The Pirate Fleet "Kaito" crusade was completed by a convoy of escorts from the marine city of Amar, and the convoy returned to Amar.

Back then, I greeted the return with the citizens of Amar, who had gathered similarly on their way to the dedicated pier of the convoy.

"Welcome back, Ashley. And Mr. Charles."

"I'm home, Schwartz"

"Hey Schwartz! Why would I say something like that?

- Welcome back, Mr. Charles.

"Something catches me, but, well, fine."

Upon welcoming the two people down to the pier and seeing what they would do after this, they said they would first return to the fleet headquarters to do some administrative work such as instructing them to reprocess, treating prisoners, and deciding on the treatment of the other nationals who rescued them, and then return to the mansion.

There's no reason to follow me to the fleet headquarters, so I promised to have dinner with you tonight at the Zeppernell Mansion and decided to dissolve it once.

A familiar voice was heard from a sailboat in a convoy separate from the transport vessel as Ashley and Mr. Charles were dropping off instructions to the fleet members to return to work on their return to port.

"Get the work done quickly! Lieutenant! Get your hands on the main house! After the crusade report, you must sail immediately to Operation Yona Crusade!

Oh, you're alive, Ale... well, I'm not after you directly, and... you just have to follow a ghost you'll never find, forever.

We had dinner at the Zepernell mansion that night, and Ashley and Charles were able to hear about the Haitang crusade. But I'm the only one who knows, and I'm the only one who can talk to Ashley.

In the end, Ashley and I were able to talk after Mr. Charles was crushed by alcohol and Mr. Lester, the deacon of the Zepernell family, took him so that he could hold him.

"So, Schwartz. What happened to Cada, the leader of the Sea Tongue? The pirates we captured at home have only told us that they were wiped out by the undead."

"I definitely killed him. I shattered my body and fell into the ocean. I was going to tie him up at first, but he wasn't the right guy."

"Yes, if you say so. And I heard there was a transfer magic team at home."

"I recovered that. All I could tell was that the destination was quite north of Wang Capital, but only a large warehouse and mountain hut in the mountains were around"

We talked about the mountain hut we searched at the forwarding destination and the characteristics of the two men we thought were away, and we discussed where they were. Ashley's prediction is that it is the northernmost Draglange border of the king's capital, the Dorak kingdom, or the border there with it.

The Kingdom of Drake is a landlocked country with a longer history than the Kingdom of Kurt Merga, and it seems to be the land of the dragon knights who kept the small subdragon, Al Earth, that inhabits the country.

And this Kingdom of Drake and the Kingdom of Kurtomerga, they say, now have a ceasefire treaty, but until a few decades ago the Kingdom of Drake went south many times in search of the sea and continued to skirmish.

But that, too, should have calmed down with the presence of the Transfer Magic Formation brought out of the Labyrinth as the deciding factor... is Ashley's word.

And basically in this world we are not drawing the borders of our borders to sea. Inland, they say, has vague but border, but there is no such thing at sea, and the treatment of uninhabited islands seems to be quite vague.

Haitang has never attacked an uninhabited island at a relay point. It is also difficult to determine that only the Kingdom of Kurtomerga was deliberately targeted, as it had attacked both ships at sea in the Kingdom of Kurtomerga and the Union of the Filtonian Islands.

Ultimately, this issue was to be thrown round the top. In other words, report to the Eternal Honorary Chancellor Zeppanel, the Sovereign of the Zeppanel family, and that's it.

"Well, I'll tell the Sovereign the story was told by the captive pirates. It wasn't even that different from what I heard on the way home. I want Schwartz to keep the recovered transfer magic team, it's not something you can easily put on the market."

"Is it okay to keep your mouth shut with the Chancellor?

"Probably they'll spot you soon...... but then...... are you going to talk to me?

We were discussing it by pinching a small table, sitting across the street on the couch. There's only me and Ashley in this reception room, only tea after dinner was on the table.

I knew immediately what Ashley wanted to say. Place the cup and saucer in your hand on the table -.

- I'm sorry.

Neither the conversation at dinner, nor when it was just the two of us, Ashley didn't really want to talk about Haunted Captain Jonah, nor about the U-boat, nor about the devastation of the native Haitang.

Even though you know I'm involved in all of that, you're waiting for me to tell you.

A long time ago, I misled my VMB powers by saying it was my lineage skill 'Arms'. I've shown Ashley all the power of VMB since then, and I don't regret anything about it in and of itself, nor do I think it failed. But it is trying to reach its limits to delude them all in a word of lineage skills.

But I can't tell you... Everything if you say it, nothing if you don't say it -, it would be... different to talk halfway to the little one.

"- It's okay. I'll take Charles to the king's capital in about three days. What are you gonna do?

"In three days, I'll go to Wangdu too. That said, the purpose of my going is to auction."


"Oh, I asked Mr. Malta to hang the Great Magic Stone (Dungeon Core) for the auction. They're about to have that auction."

"Soon there will be... a royally hosted King's Competition Festival?!"

"No, I don't know your name..."

"The King's Competition Festival is not only hosted by the royal family, but is the only auction where the king himself may go depending on what is on offer. If you want to send out the Great Magic Stone, maybe the King will join you..."

The most formatted, then the participants will also be the most qualified...... Kings of this country, I'm a little interested, but will it come true?