Manuke FPS
Continue on the suspension bridge leading to the royal castle and circle the wide open castle gate.
At the heart of the reign of the Kingdom of Kurtomerga, the castle of Sanctua Gravo is a robust place to live in the capital of the King, the largest city.
While in the heart of the king's capital, the castle is built on an artificially built lake, surrounded by giant walls that reach a height of twenty meters, and looks more like a fortress than a castle.
According to the materials of the founding history, the prototype of this royal castle, Castel Sanctua Gravo, was first built, and here it was declared that a land of freedom and peace by adventurers would be founded.
The powerful, magical adventurers who agreed with it fought the peripheral nations, the warcraft, and the subraces, and made them recognize and defend their country.
Eventually, he welcomed the adventurers who continued to be at the forefront into the nation as nobles, from which he divided himself into demonic aristocracy and nobility.
It was this royal castle that continued to exist with history from its founding. Ride through the castle gate and present your guild card to the guards who will stand ahead of you, telling them why you climbed the castle.
Guards were directed to places like waiting areas and instructed to wait there until guidance arrived.
Inside the walls, green lawns and cobblestone paths can be seen with several spires and palace-like buildings built ahead. Mindful of the maps that float through your sight as you see the limiting view through the waiting window.
There was one light point, and I could see it coming this way. You'll be the one who leads me first.
"You came earlier than I thought, Schwartz!
"Hello, Mr. Charles. I didn't think you'd be the one to show me around."
"For once, it's a secret that Schwartz climbs the castle. Jizzy tells me not to talk to the surroundings either, and I mean, I haven't been asked what Schwartz climbed into?!
By jizzy, do you mean Prime Minister Zepernell Eternal Honor? Indeed, Ashley was the only one who told me that I had crushed the pirate fleet "Kaito" and secured the transfer and simulation magic formations that were based there.
Mr. Charles was not informed of the details, and because he knew me, he came here as a guide.
"More stories sooner or later... In the meantime, I'd like some guidance."
"... right. Jizzy, your sister, that guy won't tell you anything, so at all - not at all -!
Mr. Shall leaves the waiting room dripping with bumps and stupidity. I followed, too, out of the waiting room and followed Mr. Shall's back.
After Mr. Charles, you can see him walking across the courtyard of the royal castle and across the large palace, toward the corner of the royal castle grounds surrounded by giant walls.
The surrounding landscape changes from a lawn-only courtyard to a garden lined with trees. It was reaching my sound collecting sensors, the murmuring voices heard from elsewhere in the royal castle, gradually deaudible and vice versa, the sound of running water.
The flat stone road eventually turns into cobblestone, and you can see a house from a slice of the woods -
"Hmm? What's wrong, Schwartz?
"Yes, no..."
Unexpectedly the words in her mouth seemed to sound like Mr. Charles, and she looked back this way, but I could not see Mr. Charles, and his gaze nailed to the whole house visible from the slices of the woods.
"Oh, it's a rare house. My Sovereign made me make it," Kakiya "? It's a building. I've been renovating for nearly 400 years, so I'm not hungry."
That's the name of the roof......
The building, visible from the junction of the forest, is a wooden architectural bungalow building with an obvious tile roof. As we approach, an overall view of the building appears on the map in view.
Big, I see so many rooms in a row that I think it's like a martial arts mansion. If you don't step inside the building, you won't even see the intervals inside.
The entrance is this way.
Without having to be guided by Mr. Shall, he walks to the front door of the drawer.
"Hey, wait a minute! There are so many promises in this house that you don't know! If you break it, you're gonna be so mad at me!
Mr. Charles overtakes me and walks into the front door. He pulls the front door and carefully tells me, "Take off your boots here," but my boots are wearing an extra unit of power suits, thruster boots. It has a small thruster on the sole that enhances jumping power and aids in landing from altitude. It's not an easy thing to take off.
Ms. Charles sits at the front door, subtly turns around behind her loosening her boots, and starts avatar customization from the TSS (Tactical Support System).
I removed my thruster boots, made my shoe gear 'none', and my legs finally burst out wearing what looked like my socks.
"Did you take it off? It's unusual, this house shouldn't come in with boots on."
"Right. I've never seen a house like this before in this country."
"That's right. 'Cause this is the only place."
Stepping into the front door ends the mapping of this mansion in an instant. The room arranged in the mouth shape and the courtyard, and the room joining it to protrude from the mouth shape to the northeast and southwest, are also visible. It looks like Mr. Charles is going to show me the room that poked out to the southwest. Maybe that's the reception room.
"Excuse me. We brought you Schwartz, D-Rank Adventurer"
"Go ahead."
He walked down the hallway of the wooden plank, breathtaking in its internal design, and his body stiffened again to the obstacle in front of him. And what I heard was Ashley's voice.
"Excuse me. I'm Schwartz, a D-rank adventurer. I heard you call me, and I'm here."
Moving on to pull the handicap, Ashley and an elderly man sat down, not unlike the number of light points shown on the map.
The room that seemed to be the reception room was a tatami japanese room, where wooden seats and tables were placed, an elderly man in the upper seat, Ashley sitting beside it, and an empty seat in the part that touched the lower seat.
"Charlotte, you've had a hard time. Bring me some tea."
"... awed"
Glimpsing at this one with a slight dissatisfaction, Mr. Shall disappeared across the hallway.
"You've come a long way, Mr. Schwartz. The prime minister of the Kurt Melga kingdom, Roberto Bergman."
Chancellor Bergman? Isn't he Prime Minister Zepernell Eternal Honor? Chancellor Bergman is a small Pu old man with a tough little round face, full of wrinkles and narrow eyes. The word "strict" takes the form of a person. He was an old man with such an impression.
"Sit there first, it's hard to talk while you're standing alone"
"Now, if you'll excuse me"
He was urged to take a seat and sat down in the lower seat facing Chancellor Bergman. Ashley looks at this one quietly with a smiley face. I guess that basically means talking to Chancellor Bergman.
"Let's wait for tea first," he said.
I don't have to wait, the map of my vision brings me closer to this room, I see two light points. One can tell from the footsteps that it's Mr. Shall. The other sound is light, little footsteps...... children?
"Excuse me. We brought you some tea."
Pull the obstacle, Mr. Shall comes in. Did you bring a basin, a cup and a sudden sushi in your hand, and a green tea system, not a tea system?
And it was a young girl who came in quietly from behind Mr. Shall. Glowing white hair, ears sticking out of her hair, white skin - a toddler girl believed to be an elf of the fairy clan walked on a tatami with Tokotoko and sat in a seat that was in the corner of the room.
"Thank you, Charlotte. I'll call you later. Stay back."
"... awed"
Chancellor Bergman, as well as Ashley, urged him to leave the room, and Mr. Charles reluctantly left the reception room. Me and Ashley, Chancellor Bergman and... toddler girl left in the room?