Manuke FPS
A few hours passed after he became Jonah's figure and proceeded through the Devil's Mountains. The sun has already set and my surroundings are closed to total darkness, but my vision is secured by a few stars and NV (Night Vision).
The visible world stained light green, walking through a late-night coniferous forest where only a slight noise of nocturnal bugs echoed, following the whereabouts of the four preceding camellias (Southern Ka) and Ophelia and their escort knight Virginia.
Looks like this point is different too......
Candidates for the labyrinth, which is expected to exist in the Devil's Mountains, are being checked sequentially from close proximity to the forest city of Dragrange, but if you can't find them like this... don't come out needing to expand your search closer to the Kingdom of Drake...
Then I hung another day to look for a point close to Draglange, but I didn't see a gathering of adventure-party-like light points or anything that looked like an entrance to the labyrinth.
Conversely, watching the movements of the warcraft and subraces encountered, whether they had been invited to the orange of demonic ore held by the Devil's Mountains or to the entrance to the labyrinth where they could not be found, gave the impression that they were moving slowly in a certain direction and heading south from the same direction to Draglange.
And it was in that direction that it coincided with the point of anticipation closest to the Kingdom of Drake.
Nature and its confirmation of the expected points will be the last, but another point we are currently on our way may have been the right one.
Six light points were seen in a single mass on a map floating in sight. The place is just a little further - it looks like it's around the coniferous forest.
I've been using my body to the fullest for the last two days, except to skip drowsiness with a little sleep, and keep moving day and night.
But they're not the ones ahead of us. In a letter from Chancellor Bergman, all four of the camellias were marked A-rank. By the time I met them, Miche and Frau should have been B-ranked.
I guess I was promoted by crusading the Green Ghost's Labyrinth, but no matter how high the rank, I wouldn't do anything to keep exploring after the sun went down.
There was a limit to when I could act naturally, and my distance from me to ignore it was supposed to be the other way around.
According to the topography on the map, through the conifers in front of you, it is the mountain lake that spreads beyond it. The six light points remain on its banks. Probably making it a campsite.
Compared to the previous world, he deposited his back in a conifer much larger in height and thickness, and peered into the mountain lake in a position called Lean -.
I don't think so. But human-shaped -, his whole body covered in hair, shaking his big, long tail to the left and right. And what's on the head is the dog's head.
Kobolt......, his body is quite small compared to that warewolf who was the lord of the Tooth Wolf's Labyrinth, he is about the same size as a child as a goblin, but in his hand he can see holding a wide-ranging sword like a Nanban knife.
Six of those cobolts, facing the center like a circle, turning around and eating something -, eating?
Launch the TSS (Tactical Support System) and open the files of the sub-races from the screenshots taken in the General Alliance's library and check the items of the Cobolt -.
It is a fast breeding subrace alongside goblins and has a very aggressive personality. Born with a small sword known as a biological weapon for each individual, breaking it also gradually weakens the life force of Cobolt, the body, and eventually dies.
As a species, it is a male only race, attacking predominantly natural animals, causing them to become pregnant and give birth to more than one child at a time.
Also very appetizing, the likes are described as universal and beast races......
So I turn my gaze again to the six cobolts, and they face each other... There's some chunk of meat in the center of the circle... and the red and black that spreads beneath it - the blood buildup.
If you look closely, Cobolt's protruding big mouth is chewing...... is that a person's arm?
That much observation was enough. Turn forward the M24A2 you were wearing on your shoulder and down-site it from Leanne's position to the scope.
The aim is the head of the cobolt -, the hand of a person -, chewing his feet and raising the roar of joy, matching the reticle of the scope with the red eye, pulling the trigger.
The M24A2 is basically equipped with a silencer, which is a silencer. At the same time as pulling the trigger, I heard microsounds of air coming out of the gunpoint, and at the next moment I saw the head of the cobolt bouncing and flying.
Pull the bolt handle around with the scope peeked, quickly operate the cocking operation to perform the discharge pod and the next bullet loading, and pull the trigger again.
Only the last of the Cobolts to blow their heads off one after the other and fall into depression noticed the anomaly that was happening to them.
I dropped a human bone from my mouth that I was obsessed with and shaved, with a look like I didn't understand what had happened, and when I looked over what was the five cobolts surrounding the meat, I was also shot at the last one.
While replacing the M24A2 magazine, focus your awareness on the map and sound collection sensors to see if there are any Warcraft/Subraces around -.
With M24A2 back on his back, he moved out of the coniferous shadow and began moving to the side of the mountain lake to see what the Kobolts were devouring.
I don't think it's the four Camellias or the Ophiglia, but I haven't even heard of a village or anything like that in this demonic mountain range.
Then who was attacked?
The other end was black stained with a blowing red, full of swallowing odors. Stepping over the blood pond and checking the center of the circle, pieces of clothing were still rolling that did not seem to belong to the adventurer. They vary in size, but there are also small piercing cloths that obviously seem to belong to children.
How many men is this for? Not one or two, double digits... but a small number seems to have been attacked.
Now it helped me late at night...... In a thin green world over NV mode and a subtly blurry vision of the contours, it was possible to observe calmly, without looking directly at the tragedy piled up in front of us.
If this was a bright day, I might have thrown up without being able to look directly at it. But... what do we do? Do we at least cremate? No, the brightness is noticeable when you set fire to it at this hour..., it takes too long to bury it...
I felt behind bars in the blood build-up and leaving the dead unknown to anyone, but now I want you to forgive me for taking revenge.
We decided to leave the scene and prepare to return to the Wang Capital for tomorrow's 'Big Black House' business day.
Travel to Wangdu using the transfer magic team that I personally own. For this reason, we headed to the point where we had been searching so far but still checking, and summoned LVTP-5 (Landing Vehicle Tracked, Personnel-model 5) from the garage of the TSS (Tactical Support System).
The LVTP-5 is an armoured personnel carrier for both surface and surface, also used in the Labyrinth Crusade of the Tooth Wolf. During the preparation phase for the jump to the Border Borders of Draglange, the transfer and simulation magic formations received from Chancellor Bergman have been installed in LVTP-5. Furthermore, the functions of the garage were utilized and camouflaged.
The LVTP-5 will be widened to a cliff where the formation is revealed, the nearby branches will be cut off and covered in the LVTP-5, and the disguise will be carried out.
Someone could have found LVTP-5 while I was returning to Wang Du. That could be the camellias, or someone I don't know.
Until now, we have installed the Transfer Magic Formation on a 74-style oversized truck, but changing that to LVTP-5 is also a countermeasure.
If anyone discovered a disguised LVTP-5, they wouldn't expect to put it inside a steel-covered LVTP-5, unlike a Type 74 oversized truck. Then, install AN/GSR-9 (V) 1 (T-UGS) at the bottom of the LVTP-5 so that someone's proximity can also be checked on the minimap.
The installation of a third AN/GSR-9 (V) 1 (T-UGS) eliminated one unit that had been monitoring the interior of the 'Big Black House' and changed the configuration of the display destination of the minimap.
Now I'm ready to move...
He turned his gaze towards Mountain Lake only once more and used the transfer magic formation to move to the 'Great Black House'.