the pirate ship that attaches it to the escort ship and press the trigger button.
The sound of a blowing explosion at sea, and shells sickened as they cleaved through the sea, involving multiple pirate ships mounting on convoys and causing them to explode.
It was my first use in this world, so I waited until I saw a pirate ship that was firmly checked for landing, detonated, and burned and sunk as it was shattered. Then he returned the object of the operation to the U-boat, and now disappeared into the sea on a rapid dive.
"What the hell is that! Watch the tower! Report!
"Lady Leitzen! We still have enemies on board!
"I know that! But if the current magic doesn't belong to our allies, then this ship is next!
Pass directly under the flagship of the escort fleet while on a submersible voyage, aiming for an escort that is fighting ahead. Check the angle from the map and sonar not to hit the frigate, and once again the eighty-eight millimeter cannon from the rapid surfacing makes a roar.
Seeing how things were going with the diving periscope again, the pirate fleet had begun to retreat. We interrupt the White Soldier Battle and jump onto the remaining ships, leaving the convoy. Naturally, the convoy was not supposed to allow a cheap retreat and was about to make a magical attack on its stern, but the perimeter of the convoy was suddenly wrapped in thick fog, making it completely invisible.
Apparently, it generates sea fog that uses seawater and uses it as a smokescreen to escape the equation. From the side of the escort ship, he said, "Blow the fog!" "Capture the thief who fell to sea!," etc., and the anger was flying.
As far as I'm concerned, I didn't intend to stay here and sink. The crusade of the pirate fleet Haitang is the ultimate goal of controlling the home deserted islands. The escaped pirate ship must be told where it is now and where it is not known.
I guess the convoy of escorts intends to do the same. I didn't force myself to chase a fleeing pirate ship, and I put something in my neck when I pulled up the pirates I had captured on board and the pirates who fell from the pirate ship I had destroyed to the sea.
That is...... but the magic agitation ring for captivity I saw at the Yagoche mansion in Wangdu. It disrupts the magic flow of the wearer and makes it impossible to use magic and skills.
It fits one after the other into the captive tribes, hands tied and lined up on the ship, causing them to kneel. I see a man checking the faces of each of those tribes.
I think it's the Beast tribe, but long heads vertically on fat bodies like barrels, and gold like short houses, or white dripping ears on yellow hair... Oh, I saw your face...... pig nose?
Oh... that's the pork lemon Mr. Charles was talking about...
The fog that had surrounded the convoy of escorts became clearer and clearer with the wind caused by magic, around which most of it was blown, the boat was lowered and repairs began.
None of the ships seem to have been damaged enough to be unnavigable, but it doesn't feel like the pursuit will begin immediately after atmospheric repairs.
Instead, Pork Lemon...... I have eyes on the blade-width long sword Leitzen Drumo has.
The pirates are lined up near the side of the flagship. I see all the Leitzen pig noses facing that back from a distance on the periscope, but apparently interrogating him on this occasion to find out where he's based.
"What is that black ship?! And its route to its home island!
"Oh, that's not one of ours! You're one of the pigs!
A black ship is my U-boat...
"Take a good look at you guys, I'm not as sweet as Zeppernel! If you're not gonna be honest with me, you don't need that mouth anymore."
Leitzen dropped the head of a pirate kneeling in front of him with a long sword in his hand and kicked his body down to the sea. And he's stabbing his head rolling at his feet with a long sword from behind, sticking it out in front of a pirate kneeling next door.
"Come on, you're next. Show me the black ship diving into the ocean and the route to the main base!
"Ma, wait! I'll show you the route! But I really don't know about that ship!
The second body also falls into the sea. This... I would take a similar approach if I didn't know where my home base was, and I wouldn't expose myself to saving pirate lives, etc. But I don't mind a little saying that the reason for that death is my U-boat.
"Don't lose sight of the perimeter! Let me know as soon as you find that black ship!
"Master Leitzen, what are you going to do with that ship? Apparently not an enemy..."
"Hmm, if we capture it, we'll know if it's an enemy. I've never heard of a ship diving in the ocean, whether it belongs to the Kurt Melga Kingdom or not. But I want it. I want it."
You pig lemon... you're changing the purpose of the interrogation... When this happens, you can't just show me where U-boats and I are together. You want to finish everything and pull it up before Ashley gets to the relay point?
That would definitely be one way. But while Ashley also went on a crusade with the life of the Sovereign, he said, "When I went to the main office, it was all cleaned up," can I finish something...
No, we'll decide what we'll do eventually. First, head to Kaito's home base, see how much fighting power is left, and if I can do it alone, I'll finish it. If that's not possible, let's wait for the convoy to come.
Summarizing his general thoughts, he rerouted toward the red frame floating in sight by AR (Augmented Reality) while lowering his depth of diving.