Manuke FPS
The last day of the King's Festival was also at the end of the day. Already digesting more than two-thirds, all the goods since the snack break will be awarded at a high price.
The starting price of the tender was already not gold coins, but was progressing with ten raised gold coins from the large white gold coins.
"I've got eleven white gold coins and sixty! Thanks! Eleven and seventy white gold coins! Do you have eleven and seventy customers!
"Ha! Thank you. It will be the bid of the eleventh customer."
That ended up with inventory number ninety-nine. Next is the last and finally the bidding for the Great Magic Stone (Dungeon Core) begins.
"Next will be closing this year's King's Competition Festival, the last item. Inventory number 100, brought back from the Tooth Wolf's Labyrinth, it's a Great Magic Stone!
In response to Auctioneer's best call of the day, a black painted crate is carried on the wagon for transfer.
The signal of the ultra-compact transmitter, which is tensioned by the GPS tracking darts, is also traveling accordingly.
"This is my first experience putting me in charge of the Great Magic Stone, too. Including looking straight at it like this..."
Auctioneer opens the crate lid and tilts the box. Consider making sure the buyer sees the Great Magic Stone as well. Exactly, I don't seem to hold it in my hand or transfer it to another pedestal.
From the moment I saw the great magic stone shining in polar colours from the venue, the sound of exclamation and admiration began to sound, striking one person or another in the hand.
The wave of praise sounds gradually grew louder and, if you notice, the whole venue was wrapped with loud applause. And the gaze of all participants gathers at one point -.
"Master Shaft, this is all directed at you. Even Your Majesty has slapped your hand."
Mr. Marta slapped his hand again, too, and was looking at me.
The crusade of the Labyrinth is a joy and good news for all those who live in this world.
Hunt down the crusaded labyrinth in the name of the Harvest Festival, bouncing back death and fear flooding out of the labyrinth for life and peace.
And - praise the brave man who brought it, the hero, the Savior, this world with the utmost respect.
I was supposed to get that praise at the harvest festival. But I had chosen to follow Ashley to the south rather than participate in the harvest festival.
The praiseworthy destination that had lost its place came to me here and now.
Stand up from the audience and bend your right hand horizontally in front of your belly and bow your head. Bow-and-scrape was performed on the upper body alone, giving a salute to the wave of praise.
I don't remember ever receiving such a wave of praise in the world before. Would you have achieved so much exhilaration even when you had the results at the FPS World Congress?
One competition, the praise for its winners and the praise for the winners of the battle for the fate of this world, would still be to say otherwise.
"Come on, gentlemen, this is the last time. The starting price of the tender starts with fifty white gold coins. The ride will also start with fifty gold coins. So..., may I? Fifty platinum coins! Fifty!
Where a resounding wave of praise settled, the auctioneer declared the opening of the bid.
"Yes, fifty white gold coins and fifty packs -, yes, fifty one white gold coins there! Fifty-one and fifty!
The bids keep going up on the paddles that can be fried one after the other.
"Malta, how far do you think it'll go?
"Right, about thirty pieces of white gold coins I remember at the trading price of the Great Magic Stone, I don't know how far I'm going this time, but I think a hundred pieces will go over"
Are more than a hundred white gold coins strong... at the end of this auction, the cost of purchasing an unattributed Demon Stone and the problem of CP (Crystal Point) will be solved at once.
If you notice, King Kurt Melga, who sits in the VIP room, was also paddled up to participate in the bidding. It seems that Princess Minnea and Cyril, who are present in the VIP room, are overloading whenever they are overbid as they support the king to stand still.
The bid has also already exceeded eighty white gold coins, but there is no indication that the momentum will stop. Still, the facial rash that keeps bidding has begun to be fixed......, one is the king, and the Yamigasa Chamber of Commerce and two aristocrats - these four are in contention.
"You're the Earls of Balmund and the Marquis of Ecruz over there. You're both people who run the Chamber of Commerce."
"Do aristocrats sometimes have chambers of commerce"
"Yeah, a lot of people don't have official positions. With the Great Magic Stone, you can also manage large-scale magic architecture and large-scale magic props. If you want your territory to flourish, it's normal for every lord to want it."
"I see..."
I don't know what will change with one great magic stone, but I guess if Mr. Malta says so.
And the bid exceeds a hundred white gold coins, and the two nobles have fallen off and are in a one-strike state with the King and the Yamigasa Chamber of Commerce.
The president of the Yamigasa Chamber of Commerce was a man of the mouse-faced beast race, with a thin, long physique, the opposite of that of Mr. Malta.
"One hundred twenty and fifty white gold coins! How about Your Majesty!
He is entering a one-hit state and the auctioneers are beginning to alternate confirm his willingness to bid.
The king paddles up the auctioneer inquiry, and so does the Susuma Yamigasa Chamber of Commerce.
Repeating such exchanges several times, the paddle of kings gradually rises at longer intervals -.
"One hundred and fifty white gold coins! It's a hundred and fifty! May I?
"Ha! The Great Magic Stone, brought back from the Labyrinth of the Tooth Wolf, is the bid of the Yamigasa Chamber of Commerce for one hundred and fifty white gold coins!
The sound of a hand slamming from all over the venue at the last bid is ringing, and there is a twist on the amount of the bid that says one hundred and fifty white gold coins.
As he was wrapped in praise for the stunning successful Yamigasa Chamber of Commerce, not knowing to calm down, he saw white smoke quietly from nowhere to the foot of the venue on the ground floor, but filled with water at the bottom of the box.
The participants, who are all cheered up on the ground floor, don't seem to realize that -.
"Is that some kind of performance?
"No, it wasn't until last year..."
"It's Sleep Mist!
The cry belonged to Ophelia, who was sitting at the edge of the venue.
Not a performance? So this belongs to the thief Cat Willow?
I see several nobles who perceived the voice of Ophelia erecting a magical barrier to surround their seats.
White smoke touching the magic barrier -, the fog of sleep stops moving there and doesn't seem to get inside the barrier.
But expanding the magic barrier widely will require the appropriate technology. The Hailasian staff, unable to do so and imprisoned at their feet by the mist of their sleep, are on their knees and have stopped moving.
Are you in a state of sleep, as the magic name of the mist of sleep indicates?
No, more than that.
Since the stage is a little higher, it does not appear to be affected by the mist of sleep, but it is surrounded by a state of inability to move.
The table seating side has also endured sleep abnormalities or erected a magic barrier which prevents it from moving in reverse.
Still no major confusion has occurred under this circumstance, just because of the nobility?
"Be on guard around you! Count Temis! Can't you blow this fog?!
"I can't, because if I try to blow it indoors, the fog will strike me."
"Make Your Majesty's safety a top priority! Felix! Get upstairs and cover your evacuation!
"If you can't blow the fog, spread the barrier and push it back!
He will raise his voice and develop his attitude around the demonic guiding nobility taking part in the King's Festival. Dealing with the next attack of this mist of sleep, the princes and princesses entering the VIP room, including the King, and the Minneas participating from the First Academy of Magic, are beginning to act as a top priority to evacuate.
"Malta, this audience would be less dangerous. Wait here until things are done."
"What about Master Shaft?
"People are gathering around the Great Magic Stone. Until I hand over the Great Magic Stone to the winning bidder, I'll have ownership of it. I won't let anyone take it from me."
The map in view shows the staff and thoughtful light points gathering on the stage. I don't hear any confusion between the staff.
Still, I hear you discussing keeping the Great Magic Stone on stage. Join that ring first, and make a move to protect the Great Magic Stone...
The staff gathering on stage began to move. The black painted crate where the Great Magic Stone is delivered can be closed - apparently moving the Great Magic Stone elsewhere.
"Dear Shaft, I also know rumors about the thief“ Cat Willow ”. It's a group of unidentified people called the Great Undead Thief..."
"You can't be sweet about rumors like not killing or scratching one"
"Sure, because it doesn't change the fact that the goods are actually taken."
"That's what I'm saying."
The wagon of the great magic stone that moved - the footsteps of the moving staff -.
There's one familiar sound there - this lightly bouncing footstep, Coty.
"Master Shaft, what!
Mr. Marta saw my movements and raised his voice. That must be natural, this is a second-floor seat. I put my foot on the counter looking down the stairs, and I'm about to jump out of it.
"Marta, I'm going"
"Oh, be careful..."
Listening to Mr. Marta's voice on his back, he jumped into a space with few people downstairs.