Manuke FPS
Six fast-spinning barrels spew out four thousand rounds of 7.62 x 51 mm NATO ammunition, causing the treble motor sound to quiet slowly.
By the time Karakara and the barrel stopped spinning, the harbour of the pirate convoy Kaito (Kaido), which spreads in front of me, had turned bright red. A single bullet was diverted many times by the skill 'Water Flow Operation'.
Then we chose the GE M134 Minigun, which would cause further outrage, special rains, an irresistible amount of material and unhealing destruction.
The body of Cada, which had received the rain of that bullet all by itself, was blown to pieces, with pieces of flesh and fragments of light armor floating at sea.
"Ca, Captain Cada is gone..."
The pirates who remained at the base of the rock-walled island were afraid of what was the cada that turned them into flesh pieces, and of the figure of Haunted Captain Jonah who turned them into them.
My gaze will circle the base and confirm the remaining numbers. There's still quite a bit left, including what looks like a non-combatant, but he escapes by the eye of a blue and white flame floating in the bottom of my skeleton.
Those in the upper cave dwellings headed to the lower level as they fell, and some of them even jumped into the harbor. And he swims to escape outside his home base.
Beyond that, however, there is already a group of small boats that seem to belong to the convoy of escorts. On the map that floated in my sight was a row of light points heading this way through the cave.
Those at the bottom rush into the warehouse where the transfer magic formation was located. And he destroyed the lock that was hanging on the door, and he ran inside and was in despair.
I'm sure it is, and I'm collecting all the transfer magic to keep help from coming.
The light point will soon break through the cave into the home port. That's it for my part... Remove the small oxygen cylinder and underwater scooter from the TSS (Tactical Support System) and return the M134 to the inventory.
I dived into the sea before the convoy could see me, and I proceeded outside the rock-walled island.
Outside the rock-walled island, he first dived into the shadow of a rocky reef that was nearby, putting out only his face at sea. The number of convoys visible at sea was six, and the transport convoys Ashley and the others came aboard did not appear to have been brought, but Ashley was seen aboard one convoy.
Apparently, he was switching from the transporter to this way. The convoy of escorts, scattered and moored at sea, were moving towards their own packing, with more than half their hulls sinking, investigating pirate ships with barely enough bows out, or pulling up pirates waiting to be captured in the name of rescue at sea.
Watching that move, I was looking back at this pirate fleet crusade. This battle may have moved too much than originally thought, consuming a considerable amount of expensive ammunition and fuel, and it gives me a headache considering the consumption of CP (Crystal Point) to restore these.
At the end of the day, I'll show Ashley my face and let me go home to Amar, the ocean city.
Operate the TSS underwater and summon a U-boat from the dock. It is naturally impossible to open the hatch and go inside in the sea, so hang your hands on the command tower. There, switch the TSS to the control mode of the U-boat, let the U-boat sail underwater to travel near Ashley's embarkation ship, and slowly float.
"Ze, Master Zepernell! There's that black ship at sea!
The first thing I noticed was a sailor standing on a frigate watch. Hearing that cry, Ashley and Mr. Charles rushed over to the side of the ship.
The other sailors on board are watching this side of the ship with vigilance. It wouldn't be a good idea to speak up to Ashley and imply a connection to her.
I'll just send Ashley my gaze and tell her with my eyes that I'm returning first... Did I pass it on? Just a little bit, I felt like Ashley nodded and showed it.
Is it unnatural to keep staring... open the hatch at the foot of the command tower and go down to the inside.
The moment I went down to the first floor of the command tower, where I tried to move my U-boat to a submersible voyage, the whole hull rocked to impact.
What this shock means is that it was definitely attacked. Starting with U-boats, submarines have very low armor values, maneuverability such as navigation and diving speed is halved if armoured bars are below half, and they are very likely to sink due to pursuit.
Let the U-boats dive rapidly while checking the TSS window monitors and checking for a reduction in armoured bars. Fortunately, the armoured bar was only a few percent above half.
Raise the submerged U-boat to periscope depth, switch to direct only automatic navigation mode, and switch the window monitor to periscope mode.
Who's been attacking us? There are still enough pirates left willing to attack...
"Where did the black ship go!
"Looks like we headed west underwater!
"Follow him! Put the Demon Stone in the Demonic Propulsion!
When I reacted to the yelling voice and turned the periscope, what I saw there was a pork lemon aboard the flagship of the convoy of escorts - I can't remember the name.
Return to control of the U-boat from periscope mode, disarm the automatic navigation and allow it to pivot.
"Leitzen! What are you doing!
The flagship of Pork Lemon was sailing in parallel to the frigate on which Ashley and the others were boarding. Ashley was speaking up for the flagship as it passed next to the berthing frigate.
"Leitzen! Are you listening! You haven't completed the Battle of the Sea Tongue yet!
"The crusade of the Sea Tongue is over, as well! Give me that black ship! We need to talk about the undead first!
"What are you doing on your own - you are in command of the fleet!
"Then follow your command! This is after that black ship, Zepernell, pack up the convoy and hold on to Kaito's home base! Or are you going to miss that black ship?! You just saved one little girl who turned out to be a pirate toy and you're going to miss it!
Which statement is correct - objectively speaking, it would be the pork lemon that is correct. My appearance is definitely undead and subject to crusade. If that were to be the mysterious black ship sailing underwater and traveling at will at sea, we should move to immediate crusade action once captured.
Ashley has no doubt about Leitzen's position, but you want to keep me going because you know him as Schwartz-Ghost Captain Jonah, and I was also going to disperse and take a direct flight to the marine city of Amar.
But now he's... what did he say?
When it comes to challenging me to fight, I'll take it and stand. But let me do it my way.
Target and fire one of the four torpedoes loaded into the U-boat's bow torpedo launch tube.
A torpedo travels underwater guided by a flagship that is being targeted. Urgently surfaced the U-boat just a few moments before it landed.
"Black ship spotted in bow direction!
"There he is! Battle sailor, prepare to attack!
I see battle sailors assembling at the bow in a hurry, but I'm not going to let them make a magic attack. With this one, if you get a blow, the armor bar will cut in half, and your mobility will be halved. Before that happens...
At the same time as the surfacing, switch the control to the gun seat mode of the eighty-eight mm cannon installed at the top of the hull and align the aimer towards the bow torso portion of the flagship.
Timed the moment a torpedo running in the sea lands on the bottom of the ship and presses the trigger button on the 88mm cannon.
A roar echoes at sea, as the bow of the flagship blows away, while the entire hull sways, sinking into the sea so that the flagship, nearly sixty metres long, breaks at the centre.
A shattered bow and stern poked up, and numerous crew members were seen jumping into the sea screaming.
We have just confirmed the destruction of the flagship and we have made another rapid dive, and now it is time to take the helm towards the marine city of Amar.
The crew of the sunken flagship will be rescued by Ashley and the others...... I left it to the convoy of escorts at the end of the day, including the home of Kaito, and I pushed through the sea, which was regaining its serenity on my dive voyage.