Manuke FPS
After transferring from the Devil's Mountains to the 'Great Black House', he returned from Yona to Schwartz and went up from the underground warehouse to the offices upstairs to reveal the night.
I can't summon two VMB mobile vehicles at the same time. I couldn't summon the finest motorhome continental in the underground warehouse because I set up a transfer magic formation on LVTP-5 and placed it in the Devil's Mountains.
The office was able to fall asleep on the sofa and wrap it in a camping cloth, and get enough sleep in the Devil's Mountains for only a short amount of time.
I was around noon when I woke up too much... but I slept too much...
I took the lunch box for adventurers that the Marida Chamber of Commerce was selling out of Gift BOX, where I was having lunch and enjoying my after-dinner tea, and I heard voices coming from outside the store.
"Hello -"
"Don't you have a manager, it's closed?
"You got the keys for the entrance and exit, didn't you?
"Oh, I did. - It's just in the toolbag... There it is."
Apparently Amy and Prisela from the Marida Chamber of Commerce, plus the escort alum and Silvara.
Cleaning up the cup. Going down to the first floor, I just unlocked the front door and Amy was about to come in.
They only have the front door as a separate key to give them the spare because I won't be back for a long time.
We don't open when I'm gone, but buildings and merchandise need regular cleaning.
"Thank you. Nice to see you again today."
"Ah, the manager! Best wishes!
Amy and Prisela, who show a beautiful bow in front of the front door, stood there and looked straight at me, waiting for something.
"You're not gonna tell me anything? You instructed me to use the product, didn't you?
Having said that, it was my sister's alum in the twin fox-beast race who came into the store.
"They let me use them too, but they were only expensive and they sold amazing things."
It was then my sister Silvala who came in. But say what... ah.
So I noticed the alum and the silvera furrows - it was hard to say how beautiful their furrows were before, even in flattery.
I don't mind the material as a woman, but as an adventurer -, I was under the impression that their furrows were not shiny and bossy because they were constantly moving as escorts for the Marida Chamber of Commerce.
But they were different today.
Both the blonde hair of the alum and the silver hair of Silvara had sparkling shine together, their heads stretching as far as their shoulders and their large foxtails swinging from left to right were sarcastic.
What is this... totally different...
When I also looked at Amy and Prisera's hair again, the two hair textures also emitted a beautiful shine - I didn't think so, and when I reached out to Prisera with long hair and touched her, the wrinkled hair had turned into a pleasant touch of Sarah.
So much change in just a few days? No, normally, it can't be different......
I had no idea I used it from time to time, but I didn't seem to be the only one who existed unfairly in the world. The kind of shampoo and conditioner also had more performance than the previous world......
Maybe - the very nature of cleansing and making your hair healthy embodies it in this world.
"Oh, uh."
"Mr. Store Manager, you're in trouble with Prisera, isn't it time to get ready for work?
In the voice of the alum, I noticed the bright red face in front of me.
Like so much change, I became obsessed with touching Prisera's hair, but if I had thought about its comfortable touch and the reason for the change, I would have touched it for a long time.
"Oops, sorry. They were both so beautiful."
"" Ki, beautiful... "
"Oh, my God, the store owners prefer Amy and the others to Tomura."
Preference...... Silvara is laughing at Niyanya, but Amy and Prisela only look like about fifteen or six. From my point of view, my sister is the same.
"Let's end the chatter. Amy, Prisela, get ready."
"" Ha, ha!
With a bitter smile, he returned it to Silvara, and Amy and Prisela immediately went into cleaning the store and getting ready to open.
I was free the first day of business, but I guess I basically like the job of selling something.
But such a tedious and moving girl reminded me of something that was devoured and vandalized, unknown to anyone anywhere I encountered in the Devil's Mountains.
Among them, arms and legs as big as these kids - or less - were rolling.
Of course, there were sizes that seemed to be adults......
"Are you worried about those kids? You're still young, but you think you've done enough work?
With that said, it was the alum that came beside me.
"Hey, Alum. What kind of country is this - other than a nobleman or an adventurer, from a normal person?
"You ask weird things. I think it's a good country, huh? There's a guy in there who's not even inside, but he's basically an easy country to live in. We were born more north, but we've only heard a few stories about other countries..."
Alum also began to whisper a little bit and talk ahead as he watched Amy and Prisela move around.
"You... do you know what a slave is?
"Oh... I've heard of it"
"Until a while ago, it was repelled to speak of the word slave in this country. Recently there has also been a decrease in inferiority towards it, and the absence of it has become the norm, but the northern kingdom of Drake is different.
In that country, all the poor and sinners fall into slavery. People buying, people grabbing, selling not only within the Drake, but also to the Bishburn Empire ahead, what kind of tricks are you getting there... "
"… do they not leave the country?
"Impossibility, the mountain range of demons between the kingdoms of Drake and Kurt Merga, is a dangerous mountain path for even adventurers. Besides, if you're not a large merchant, you won't be allowed in or out. Even this country, which is friendly to its citizens, is tough on clandestine immigrants."
"... right"
"You're out of line. Was I talking about this country?"
"No, thank you. I'm going up to the office, so I need security and security today."
"It's a free job, but I'll make sure you get paid."
Speaking to the other three, I went back upstairs to my office. But I just casually listened, but the story of the alum was a very interesting one.
Maybe that one I found in the Devil's Mountains... If you think about the alum story, maybe it was the people who came out of the kingdom of Drake rather than thinking they'd gone out of the kingdom of Kurt Merga. I don't think you're an adventurer. An adult in clothing, a child who seems to wear only a piercing jacket.
I don't know what reason you've been out of the Drake country...... but I can imagine.
Poverty - or fugitive slavery - even though I knew I was going to be a clandestine immigrant, I wanted to go to the Kurt Melga kingdom, but I was captured by Kobolt at the point where I was about to pass through the Devil's Mountains.
But to what extent do people actually come out of the country? Besides, they pop up without a chance of acceptance?
Where I was about to get lost in the labyrinth of doubt, I heard someone coming up the stairs from the ground floor.
"Store manager -? If I had cleaned the store, the customer would already be here..."
"Already? Is that really our customer?
"Yep... I was wondering if the noblemen in the headscarves and the Schwartz would be better with them..."
It was Amy who came up from the bottom, but the headscarf. No way Chancellor Bergman's here again? I had decided that reports such as work progress would be made by mixing liaison officers with customers during the "Big Black Shop" sales, but I had not heard that the person was coming. And noble-style people... more than one?