Manuke FPS
Waiting for me to secure the Great Magic Stone (Dungeon Core) and return to the Throne Room was a party of camellias (Southern Ka), including Ophelia and Virginia.
And it was a total of twelve search units, consisting of six members of the Dragrange Border Knights.
At the head of the Twelve is Ophelia with a fog-icy fine sword. Next to it is also the figure of Virginia with a silver short cane and a small shield. I guess this time he's going to join the fight from the start and give Ophelia support.
Six of the Knights of the Borders, surrounded by green light armor, slowly unfolded around me as I guarded my movements.
At the rear, four of the camellias - Frau, Miche, Malinda and Lu - appear to be forming themselves to block the gates of the labyrinth and take on the role of eliminating my escape route.
But one thing bothers me - it's the Knights of the Borders gear.
Green lightweight armor is probably official Knights gear, but what you have in your hand is a blow-oriented battle stick (Mace) and a thick large shield with two layers for improved defensive performance.
At first glance, I can see the purpose of the equipment. I'm choosing a skeleton avatar for my countermeasure weapon, a defense that obviously knows how to attack with a firearm.
Behind the Knights spreading in front of him, Mr. Frau's mouth was seen to loosen slightly.
Even though I haven't seen it in person, have you decided to use me - a means of attack that is almost similar to the performance of the firearm Yona showed as Schwartz - that is, pedigree skills "ARMS"?
"Don't let your guard down. If he grabs a stranger's cane, never expose the steeple."
Virginia's flat voice echoes between the thrones where only the rubbing sound of armor rings. To answer that, the Knights men were returning a well-respected voice.
Damn...... I'm completely alert to the shooting. But with such a heavy shield, can you stop my attack?
Strongly - lightly - grip in the pattern of sledgehammer gripping with both hands.
He then slid jump from the dash to the front right, swinging the sledgehammer sideways at the same time as landing, slamming every big shield at the Knights of the Elves standing at the right edge before being surrounded.
"Dense formation, don't think of it as a regular skeleton-shaped undead! Virginia!"
"Ha! ~ ~, ~, ~, Stone Hallway (Stone Coridoro)!
Watch the Knights blow up every big shield and instantly Ophelia's instructions fly. The Knights, who were about to expand slowly and widely, assembled and took a dense formation of the first two behind them.
At the same time - when the Virginia demonic chant and the proclamation of the magic name were made, stone walls forced up from my left and right floor, which overlapped arched into a stone tunnel.
The length of the tunnel stretches from the Knights forming the formation to the rear through me.
"Push it in!"
"" "Charge:!" "
Two people lined up in front scream, and with an unnatural acceleration, they set up a great shield to storm. Dodging...... can't be done, did you surround it with stone walls to make sure you pushed it in? But you wouldn't look like Mr. Frau in this position.
He stepped in and deployed the CBS (Circle Barrier Shield) to take the assault.
The moment an assault that seems to be a skill strikes me straight, two Knights sound surprised and questionable that they were stopped from moving by something invisible. But I'm not going to answer or explain discipline.
"Charge" was pushed slightly backward by the power of the declared skill, but when the momentum is gone, the CBS unfolds.
He then eagles at the top of the double shield protruding in front of him, creating a counter-attack gap with force.
"Come on -!"
I have eyes for a Knights man who hides himself on the other side of the Great Shield - he seems to be desperately trying to keep the Great Shield too, but I was simply better at power by assimilating the power of the Power Suit.
Slip the sledgehammer pattern in your right hand and grip the root of the hammer head. There's no killing - the aim is the left shoulder. I swung the sledgehammer down into the cracked gap.
It submerges the light armor and crushes the clavicle beneath it.
Slip your body inside and push every other Knights member into the stone wall, listening to the dull blowing noise and the feeling of crushing bones, and the cry that doesn't sound like a breathing Knights member.
The two fall in such a shock that a crack enters the stone wall and so that they are crushed by the weight of the great shield.
He grabbed the sledgehammer with his hands again as he stepped on it and threw it at the Knights, who set up a great shield in the back as he rotated like a gunshot throw.
The VMB didn't have the means of attack to throw a sledgehammer, but I could be sure the moment I threw it that I would definitely hit it straight from the feeling that I kept throwing throwable melee weapons tens of thousands of times, such as tomahawks and throwing knives.
The three Knights who were watching this one as they erected the Great Shield gave a stunned look, and they immediately hid themselves in the Great Shield and entered the defensive posture.
At that moment - I will be invisible both from the Knights and from Ophelia and Virginia behind them - I will put my hands around my hip holster and pull out the PSS special silencing gun, while at the same time discarding the fitted magazine and converting it into a newly summoned exercise magazine.
A PSS mock bullet wouldn't kill you anywhere you hit it. But you'll eat the shock to the point of getting punched in the fist......
And the high shock noise rings.
The thrown sledgehammer hit directly was the big shield to the right, and the impact thrown with power beyond the person by the powersuit was more than I could imagine.
Playing the Knights with every big shield, Sledgehammer bounces back to the top to break through the stone walls that arch together.
What you see ahead of you with the PSS - the Knights who were bounced off and fell, and the side of Virginia that turned its attention to the sudden collapse of the formation.
AIM on the temple, the steep point of the human body - aim and double fire the trigger. He goes on to slip his crosshair and AIM at the next Knights member, who was disfigured to be dragged by a falling Knights member, shooting through his jaw.
"Come on!" Charge:! "
The silent shooting that hit the steeple caused Virginia and one of the Knights to collapse like a threaded puppet - which Ophelia supports. And a Knights man with a shield on the left edge stormed in to protect the two of them.
I can take this skill from pushing a big shield forward and storming it. But now that Ophelia's offensive posture is falling apart, it's our chance to end this fight as soon as possible...
This one also rushes toward the arched and forced stone wall - moving straight to the wall run, running through the stone wall to reach the top.
The Knights passing directly underneath have not been able to keep up with my movements. But Ofelia is following my movements closely and staring at this one.
But you won't be able to prevent it from happening with your luggage.
Summon a Taser Gun on your left hand as you run through the top of the arch.
"Goddamn it, we're not getting away with this!
"I won't nigger, until I stop Omae from moving, Na"
Land over Ophelia holding Virginia - with Taser Gun and PSS in both hands, targeting Ophelia, who shields the fine sword of the magic weapon (Magic Weapon) by turning it into a great sword, and the Manuke Knights who look back when they realize there are no targets behind it.
You don't need an exact AIM on the Taser gun, a gun-shaped stun gun, you can aim for the big sword and the hidden part - two crosshairs danced their sights, layered between the legs of Ophelia and the brows of the Knights, uncovered in light armor, and pulled the trigger.
It eats 50,000 volts of electric shock and sounds a yellow scream that I have never heard from Ophelia. Behind that, a Knights member was seen falling on his back with a simulated bullet fired between his brows.
Ofelia, who paralyzes her body but eats up her teeth and withstands electric shock, stared at me so hard that she could stab me with only her eyesight - I lost my mind.
Neither the collapsed drum fortress, nor the labyrinth of this pit, have I done anything decent to exchange swords with Ophelia.
I know when I was attacked with a drum fortress that its sword moves, combined with a magic weapon, are definitely first-class, powerful enough to be called sword princess Ophelia.
And because I have the strength, I guess I'm pissed off at my namep - the way I stand up against them.
I know how that feels, too. I have also had many bitter experiences as an FPS player. If it was in a different form... I'll deal with it until I feel better too.
But now is not the time. From now on, I'm going to have to fight a fight that I won't kill.
You have to be serious. I can't see those four - camellias (Southern Ka).