Manuke FPS
He boarded a carriage operated by the alum of the Fox Beast Clan and arrived at the former Marida Trading Museum with Mr. Marida.
The old Marida Trading Museum was built on a narrow street that went from the street outside the second district to one more inside.
It was a sturdy stone two-story building, and the sign bracket at the top of the wooden door had only black arms and no signs per se.
Because it is not currently used, is it normal that there is no sign? The small window pulled a curtain and I couldn't peek inside. While I was looking at the exterior, Marida unlocked the wooden door and called out to me, "Please come inside".
Alum is waiting in the street with the carriage. Because carriages cannot enter this narrow street. The neighbors that built it also seemed to be young merchants and craftsmen's workshops and shops, and people seemed to live there quite a bit, even if they only looked at the light points within range of moving to the map.
But few people walk the streets. As I was asking, I guess it's a place with very few people until around the evening.
The ground floor of the mall is a store space. Wooden shelves and counters are placed on the flooring, with stairs leading upstairs and underground behind the counter.
I'm not interested in store space. I'm not buying this place to do business, there's no chance I'll do anything as a camouflage if I get in and out of here and they're always suspicious that there's no movement in the mall...
Next thing I know, I went upstairs. Here too, the floor is floored, with six wooden desks arranged opposite each other and one wooden desk placed alone a little further from the upper seat.
Empty shelves of goods and library-like furniture lined the walls. He told me he made me come to clean every now and then, but it was really clean, no ground floor, no upstairs, no dust.
And the last thing I saw was an underground warehouse. This is also the room I wanted most. The room where the transfer magic formation, the simulation magic formation, is left in place is isolated from the outside. Also, there was only one place I could get in and out, and I wanted the place I said so.
Plus, I wanted the building as a base, but I didn't think I needed any living space there. Because the place to live has a VMB personal room and the finest motorhouse continental.
The entrance to the underground warehouse was closed by a large iron door.
"All the keys to the trade hall will be unlocked with this demon lock print. We only have a magic consumable now, but if you decide here, we'll have a magic tablet tattoo with a demon stone consumable."
That's what he said, and he showed me a demon prop for unlocking that he said was a demon lock tattoo in his hand. At first glance, I just said a slightly larger judge.
When magic is shed while pressing this onto the key area, the half-circle demon print engraved on the key is combined with the similarly half-circle demon print engraved on the demon lock mark, which becomes a single magic formation to unlock the door.
As I watched the situation behind me, I wondered if there was any means of opening the door if there were no demon lock marks.
Ask Marida if she doesn't have the Tablet, she will destroy it with more force than the magic applied to the Magic Formation, or there will be magic and skill to unlock the Tablet.
For this reason, it is not safe to say that it is locked by demonic tablet tattoos, and metal locks are also commonly widely used.
"We currently have nothing in this underground warehouse. What about the lights? We can also provide demon stone consumed lanterns."
There's really nothing inside the underground warehouse, and the stripped brick walls just look ahead of the dark. But it's impeccable in size and height.
"Right. Along with an arm that can hang a lantern and place it, it would be helpful if you had some"
Some renovation was likely to be necessary to use this warehouse as the main space. Order replacement of interior walls, floorboards, etc., including securing lights, and ask them to give a quote by communicating the desired renovation, such as replacing the furniture in the office space on the second floor.
It will actually take a few days to be usable, but the King's Competition Festival is filled with adjustments to the magic and modeling magic formations, a labyrinth attack near Wangdu until it's complete, and my plans.
It would be just about right after these to actually use this place as a base.
After checking the old merchant hall, I was to return to the Marida merchant hall for now, but as I approached the main street running through the center of the second district, I could see a wall of light formed on the map floating in my sight.
The speed at which the carriage went along with it also dropped, stopping in the street.
"Ma'am, it looks like it's just time for the parade to pass"
Alum has shown his face in a small window between your podium and the cabin, informing him of the situation. The parade refers to the march of the royal family presiding over the King's Competition Festival to Hyrasia, the venue.
Instead of heading straight from the royal castle, the parade, which slowly heads to Haiti as it passes through the second district, is said to gather many king metropolitan people for a course in the parade when they may be seen as kings that are usually invisible or royal.
"Really, is it going to pass soon? Given the planned directions, it's going to be hard to get back to the mall without waiting for the passage. Mr. Schwartz, because of this, will you look at the parade and go?
"Right. I am also interested in the royal people. If we're just waiting for the passage here, why don't we go check it out?"
"So... Alum, you're right to ask. I'm going to see a parade with Mr. Schwartz, so I need a carriage, please."
"Yes, ma'am. But is the escort okay?
"No one will bother to make a scene in the streets where royalty will pass. Besides, Mr. Schwartz is here, so it's okay."
Chills, the alum moves its gaze towards me, but soon returns to Mr. Marida, descending from your podium and moving to the cabin door.
By the way, when the door opened, I went down first, escorted Mr. Marida out and walked to the crowd.
Mixed with crowds accumulating at both ends of the boulevard, he looks to the cheers coming from the side of the royal castle.
I still don't see him, but I guess he'll be passing through here soon. I'm about to be extinguished by cheers, but I hear numerous horseshoes and carriages.
"Mr. Marida, who is the royal family that will be joining us this time?
"For the first time in this parade, the royal people who participate will see. Still, I'm able to predict it to some extent. The first is definitely Prince Kileak, the second prince of the Kurt Melga kingdom."
"The Second Prince... Only the Clan Master of the“ King Flower (Rafflesia) "..."
"That's right. They say the winning flowers are now assembled in the capital."
"Gather...? How big a clan is the King Flower?
"I don't know the exact number, but I hear that hundreds and dozens of people, even on their own, as a lower organization there, are joined by more than dozens of clans and mercenaries, and even commercial and artisan unions"
"What about the Marida Chamber of Commerce?
"We deal independently with adventurers and explorers, so it's not like we're making a special deal with every clan as well as the King Flower."
"Really? - You see it."
A loud cheer clings to the boulevard. Is it the Knights of the Central Knights who escort them that you see at the head? Horse-riding knights and infantry that suppresses the king metropolitan people beside them walk in the lead, and a large carriage can be seen from behind them.
A four-headed open carriage with no roof advanced, rather than a sealed cabin type. There are two men and women in the cabin. Men were of a magnificent universal race and women were sitting and waving by a girl who seemed to be of a teenage universal race.
"That... is His Majesty the King and Princess Cyril of the Fourth Princess,"
"Fourth Princess?
"Yeah, His Majesty the King has three princes and four princesses. I also hear that the first, second and third princesses have already been bequeathed to the noble family and His Majesty has drowned the last remaining fourth princess, Cyril."
I was listening to Mr. Marida as I watched the carriage passing by.
That magnificent man is the king..., like me, the descendant of those who have fallen beyond the narrows from the world of games. I don't know if he retains his pedigree skills, but I think Ashley said a long time ago that he was the only one in the royal family.
Does the whole royalty have it, or only a limited number of people within it?
My interest was more about the kings and the Fourth Princess herself than about the pedigree skills they lived in.
And a little late from the Kings carriage, another group came. This one has no carriage, only infantry and horseback riding.
"Again, you're Prince Kileak. Silver-haired elves leading the way."
Is that the clanmaster of the King's Flower?
Prince Kileak had only the elves of the fairy species, who, combined with their long silver hair, looked fantastically beautiful. Skinny body, but silver armor doesn't make you feel weak.
The armor can also be seen with a large, shining demonic stone embedded in the chest. Is that magic armor, too?
Rather than cheer that gets louder...... my sound collection sensor captured a whine that wasn't small as the yellow cheer of a woman flooded the boulevard.
The source of that whining was Reinell, an A-rank adventurer, one of the hegemonic flowers we met in the labyrinth of the Green Ghost.