The dinner party for just the two of us with Ofelia Dragrange lasted about two hours and after the course dishes we moved the place from the table seats to the couch. He talked and listened to many more things as he tilted the glass, and heard the truth about the northern realm of the Dragrange Borderland, the northernmost part of the kingdom.

The Dragrange Border Border Bell Territory is crossed by a mountain range at high altitude between it and neighboring kingdom of Drake. They are invited by the mineral range of demonic ore held by that mountain range, where numerous warcraft and sub-races roam, descending from the mountains and rampant on the borderline uncle territory.

Between him and the Kingdom of Drake, he has a temporary truce, but he has a knot, but is therefore unable to manage the mines of demonic ore, and is made a favorite of warcraft and sub-races.

Apparently an undiscovered labyrinth may also be growing in the mountains on the border, now also known as the Devil's Mountains. In addition to the labyrinthine crusades we know, Borderline Bertian is craving more manpower than one person to maintain security in its territory.

Ofelia was asked to include the labyrinth of the Borderline Uncle Territory as a candidate if he was to continue his labyrinth search.

There was such a colourless story going on, but it was the Ophiglia female escort knight who had refrained outside who told it the end.

"Dear Ophelia, it's time"

"Is it that time already? Shaft, I'll let you back down here. Tomorrow I have to climb the castle in the morning, I wanted to talk to you more about it, but let me see you next time."

"It was fun tonight. Next time, I'll bring you my secret wine."

"Huh, let's look forward to that"

I dropped off Ophelia, who was leaving with the escort knight, and I was also taken back to my room by Cotty.

"Master Shaft, where will you be serving breakfast from tomorrow, Nyan?

"You basically have to prepare your meal for the room."

"I'm in awe. Good night, then."

The next morning, I'm woken up by Coty, who brought me breakfast, washing my face while meals are available in my living space, and making plans for my day today.

The King's Competition Festival of Purpose, which came to the King's Capital, begins the day after tomorrow. Of the auction period that takes three days, only the last day I head to the venue, so I still have a few days to be free.

In the meantime, I plan to stay in this room today and check my gear in case I confront the thief "Cat Willow", who will be targeting my Great Magic Stone (Dungeon Core) for the King's Competition Festival.

I have already told the Maltese residence that I will show my face tomorrow, so I don't have any particular plans. You may want to see what happens on the buyer's side first to see what happens when the King's Competition Festival begins.

I decided to schedule an appointment ahead of me and came out of the washroom space and attached to a table where breakfast was arranged.

"Coty, I'm working in this room today, so stay away from the room until I call you"

"I'm in awe. If there's anything I can do for you, it's in your desk, call me by the bell."

Along with the finished dishes, I just checked that Coty is going down, and I'm going to start TSS (Tactical Support System) and check out the outfits and masks I'm going to wear on the day from Avatar Customization.

That said, the dress code is set. Set up a set list of avatar costumes with tail coats and black leopard Venetian masks so you can get dressed immediately on the day.

We know that the Cat Willow will come after the Great Magic Stone. We need some kind of uniform, but we are checked for weapons when entering Hylasia, the auction venue.

The blade kind won't work. That's why firearms are too heterogeneous to stand out the other way around. The first of a number of firearms lined up in the inventory was the GPS tracking darts.

This will allow the GPS transmitter to be shot and the target position to be displayed on the map at all times. If you're in a situation where you can't tie up a "cat willow” in Hylasia, the goal is to at least be able to figure out where you're going to escape with GPS tracking darts.

As an emergency uniform in the event of a battle, he first selected the FMG-9 that could be disguised, then took out the Taser Gun as a firearm that prioritized the capture of the "cat willow”.

Taser guns are a type of stun gun, a non-lethal weapon that when pulled a trigger with a gun type similar to a handgun, flies two wired electrodes from the muzzle area, runs 50,000 volts of current through the landed opponent and stops the subject from moving. The range is about eight meters and the cartridge at the gunpoint area where the electrode is stored should be replaced for each single ejection.

Compared to other firearms, Taser guns with a modest firing sound will pay more attention to purple electricity due to subsequent currents than at the moment of ejection.

Real Taser guns don't run purple electricity or anything on the body receiving the current, but VMB's Taser guns see the graphics that purple electricity runs as a production.

I want to do the test by the day, but I'll probably see purple electricity in this world as well. That should distract you from a weapon called a gun and make you look like a magic attack.

Remove the Taser Gun and FMG-9 from the summoned Black Supplemental BOX, along with the spare magazine and replacement cartridge, and prepare it with a gun holder, shoulder holster that attaches to the back of the waist on the magazine belt, wearing a tail coat over it to see if it is unnatural.

It still looks a little bloated, but it would be acceptable. However, there has been little firing practice to prevent AIM from deteriorating after falling into this world.

The act of aiming at a target, AIM, quickly deflects your senses if you don't do it at all. When I was in the previous world, I made time to go to the VMB shooting range room, but I couldn't get there from this world.

In this world of reality, it would be impossible to secure a place to practice shooting as much as you like without touching anyone's eyes.

Somewhere, no-one, I can come and go in an instant to a place I don't know...

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait Because there's a transfer magic team. I need to set up a mock-up magic team on the move, but if we use this successfully, we might be able to create a shooting practice area in this world as well.

No... Rather, what is the state of the transfer magic team now? A set of transfer and simulation magic formations, arranged on a carrier of seventy-four oversized trucks stored in the garage. The other pair that pairs with that is inside the Gift BOX.

If we take out the transfer magic formation here and transfer it to the modeling magic formation stored inside the garage, maybe we can fly to the garage?

I can't help thinking about it like that. But spreading the transfer magic formation in this room is unsavory. As we prepare for the King's Competition Festival, it's almost lunch time.

Even in this world, where two meals a day is the basic food culture, it is not to say that we do not drink or eat from morning to night. I don't know when Cotty will be visiting to confirm tea and meals.

First, I decided to get out of the "Peace Capital Pavilion" and give the front desk employee the keys to the room and walk out to the entire city of Wangdu.

The Marida Chamber of Commerce is on its way. Travel from the first area to the second area and head to the trade hall early.

When I checked with the escort who stood at the merchant's store to see if Mr. Malta or Mr. Marida were there, Mr. Malta was on the go, but Mr. Marida said he was at work at the merchant's office. In the meantime, as soon as Mr. Malida took over, two girls ran over from the back of the mall.

"Ah! It's really Master Shaft!

"Hey, Amy! Excuse me for saying that."

"Because, Prisera! Master Shaft rarely comes!

"Long time no see, Amy, and Prisera."

The two of them are Puppet girls I once helped. Now he works for the Marida Chamber of Commerce and the Maltese Mansion as a earner. Did you work at the mall today, or wore matching costumes that seemed like seller's uniforms?

And Amy's long brown hair was dressed with a three-netted kachusha of brown, while Prisera's blonde hair was dressed with a costume of white flowers.

Together with what I bought you.

"Yes, Master Shaft. Thanks to you, the two of us are doing well."

"Master Shaft! Dear Marida is waiting for you. I'll show you."

He was led by the two of them and led first to the office where Mr. Marida was working.