Manuke FPS
The leader of the pirate flotilla "Kaito", Kada, was going to stop moving and ask about his behind the scenes and the people who grabbed him. However, there seemed to be no room for Cada, who used skill "water flow manipulation" and wore seawater.
Cada, wrapped in sea water, was diverted from the 7.62 x 51 mm NATO bullet on the M24A2. Let's see if Cada, wrapped in sea water, can do it in water. Cada was aware that I was flying matter with some kind of magic, thereby knocking down the target.
You bastard...... Pull the handle lever on the M24A2, cock and load the pods and ammunition. The drained pod disappears as a particle of light in hollow......
You've decided that my attack has stopped, and Kada's face is out of the water and she's sniffing.
The protection of the water that covers Cada's body is defensive enough to divert the power of the sniper gun, Five-seveN's 5.7 x 28mm ammo would also be deactivated. But then you just pick another option with it, luckily I'm the only one standing at the top of this.
TSS (Tactical Support System) was activated and an attempt was made to redecorate the soldier outfit, but Cada just moved out.
"~ ~ ~ ~ ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, Vortex Circle Dance (Aqua Dance)!
The water attribute magic I remember seeing somewhere was cast, and the sea water became a fast spinning circular saw that flew many times.
Step away from the top handrail and back. The flying circular saw not only hand-folds, but even scrapes and destroys the top rock bed.
My falling back from the handrail gives Cada more time to chant magic.
"~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~!
I heard a long chant of the Devil's Word that I had never heard before. And the magic name is uttered, and the sole is completed.
The lower seawater converges as if it could be gathered up in a single water column, and a large mass of seawater, which became a bulk of violence, is released as a water column, wearing the top floor, and the feet collapse.
Wavy shocks have occurred many times, and giant columns of water have been unsatisfied with the collapse of the floor alone, swinging down toward cave dwellings as if they were going to wave down a giant sword.
What a great magic. I run sideways on a slide jump and run straight out the inside of the rock wall on a wall run.
The shaken down giant water column destroyed the cave dwelling and began to follow me straight and sideways as I shredded the rock walls.
The magic effect time is long...... it doesn't seem like the type to end up alone. The sea water forming the water column lies directly beneath the cada.
Perhaps the only way to stop this magic is to attack Kada himself.
Hold the M24A2 in both hands and check the position of the cada at the root of the water column while running down the angle of the wall run.
And the forward slide jump from the wall run, rotate your body 360 degrees in a rock wall rinse position, pull the trigger the moment the cada shows up in your sight, the downsight, the scope reticle and cada meet, and immediately untie and cock.
I don't see if it landed, but I resume the wall run where my vision turned and I saw the rock wall.
Again, he shot a 7.62 x 51 mm NATO bullet into Cada with a FPS technical shot, also known as a one-spin shot, trick shot, etc. from a forward slide jump.
As I ran down the rock wall and landed at the bottom, the giant water columns were scattered, and the sea water poured directly below me as it collapsed.
With the momentum still landing in the lower level, move into a knee-standing position as you slip, downsight the M24A2, and capture the cada with a scope.
Cada's body, reflected in the scope, was in the sea water, with a big hole in his belly, and his right leg was also blown from around his thighs. But the area of that wound was pale and glowing, and the blown right leg was also a little further away from grasping the tentacles of the sea water.
"Ho, the bone bastard... and who the hell is that? It's not supposed to be a normal undead."
Cada only gets his face out of the sea water, spitting blood but still staring and yelling at me with a sharp eye.
I ignored his question and pulled the trigger by matching the reticle to the peeling face.
Once again, however, the sea water surrounding Cada changed the flow of 7.62 x 51 mm NATO ammunition, and the bullet aimed between the eyebrows pushed through just cutting Cada's cheek.
misguided - but its power is weakened -.
Select a special firearm to operate the TSS and redecorate the firearm from the inventory.
"Who am I?" I told you, Da, the one who leads Xama to the deep sea bed. Ring a soul-relieving bell that wears a detonator tube, turning Xama into deep sea algae scraps to fuck "
"Ha! No matter how many times I unleash that magic, I'm not breaking my 'water flow manipulation'!
Buy time to stir each other up, I'll change my weapon, and Cada will be cured. But I'm the one who's ready first.
Particles of converging light in front of him became the black replenishing BOX, from which he lifted a dozen large firearms.
The firearm I removed from the supply BOX is the GE M134 Minigun. This firearm is an American General Electric, Inc. personal portable, electric gating gun that shoots out 7.62 x 51 mm NATO ammunition while six barrels rotate. Its speed is up to a hundred rounds per second and the number of rounds loaded in the belt stretching from the magazine BOX is four thousand.
Shooting this off in less than a minute, it's one of the finest mobile firearms available on VMB.
It is originally a helicopter or other mounted machine gun, not a firearm that can be carried personally, but it can be used in disregard of weight and power supply issues due to the assistance of a powersuit and game specifications.
Grasp the arm bar holding the M134 with your left hand and hold the trigger grip backwards with your right hand. Align the crosshairs in view with the sudden appearance of black replenishing BOX and M134 to Cada, where understanding cannot be kept up.
"This violence can be prevented in Xama, Ka!
Pull the trigger on the M134 and the six barrels begin to rotate at high speed by means of an electrically conductive motor. And the gunpoint was dyed red as if to erupt a fire, and a 7.62 x 51 mm NATO bullet was fired at a completely invisible speed.
Cada tried to deflect the bullet in the water stream only shortly after he started shooting, but a storm of bullets that adjusted the AIM (aim) to defy the recoil control and the movement of the bullet being flushed, completely ignoring the water flow, etc., broke through the sea water that wrapped the cada and blew its body in fine pieces.