Manuke FPS
The secret talks with the three heavy towns of the Kingdom of Kurt Melga, which took place in Chancellor Bergman's office, ended in a convenient way for me.
Already Count Crude and Count Taysen left the room, finished talking to the Chancellor about filling the fine parts, and I was about to leave the room to get ready for the next one.
"Wait, Schwartz. Let me just say one last thing - I've accepted this proposal, but as I've advised you before, you don't talk too much into national politics."
"Of course, Your Eminence. My wish and my national government, and I have proposed this proposal by putting it on the scale"
"Wish... if you wanted to get inside the Kurt Melga kingdom, this would have been a story. I'll keep it in the buffer zone called the Devil's Mountains, if that's what you're thinking."
My wish - I don't really know what that was myself. Was it pity for the fugitive slaves, or did you never want to see the tears of a girl you saw in the southern sea again, a condolence to those who were devoured by the ruthless reality on the shores of the lakes in the mountains?
Or all of this... Confused by my emotions, which are not certain right now, I followed the royal castle and returned to the "Great Black House".
On his way back to the mall, he bought groceries and other things he would need and was ready to return to the Devil's Mountains again.
It's a battle of time from here. Before the Knights of the Dragrange Border can come out near the labyrinth of the pit, we must complete the hidden village of the Cotties.
Returning to the underground warehouse in Yona's appearance, he gave Cottie an explanation of the situation and demanded that he wait for a few days. Naturally, we don't talk about bonding with the Kurt Melga kingdom, the fact that the Undead and the Kurt Melga kingdom are directly connected, etc., is not good enough to give extra information.
From there, use the Wangdu transfer magic formation and go to the forest city of Dragrange. He then moved to the Devil's Mountains and went for the labyrinth of the pit.
"Can we get around here?"
While displaying a map of the area on the screen monitor of the TSS (Tactical Support System), it measured the distance to the labyrinth of the pit and the distance to the shore of the lake, which became the water field, and even came to the mountain skin, which seemed suitable for digging hidden villages.
If we get a location, we'll just call you later.
Summon multiple Gift BOX's, feed on materials bought in Wangdu, many of the crudest furniture bought in VMB's personal room, and finally take out and deploy the mock magic team.
At the same time, manipulate the avatar custom to change the figure from Yona to Shaft. It's Shaft's turn from here.
It's not Schwartz that's moving in this demon mountain range, it's the shaft. Jonah's turn is also a break, there's no way the undead will ever take care of her and have a good thing to do.
At the same time as I was ready, the mock-up magic team glowed - the next moment I started Gillim the Dwarf, and the formerly slave men who could work hard stood.
"Is this - the Devil's Mountains? Who are you, you know? - Where is he?
Seeing the shaft waiting to be transferred from the underground warehouse of the 'Big Black House', Gillims had stopped moving with the black face man standing in front of them at the same time as the absence of Yona.
"I'm a mercenary shaft. I'll escort you until your work is complete."
"Where is he?
You mean "bone bastard”? I don't know, I'm just hired. Start working harder than that, the Knights of the Borders should be headed this way from Forest City. Get in shape in the Hidden Village before they discover this place. "
"Wow, okay. No, I don't know - we're gonna get to work!
Not all of it would have fallen to his heart, but Gillim spoke to the men she had transferred with and began to sharpen her mountain skin by taking the mining tools and other things I had prepared for her.
I will keep my back in a nearby tree and try to keep my perimeter on alert as I see how it goes.
Gillim's mining skills were a brilliant word. Did you use "Skills" or "Skills"? My mountain skin collapsed like tofu and I dug deeper and deeper.
The men I've been transferring with are its aides. He was throwing away earthen stones and magically reinforcing holes he'd finished digging.
While taking a break in the rotation, the work proceeded even as the sun fell. A group of cobolts also appeared along the way, but there he responded by mowing his neck with a kick.
"Well, let's start with something like this"
Soon after nightfall, Gillim's hands stopped and a cave dwelling was completed that was built to dig through the mountain skins and creep through the mountains.
From the outside, a short horizontal hole continues, with high ceilings ahead, creating a circular hall that also serves as a meeting point for the inhabitants.
Around its circumference, private and shared rooms are also lined with rooms around the water, such as toilets and kitchens. The floors and walls were magically consolidated and had tiled interiors.
The furniture left outside was transported to each room and the living environment was in order. Set up another mock-up magic formation in the circular hall to let Cotties know they're ready to wait in the underground warehouse of The Great Blackhouse.
The transfer magic team installed in the underground warehouse will glow lighter when ready for use. However, given the current time, it was thought that it would soon be transferred, but contrary to expectations, the mock-up magic formations glowed.
"We're ready, Master Cottie."
"Thank you, Gillim. More beautiful than I thought - nya?!
Gillim welcomed Cottie, who had been transferred, and the remaining former slaves, but overlapped with Cottie, who looked over at the cave dwellings ahead of him who had been transferred.
"Hey, why is Shaft here..."
"Long time no see...... or Cottie"
As soon as he saw my face, Cottie shivered with a crocodile - just picked his own nose with his right hand.
Was that trash can of sewage smelling so bad......
"Nha, Nha De... Coco Had Cogna! Yo, Yonahadconiittanonya!
Cottie looked up to Cottie as she scrubbed her eyes as she slept beside her as she picked her own nose and raised her protest.
Behind Cottie, I saw a boy who knew me, Elf Flickr and Cock Garrard, standing up to jump out at any time.
"Hey, wait a minute! Does Master Cottie know about this man?
"The man is a shaft - also known as a" black-sided shaft, "and is a mercenary strong enough to crusade the labyrinth by himself!
Instead of Cottie, who kept staring at me, Flick introduced me politely.
"Don't set me up, I'm not your enemy right now. Now I'm hired by a mutual acquaintance with you, just an escort."
"Nya, Nyandato!
"Oh, yes, Master Cottie. While we were working, this man stood at the escort all the time without a break."
Well, I'm not tired.
The men who were working to build this cave dwelling, one after the other, were trying to explain my work and reassure Cottie. I can hear that story and see that the vigilance of the cotties and flicks is gradually lifted as well.
"Ho, aren't you really the enemy? Weren't you angry then?
What was that time - when you stole the Great Magic Stone (Dungeon Core)?
"The Great Magic Stone turned out to be back in my hands. It's over now. More than that, you have a letter from someone. It's more important to you now than it is to me."
The letter I kept inside the overcoat, that's a note of what I decided to discuss with Chancellor Bergman. The sender's name is "Schwartz of the Great Blackhouse," and "The Great Blackhouse" will take on the deal of demonic ore that will be mined from the labyrinth in the future.
One of the chambers of commerce in the forested city of Dragrange, which previously traded in secrecy, is asked to go to jail for having guided clandestine immigrants from other countries.
Other notices have been written down that during the immediate period of life here, various things necessary to live on a daily basis, such as the establishment of a front-line base for the Knights of the Borders in a nearby location and the acceptance of merchants who come to trade there with necessities, food, etc., will take place via the "Great Black House".
This makes it look like the Cotties have gained the right to life autonomy in the Devil's Mountains at first glance, but the fruit - they will have to deal directly with the Kurt Melga Kingdom side, which hides the 'Great Blackhouse', to be left in an environment where they cannot live.
The Cotties may be dissatisfied, but it is not enough to crush the fortress of the Kingdom of Drake and effectively dominate the Devil's Mountains, which are a buffer zone.
Without monitoring and controlling that trend and building a system that can fit into your hands at any time, it is difficult to create a quarrel between the Kingdom of Drake and the Baishburn Empire.
As soon as Cottie received the letter and began reading it, she regained her calm and loaded the contents deeply. Basically, I guess this girl is smart, she seemed to know exactly what it meant to be written as she peered at me with a flicker.
"... okay, let's make sure it's all here."
"Are you sure, Master Cottie?
"It's many times better than being returned to the country. Plus, if we expand this place, we should be able to accommodate the evacuated people."
That would be the drop.
The letter I have prepared does not mention the escaped slaves who have fled from the side of the Kingdom of Drake or the people who have left the country. This mountain range of demons is not exactly the territory of the Kingdom of Kurt Merga. If we don't cross the border, there's no reason to blame non-combatants for breaking in from the side of the Kingdom of Drake.
"Let me advise you one thing, the Knights of the Borders should come near here today or in a few days. Some of them will look like Ofelia Dragrange who was looking for you, don't let them see you though. The thief, the Cat Willow, is to be wiped out in the labyrinth."
"Wow, okay. And where did Jonah go?"
"He won't show up in front of you anymore. It's just a distraction for me to escort you at his request. You don't have a sense of companionship with the undead or anything."
Cottie has always been odd. Where did the divinity go when confronted with Yona in the underground warehouse of "The Great Black House"......
It was that afternoon that the Dragrange Border Knights came to Hidden Village.
The reaction of the GPS transmitter attached to Mr. Meeche is also close, the Knights of the Borders and Camellias (Southern Ka) will act together and search for the substandard undead - the first-degree dangerous warcraft and the Yona whose species and character have been found.
Count Crude, who serves as the Knights' Advisor, has been instructed to conduct searches around the area before crusading the labyrinth.
The cave dweller, who called it Hidden Village, was named 'Yorum' for the future.
Three Knights of the Borders came to that "Yorum" and four unfamiliar men named the Dragrange branch and branch manager of "The Great Black House".
This Dragrange branch will support the future life of 'Yorum'. The name is "Big Black Shop," but the contents have nothing to do with me, and the merchant of Count Taysen's child's keeper is supposed to be the manager of the branch.
The representative of "Yorum" is ostensibly Dwarf's Gillim. Because if you make Cottie or Flick your representative, you can't avoid finding out if it's a matter of letting Ophelia see you face to face.
Approximately Gillim, who was discussing with the branch manager and the Knights, I moved outside of "Yorum".
Where are you going?
It was Cottie who spoke to me when I went out. No one else around, avoided the Knights eyes and wondered if they were waiting in the back room of 'Yorum' but they seemed to be out sometime.
"If the Knights of the Borders come, my work will be done. There's no reason to stay here any longer, we're going to our next job."
Yes - I still have my next job, the job of crusading the labyrinth in the pit. I'm not here for help.
"Oh, yeah..."
I thought you were going to say something after that, but Cottie stays down and doesn't look like she's going to say anything.
Then there is no word for me either. I've got a place to do it, and then what to do there - that'll depend on them.
If I could do something to them ahead - it would be enough to crusade the labyrinth and wipe out a dangerous zone called the Devil's Mountains.
"Shah, shaft!
As soon as he tried to advance towards the labyrinth of the pit, Cottie spoke out as if he had decided to.
"I'm sorry about the King's Capital! And thanks for everything!
"... I care -"
"~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Leap (Reap)!!
Never mind, I tried to return the words, but Cottie jumped across the trees just to say it.
I exhaled one as I looked up at the leap, and I took the path to the labyrinth of the pit again.
There's one more job left...