Manuke FPS
Transfer to the Royal Castle The morning after I went to pick up the magic team and the mock magic team, I woke up on the bed, in the VMB's personal room.
Check the time, also check the footage of the two spy cameras floating in sight, and observe the situation of "The Great Black House". There are no problems with the sales space on the ground floor and in front of the underground warehouse.
Next, he hid spy camera footage and showed two reflective minimaps of AN/GSR-9 (V) 1 (T-UGS) that he installed yesterday after returning home.
The shopping mall I bought, the "Big Black House", is two floors above ground level and has an underground ground floor structure. Spy cameras monitored the first floor and the corridor in front of the underground warehouse, but it was not possible to check the situation upstairs and in the underground warehouse in a 24-hour system.
The number of spy cameras installed was limited to two. This was no different in this world, and when the third group was installed, the first group became a particle of light and disappeared.
Therefore, the equipment to be installed was changed in itself, so that two units of the same type of long-range radar, AN/GSR-9 (V) 1 (T-UGS), could be installed as well to monitor the upstairs offices and movements within the underground warehouse.
Mini maps floating next to the maps The two continued to reflect maps of unmanned offices and underground warehouses without even one light point floating.
No problem.
Get out of bed, take a glass of water from a pre-prepared water drain, and drink it all at once.
I got out of bed and sat in front of my laptop, which I keep in my personal room in ruffled underwear.
This laptop is the superior system for TSS (Tactical Support Systems) and can utilize SHOP to purchase customized items for personal rooms, mobile vehicles, and even garages that are their hangars.
Originally, there were a number of other features, but most of them have become ERROR and are no longer usable.
But my purpose is only this interior SHOP. Furniture to be sold in the "Big Black Shop" will be chosen one after the other and subpoenaed and installed in the personal room.
The interiors of the world we live in today and the antique chairs and tables that are not too far apart, the desk on the bookcase, the set of glasses and teacups on the vanity and cupboards.
And I bought enough furniture to overflow my personal room, including a double size bed and a large sofa for three.
Then start the TSS (Tactical Support System) and summon the Gift BOX. The furniture purchased is only intended to be installed in a personal room, so it is not sent directly to my inventory.
To carry it to the 'Big Black Shop' it was necessary to put it once in the Gift BOX before leaving the world of VMB.
The gift BOX was opened and a light, double-sized bed was lifted and thrown inside while “dressed in underwear" inside the dark BOX.
Yes... the assimilation phenomenon between VMB's system and my body had finally achieved a similar assistive effect even without a power suit, and even allowed TSS to be activated and CBS (Circle Barrier Shield) to be deployed only by my will.
It was at the Royal Castle yesterday that I realized this.
He was climbing the castle without wearing a powered suit so that he could easily take off his shoes in order to get up smoothly to the Zepernell family's main house.
It was the end of my conversation with the Prime Ministers, and when I started collecting the Transfer Magic Formation and the Model Magic Formation. The transfer magic team gently lifts the engraved tablet and puts it into the gift BOX. Look at me,
Chancellor Bergman was raising his voice of surprise.
"Depending on what you see, you have a lot of strength. That tablet is something special that weighs more than you can see, but I didn't expect to carry it lightly... After all, it's different from the others..."
To the voice, a gentle bitter laugh overtook the scene, but as soon as he got home, he set up a transfer magic team and a mock magic team in an underground warehouse and moved to the VMB shooting practice area.
The changes in my body that I confirmed there. Another step, I felt mild fear and anxiety in my body turning into something that was not a normal person, but this is not the first time I have said it.
It fell into this world with unnatural natural healing and regeneration. Afterwards, even without the head goggles, a map began to float in his own sight, and hearing gained the same ability as a sound collection sensor.
NV (Night Vision) mode and FLIR (Infrared Thermography) mode switched by one will.
And this time, the power suit functionality assimilated to my body. All of it has to do with the labyrinth. That's what I had in mind.
Activity in the labyrinth progresses the assimilation phenomenon with the system of this VMB. There is no certainty in the idea, but given the timing of the assimilation phenomenon, no other reason was found for its progression.
Is this idea right, or is there another reason... You can ask or talk to someone about it - no, there is only one person who can answer this question.
But to ask that, we need the right place and timing. I can't do it now, but if any time comes...
Confirm that all purchased furniture has been placed in the gift BOX and close the lid to store the gift BOX in the inventory.
And then we line these up at the sales office, but first it's breakfast......
After noon, I arranged furniture at the sales floor on the ground floor and also finished displaying all the bathroom supplies and more that I took out of Continental. I heard a voice from outside the store that I had just heard yesterday.
"Not here?
"Where?! Where is it?
"Too shabby, think of your age."
What are you talking about? What would you do if you had customers who were buying before your concubines?
"If you're too worried, you've confirmed that there aren't any customers in the Big Black Shop in the morning, and you don't have to rush to sell out."
'Please calm down, Master Bergman, to the Sovereign. You've come under the castle because of your patience, and this makes you stand out the other way.'
Looks like Chancellor Zeppernell already has Chancellor Bergman, plus Mr. Charles and Ashley in front of the store......
Unlocking the entrance to the store, I opened the door just a little and glanced outside, and I saw Charles and Ashley in knightly clothes first.
And beside it stood a toddler with a bath tub and hand tufted in her hand as she collapsed her yukata, and an old man in a purple headscarf who wanted to penetrate her wherever she was.
"Oh, Schwartz is here!
Mr. Shall noticed me on the fast track......
"I'm sorry, Schwartz. I only had time to spare because of the clerk."
"In the meantime, go inside. Both of you, come in quickly."
"Oh, Schwartz! Show them to the Shishampoo store right away!
If there is any more noise in the store, we do not know how to see it from elsewhere. There are many similarly sized rushing shops on the narrow streets where "The Great Black House" is built.
In the afternoon and evening, there will also be a number of young adventurers and explorers who do not have financial access to the boulevard boutiques and specialty stores.
I want to be excused from rumouring that a suspicious customer has been visiting a store since before it opened, even if it's a store that I don't intend to make money from.
"Heh, not a pretty atmosphere store! This bench is so soft but so tense - thirty gold coins?!
"This cupboard and the dishes inside are very beautiful... Hey, Schwartz, is this 80 gold coins combined?
"Oh, that. Except for the dishes in there, one glass of gold and ten cups of gold in a set."
The first floor of the shop is lined with furniture brought in more than a private room, creating a space resembling a model room while a luxury interior shop.
The original interior smells old, so the walls and ceilings seem a little blurry, but I was also going to consider replacing the wallpaper.
One after another, Mr. Charles and Ashley raise their voices of amazement at the quality of the furniture and, at the same time, their dismay at the price.
Watching as they were close sisters to that figure moving together, answering the question, I saw the other two, nailed in front of the merchandise shelf behind my sight.
"Oooh...... This is" shump "…"
"Oooh...... This is the" go no more "…"
Leave those two alone for a little while.
"Schwartz, get ready for the Yukan!
Have you noticed my gaze, Prime Minister Zepernell turning this way with a full grin, Bisi! And the sound effect sounds so brilliant that it jumps at me.
"There's no hot tub."
"Hey, what..."
Hell from heaven. A bath barrel fell zero out of Chancellor Zeppernel's hand and fell to the floor on both hands and knees.