Manuke FPS
Unlike the third, first and second day of the opening of the "Big Black Shop", today, since a little while after the opening of the store, there has obviously been an increase in the number of visitors for purchasing purposes. The items purchased are mainly shampoos, rinses and conditioners for bathroom supplies.
The audience varied from adventurers to merchants to craftsmen, most of whom were women.
During the second phase of the business day, the women who noticed Amy and Prisera's hair, who were making them use bathroom supplies, were showing interest. But at that time, I was treading on commodity prices, but did you earn your share of the price in the last few days, or did you decide to go out and buy one?
Several times a group of female adventurers and craftsmen left the store in the mood to "go" while buying one shampoo or conditioner at a time.
Where are you going to go? It's a public bath in Wangdu.
Amy and Prisera, who had previously seemed free, were busy responding to detailed questions from female guests about the effects and use of shampoos and conditioners, as well as a group of women gathering before the accounting counter.
I put that figure in my sight, and I said, "What am I doing?"
"There is a map to the destination in this, the subject has also discovered the destination. I'm supposed to be in the process of returning once and for all to supply."
"I understand. I'll tell Lord Byrd."
He had given a seal containing a map from the forest city of Draglange to the labyrinth of the pit to the man in the liaison, making a whispering and brief report, blurring the unique noun.
There seemed to be no room today to come out of the executive branch, no sign of Prime Minister Bergman or the headscarves seeking hair conditioners, and the man in the liaison went right back under Prime Minister Bergman when he received the seal and heard the oral report.
And three new female customers come into the store so that they don't go in with him.
"This is the example store, ma'am"
"Thank you, Sierra. It's a beautiful shop, which one is" shampoo ”?
"I'll ask the store owner"
"Please, Mr. Vee"
Hey, isn't that Vee, the three ladies from the Duke of Barga's house, Lapitilica and the lady guard who always comes by the Duke of Barga? And the maid-like red-haired girl only...... was the deputy chief of the Western Knights of Varga, Viscount Caymon's granddaughter...
"Are you the owner of this store?
Away from Lapitilica and the maid Sierra watching the luxury interior, Vee approached with a face veil hiding her mouth on the same eyesmask she met as a shaft.
I don't know because he wraps his body in an expensive looking cape from the neck down and hides it, but if you look around the city with a veil on his mask with dignity, it could be the same black leather armor underneath.
But why is this woman here who should be perfect for the Duke of Barga...
"Welcome. I am the owner of our store, Schwartz. Which product would you like today?
"I'm here to buy magical soapy water, saying I can captivate Master Frank"
I'm not selling that stuff!
Oh, wasn't it in my voice...
"I'm sorry. We do not handle such products"
"Oh, my God!
The gaze of all the women in the store turns against Vee, who raised his voice unexpectedly to my response.
And Lapitilica seems to have noticed my presence, too. "Ah," I heard a small surprise leak.
"Mr. Schwartz, it's been a while. Was this your store?
"Long time no see, Lapitilica"
Lapitilica came here with her maid, Sierra.
"This is the store I just opened the other day with the help of the Marida Chamber of Commerce. Didn't Lapitilica come here asking about me?
Sierra wore the correct maid's clothes, based on white, the same as those seen at the residence of the Duke of Barga, but Lapitilica wore a short skirt on the Knightly Clothes-style jacket of the Knights of Barga, plus a watercoloured beret.
"I came to Wang Du for the upcoming dinner party, but when I met someone I knew who lived here, my hair was so beautiful, and when I heard the story, I was introduced to this store."
I know this' Big Black House 'and I know Lapitilica going to see her...... Ashley?
Did you meet Ashley, who lives on royal castle property, and find out about shampoos and conditioners?
I guess the upcoming dinner party refers to Prince Ark's birthday party...... even though she is still young, is she anxious?
Have you craved shampoos and conditioners to widen the gap with other candidates?
Few royal matriarchs use shampoos and conditioners that have just started selling, that's about the Zeppernel clan.
"Are you looking for a shampoo of bathroom equipment with a rinse and conditioner?
"Oh, yeah... yes. Sounds like a popular product, do you have one?
Lapitilica asked anxiously looking over the store. Although it is still difficult to say that it is a popular product, many times today a group of female customers come to the store to buy one product at a time. It would look like a popular product that the buyer is killing from the side.
"Of course, we have it in stock. But - isn't it“ settled ”already?
"... do you understand? But I can't be optimistic. There are still many labyrinths within the kingdom. Achievements alone are likely to show up side by side.
Besides - I want to be recognized by Prince Ark as one woman. The women who were born into our magical aristocracy do not think of themselves as mere tools to leave their offspring behind. "
"Exactly. I want Frank to admit it too."
You keep your mouth shut, Vee.
When we first met in the Green Ghost's Labyrinth Crusade, she was an adorable adventurer girl.
She was a princess to protect when she was escorted for a limited period of one month as a shaft.
And now that I met her as the shopkeeper of "The Big Black Shop," she was trying to shine herself as one woman.
"Okay. Start with shampoos and everything, and get a set of bathroom supplies you need right away."
"Thank you!
"Terrible - thank you for buying this one"
"Store owner, we need three sets of bathroom supplies! It belongs to the lady, mine and your wife."
You don't need yours... or it's Vee. You want to drop the Duke of Barga.
Will you prepare it for your wife?
"Ma'am... is that for you too?
"Yes, the image of Frank, who loves his beautiful wife, grabs my heart and doesn't let go!
Oh, really...
Lapitilica, listening beside her to Vee's upright confession, was smiling, without showing disgust at it, but vice versa.
Do you believe in my father, the Duke of Franklin Barga, or is Vee recognized by the House of the Duke of Barga, including this crossroads?
Well... is that none of my business...
Lapitilica and the others then bought more than three sets of bathroom supplies and went home with the maids Sierra and Vee. Her escort knight is waiting in the carriage parked on the main street.
Within that day we returned to the labyrinth of the pit and activated the TSS to confirm the location of Mr. Meeche and his men.
Is this location the forest city of Dragrange…. I haven't mapped it yet in the city, it keeps lighting up in the position of the Lordship Hall on the lake island.
The GPS transmitter is attached to Mr. Meeche's light armor. It is possible that you have taken it off and changed it to another piece of gear, but as long as the GPS light point is floating, it has never been discovered and removed.
Assuming you notice a GPS transmitter, they won't be able to get any closer to that answer as to what it is, what it does and who put it on.
Modern knowledge is not zero - you can't imagine things you don't know, and you can't even imagine combining knowledge.
He had a five-day respite until the next business day of "The Great Black House". In the last five days we will first aim to be between the gatekeepers on the tenth basement floor. Nevertheless, the gatekeeper who guards it has already been crusaded and will now be used as the home of the thief “Cat Willow”.
Other than that, I can't think of a place to lurk in the labyrinth. The Fountain of Purification is an inaccessible safety zone for warcraft and sub-races, but it is not large enough to describe it as home, etc.
Then it's between the gatekeepers. As long as we eliminate the gatekeepers, there will never be a warcraft/subrace springing up again, and we can use the transfer magic formation to get in and out freely.
If we close and manage the labyrinth gates that connect between the gatekeepers, we will also be able to prevent warcraft and subracial raids in case.
The current location is a small room on the fourth floor of the labyrinth basement of the pit, the mapping of this hierarchy is complete. The avatar costume was changed to Yona, the soldiers were dressed, and the journey began towards the fifth basement floor.
Going through the basement fifth floor into the basement sixth floor, the view inside the labyrinth remained unchanged but the atmosphere clearly changed.
Compared to the pits outside the labyrinth, it remains more than double the width and height. But if you try wearing the pit wall with your skeleton avatar at the fingertips of a changed bone, you can dig deep enough.
A field dungeon... I didn't know a field dungeon mimicking nature was formed from the sixth basement.
As we proceeded to the sixth basement floor, we noticed that the inner walls of the pit were filled with mineral-like foreign objects. Various in size, but in glossy darkness similar to obsidian, swinging lights such as red and blue were seen.
Sure - there must have been a demon ore range in this demon mountain range, never had a solid view of the demon ore's real thing, but I guess this strange ore is it.
The labyrinth of this pit -, appeared in a pit digging for demon ore, so that demon ore can also be mined in an internal field dungeon...
The veins of Demon Ore attract Warcraft and subraces, but Demon Ore is what Demon Ore is born of coagulation.
As long as it is an accumulation of magic vegetables, the demon ore continues to occur. If properly managed, continuous Demon Stone resources can be mined.
So is the labyrinth in this pit. The magic vegetables of the labyrinth are solidified, producing demonic ore.
If you can manage this labyrinth, or the post-crusade mineral veins, you'll enjoy a lot of benefits... but that's a hard part considering your friction with the kingdom of Drake.
A few days after the resumption of exploration, the sixth basement floor, the seventh basement floor and the mapping were made 100% and descended to the eighth basement floor. There is a fountain of purification in this hierarchy. Warcraft and sub-races that come out on the road have turned into the superior species of Kobolt, but the strength of the individual is not so much.
Instead of having biological weapons, Cobolt doesn't seem to have the means to attack by magic. To this extent, it would not be so difficult to reach the tenth basement floor if there were a few explorers with some combat experience.
If the number of people is added there, will it be further...?
The map in view showed that there was a small room ahead. In addition to that, the sound of water gushing - the fountain of purification.
Going into the fountain of purification, there is obvious camping equipment there - not so splendid as to say, but a structure that looks like a toolbox for mining tools, a cloth for bedding and traces of incineration….
It is clear that some group lives in this labyrinth.
But they were all destroyed and trampled and vandalized.
When I checked my feet, there were many triple-fingered hoof-like footprints in addition to people's footprints. They're all still new - apart from the group that uses this camping tool and so on, there seems to be a group moving around the labyrinth ahead of me. Is this triple-fingered hoof trail an animal or something for travel?
If we collate the information so far, there's no doubt it was the thief “Cat Willow” who was based in the Fountain of Purification. I guess I'm digging for demon ore here because I also have tools that resemble what seems to be mining tools and scoops.
In lurking here, I don't know what I collect demon ore for...
So, which force is this footprint? Checking the location of the transmitter that made Mr. Meeche stick, it looks like he left the forest city of Dragrange, but he's still traveling through the Devil's Mountains.
Suppose it's not the camellias and the Ophiglia... other adventurers or explorers, or explorers on the side of the Kingdom of Drake?
What to do...... The purpose of this request is to crusade the labyrinth of the pit without the knowledge of the Kingdom of Drake, one thing preventing the Warcraft/Subraces from leaning against the Devil's Mountains and going south.
The other is to keep track of the trends of a total of six Virginians to the four Camellias and Ophiglia who were moving ahead, to cover the home search for the labyrinth crusade and the thief "Cat Willow," and to provide a status report to Chancellor Bergman.
These two are my roles.
But if any force or party other than us is embarking on a labyrinth crusade, the story will be different.
If that's the explorer on the Kurt Melga Kingdom side, it's still good, but if the Drake Kingdom side is aware of the existence of the labyrinth and the other side is embarking on an attack, this labyrinth could be a battlefield.
We crossed the fountain of cleanliness and aimed between the gatekeepers while mapping the basement ninth floor and the basement tenth floor to 100%, but there were several triple-fingered hoof marks on the ground in the pit.
Considering how the hoof marks sink into the ground, it looks like it could weigh quite a bit on bipedal foot. The stride would be long and the legs would be fairly fast.
And before there appeared between the gatekeepers on the map in sight, that was what I heard. The sound of a fierce sword trident in the high squeal, plus screaming and raging - it's a battle sound. Nor is that a battle between one another, the sound of unilateral killing......
I moved faster and headed between the gatekeepers.