Manuke FPS
Mimi, a girl rescued on a rock-walled island, home of the pirate flotilla Kaitan (Kaido). I decided to take her and evacuate to the U-boat once. I woke up from a fainting. I got out in the figure of Haunted Captain Yona before Mimi, but I managed to create an atmosphere where I could talk to her about feeding off the labyrinth lunches of the Marida Chamber of Commerce.
"Mimi, how long have you been on that island?
"... about two months ago"
"Why are you with the pirates?
"Wow, the merchant ship on which I worked was attacked and taken to that island."
"How many other people were brought to that island besides Mimi?
"Wow, come with me..."
Using the voice changer of the communication function, I made Yona's voice a little crouched, unlike Schwartz and Shaft. Even though I was a little freaked out by that crouched voice, Mimi was answering my questions.
According to Mimi's story, Haitang had only captured young men and women among the crew of the ship he attacked and had brought them to that rock-walled island. Mimi was wearing only a piercing coat, but a magic agitation ring was worn around her neck.
The other captured men were also put on a magic disturbance ring, and the men were taken to the warehouse on the bottom floor after being held prisoner at home for a few days, apparently, to not come back intact.
The women break up into two groups, one going to the warehouse like the men, the other saying they are made to do various jobs at home.
The warehouse needs to be checked inside. Is there something going on in there or is it going somewhere?
The number of prisoners in yesterday's phase is seven women and five men. As I heard, the five men are in no condition to know when they will be taken to the warehouse.
The women also say that they are made to deal with the pirates at night and that they are cleaned and eaten during the day. Time to rest is only late at night to near early morning.
There are also large numbers, and it is difficult to bring out twelve men and women at once. The convoy of escorts will also appear here today and tomorrow. What will the besieged pirates do with the men and women they've captured? Take them hostage, take them to the back of the warehouse, or leave them alone.
How will the convoy move after it has besieged the rock-walled island? If the captives are listening to what structure the interior is, which should not go as far as the interior in a fleet sailboat, it is also conceivable to take the option of destroying the rock-walled island with a magical attack from the outside.
I don't feel very good about being done with it. I don't have an in-laws to help, but I want to manage to get him out more than I've heard.
Mimi also told me about the leader of Tsubako. The big man who threw Mimi off, the man who says Cada of the Lion Beast race, has a rough temper and is easily bored again. He says it's a habit to have a private room at the top of a rock-walled cave dwelling and throw a tired toy down to the bottom harbor.
From where I could talk to him to some extent, the sun also rose and it was about time lunch was near. "Eat when the harrassment is reduced," he said, leaving a new labyrinth lunch box and a demon prop water bottle in his living space, and I went across the command post to the captain's office on the other side.
I haven't slept a single night since yesterday's departure, I just want to rest like this, but I can't leave Mimi on a U-boat forever. Because with people inside, you can't get the U-boat back to the TSS dock.
Even if I think about the remaining twelve, I have trouble using them when I need a garage and a dock. Fortunately, the yellow frame that targeted the sailboat of the convoy of escorts has not yet moved while floating in my sight.
We should get back to the relay point island and drop Mimi off before the convoy shows up here. We should not be allowed to stay in places and weapons that will undoubtedly be battlefields from now on.
I switched the TSS to U-boat control and started moving towards the island at the relay point.
It was not long before the sun set that the U-boat arrived on the uninhabited island at the relay point. When we checked the periscope for vessels docked on the island at the relay point, there were three more vessels that had not been targeted.
The hull looks thicker than the carabel-style ships in the first row of the convoy. Probably the Ashley's second convoy of transporters.
Not long after we arrived, it seems that we are dropping a large crate of material-like wood from the transport ship and transporting it repeatedly to the island at the relay point.
Shut down the U-boat with the submersible and follow Mimi from the residence space to the command post. Mimi was transported to her living space in a state of disorientation, so she followed her as she looked around with the narrow passage in the U-boat she saw for the first time, the plumbing of stripping and the momentum to turn her eyes to countless meters.
"Oh, um... duh, where are you going?
"I'll put Omae on a boat that will take me home"
"What! Can you go home?!"
"I thought I could go home."
"But even... I can't go home -"
So Mimi cried from her knees.
Why can't I go home? I couldn't ask. Mimi squatted and held her own body hard as she shrugged her mother's name over and over again.
Is there a word you can give me back? But I couldn't think of anything.
But there's only one thing I know.
"Mimi, I think Omae's mother even wishes only Omae home Zo"
"... but... but"
"Parents are those who accept everything about their children, you don't need to worry about anything."
He held Mimi, still crying, and lifted her to his chest with one hand, climbing the ladder from the command post to the first floor of the upper command tower.
The largest of the transport ships moored off the relay point, operating the TSS at the command tower and moving the U-boat, is probably Ashley's ship aboard.
I rapidly surfaced the U-boat hoping Ashley was aboard that ship.
"Hey, what's that!
"Ah, that black ship! I just told you! It's a sailless ship that's intervened in the battle against the Sea Tongue!
"Oh, that..."
When it surfaced sideways about a hundred metres of a large transport vessel, it heard clearly the bragging on board the transport vessel.
"Gather the battle sailors! We need to catch that black ship!
"Leitzen! What are you talking about! We're all working on unloading!
"Shull, Leitzen, someone out of the top..."
When I opened the hatch at the top of the command tower and went outside and looked at the transporter, I saw three people standing beside the ship. Mr. Charles, Pork Lemon, and Ashley.
"Become! Undead?! All of you. Have a fighting attitude!! The undead are out!
Look at me. Pork lemon runs to the other side of the ship - dobong! and the falling water or I heard the sound of jumping into the sea......
"Sister, step back!
Mr. Charles comes forward to shelter Ashley, a demonic bow had already been pulled in his hand and the light was shining on his hand.
But I don't speak up. I just stared Ashley in the eye with a blue flaming eye that lit the bottom of the skeleton's eye.
Even with all this distance, you know what I mean?
"Shull, lower your bow"
"Why are you my sister?!?"
"A little, I'll just see how it goes. Don't let combat sailors unleash magic attacks either! However, defensive magic is ready for instant chanting!
Around Mr. Charles and Ashley were a bunch of men believed to be sailors. But apparently you got some time.
Throw the lifeboat you took out at sea when you left the command tower. Unload Mimi on an inflated lifeboat with the blasting sound of air.
Mimi, who had already stopped crying, looked up at me when she said something, but immediately jumped into the hatch without hearing it and went down to the command tower. Because Leitzen's flagship came out of the shadow of a large transport ship that Ashley and the others would ride.
Rapidly dive the U-boat and evacuate into the sea.
Ashley would certainly send Mimi to Amar. I rerouted the U-boat to the rock-walled island again.