Manuke FPS
The unplanned reward proposed by Chancellor Zepernell was permission to attend a dinner party to celebrate the birthday of Ark Kurtomerga, the third prince of the Kingdom of Kurtomerga, as Ashley's escort.
I was surprised by the sudden suggestion, but decided to listen to the details first. At this dinner party, for the first time in decades, Prime Minister Zeppernel Eternal emerges in public.
And by attending with Ashley, she will be made known internally and externally as the official next principals.
But the lead actor at this dinner party is Prince Ark, accompanied by his companion and the unveiling of Lapitilica Barga, the head of the bride candidate.
And - it's not just the prince, it's the dinner party. A pair of men and women is basic.
Chancellor Zepernell is going to have a man dressed Mr. Shall. But as things stand, Ashley doesn't have a specific partner. The Zeppernel family is the most important family to the Kurt Melga royal family, but the noble title alone does not allow the exercise of power.
But as long as the immortal Chancellor Zepernell is alive, it is definitely the only family line that can have a word for the royal family.
If you become Ashley's son-in-law and a member of the Zepernell family, it's synonymous with having the only power to speak for the royal family. It doesn't matter if you can actually do it. It is not impossible to culminate in the mere existence of possibilities that can be done, beyond all other titles of nobility.
If a young aristocratic boy were accompanied by Ashley at this dinner party, the eyes of envy and anticipation from the surroundings that the person would gain would not be anywhere near celebrating Prince Ark's birth. Give yourself the sweet juice that your companion will get - there will be no doubt that the elephant bugs will come together.
Even though the presence of Prime Minister Zepernell himself makes the eyes of the participants suitable for the Zepernell family. If you are introduced there until the next companion of the Lord, you will completely take the lead role in the dinner party away from the royal family.
From the point of view of Chancellor Zeppernel, who puts his best efforts to the royal family first, that's all I want to avoid.
Then why don't we just go without a companion? and thought for a moment, but then it's like declaring Ashley free. Unmarried aristocratic boys from all over the country will raise their hands to the candidates for son-in-law, causing further confusion.
So, that's me.
One of Wangdu's leading large chambers of commerce, the Marida Chamber of Commerce, has a commercial hall in Wangdu, and at the same time opens a "big black house" with important figures in national politics to its customers.
He said that other chambers of commerce thought they could bite their lips off at products that were never available to other chambers of commerce and that they did not know where they were produced or how to manufacture them.
And Schwartz, the only merchant in that chamber of commerce, opened a commercial hall in Wang Du, even though he had not apprenticed or worked in any chamber in the past. Several chambers of commerce have already reached their true identity.
One is "Schwartz the D-rank Adventurer" and the other is "Schwartz the Mapper".
Nothing else, nobody knows.
Would you mind if that mysterious merchant accompanied Ashley to dinner? The eyes of the young aristocratic men attending the dinner party turned to a candidate for son-in-law who suddenly appeared. The leading men and merchants of the Wang capital invited to the dinner party will be surprised by the advent of the mysterious merchant.
As a result, attention to the Zepernell family is dispersed, and taking away the lead role in the dinner party celebrating Prince Ark's birth can be avoided - but that ends with me drawing attention?
"Then I call the second son of the Knights of Kingsguard to accompany Ah-chan -"
"Thank you for this reward."
I said it by accident. Following me - I can hear Chancellor Bergman whining.
"... the captain doesn't have a second son, motherfucker."
I can't say anything to the guest room - I'm the only one, or Chancellor Bergman sits back in his seat, looking at Niyaniya and Chancellor Zepernell.
"Then it's not up to you! Meet locally on dinner day and come to the venue early. Tell the guards to take Big Black House to the concubines' quarters."
"Come on, get some nice clothes. And it's customary for a man to bring something to celebrate his birth."
"What do you prepare?
I didn't ask. The voice belongs to Ashley, who pulled the dining table.
Ashley, who came into the guest room, wore a white headscarf on the same white cooking attire as Mr. Charles, and the ruby choker I gave her glowed around her neck.
He wears it well to see if he liked it since he gave it to me at the harvest festival after the Green Ghost's Labyrinth crusade.
"Oh, looks like dinner's ready. The concubine is hungry."
"A celebration for Prince Ark."
"Huh? Is Schwartz coming to dinner too?
"That's what happened. I was originally planning on heading to the venue with a delivery of fruit liquor."
"Ah, as your companion."
Ashley's surprise was followed by Mr. Charles, who placed a large earthen pot carried from the dining room table on the guest table.
"Charlotte, you're gonna be okay with tonight's, right?
Prime Minister Bergman said something that bothered him.
"Because I made it with my sister tonight - so, it's okay!
"It's not pot food. There's no such thing as misseasoning or overcooking meat."
Tonight - or if this is it - is this pot dish okay for a minute?
When I look at Ashley, I open the lid of the earthen pot with my face juggled, and silently split it into chunks with wooden balls.
"Oh, more than that! Are you sure you want Schwartz to take care of your escort?! Is that what your sister's - that... that's... that's what this is about?!
"Shull, I'll ask the Sovereign slowly about that later, so help me separate it first"
"Mnh! I'll be with you then!
Both prime ministers are watching the exchange between Ashley and Mr. Charles with a laugh. My cheeks loose so I can be caught too, but the three Zeppernells still surround the table like family even Chancellor Bergman.
Chancellor Bergman seems to be eating here many times, and I'm guessing it's a pretty deep pattern with the Zeppernells.
From there, there was no talk of the Devil's Mountains, no talk of a dinner party, a very ordinary dinner (Hitokoma) - it was supposed to be.
The earthen pot dishes that Ashley and Mr. Charles brought were close to what the previous world called water cooking.
There are plenty of vegetables and mushrooms that I've never seen in chicken-like meats, and the smell of thin, but elegant and clear stock stimulates my stomach.
Then lined up was the white rice that goes away from one.
There is also rice in this world. But most of its cooking methods are just rice cooking like an uncle. Probably more convenient for adventurers and explorers because they can eat with vegetables and meat.
But the white rice put in front of you is different.
The sweet, aromatic aroma of rice drifting with the warm white hot air, each white and clear grain emits a lustrous glow, which also takes no pull at all on the polar-colored glow emitted by the Great Magic Stone (Dungeon Core).
And the sweet moment begins.
Is Prime Minister Zepernell and the others able to eat, and he doesn't look as impressed with how the rice is cooked as I do.
Mr. Charles eloquently tells the story until he finishes dinner tonight, gets stuck in by Chancellor Bergman, and Chancellor Zepernell laughs at it Kerakera.
Ashley still doesn't have much conversation during the meal. The expression changes with each bite, and you can see that you are happy with the food.
I'll hold the rice in my hand, too, and take a sip of the cooked white rice first...
"... delicious"
It's a simple word, but there are no other words. If you dare to replace this inspiration with words...
The heat passes well to the core of every grain of rice, but it is not too hot or too wet, and even the water vapor that spits out from the mouth emits a scent that tickles the nasal cavity.
Sarah and the rice in her mouth are not watery with good hardness. Slightly sweet flavor that spreads every bite.
I swallow it even though I've always wanted to bite it off - through my throat and when it falls into my stomach I feel comfortable being warmed from the core of my body.
This rice feels better than the previous world cooker cooking. If it was cooked in the kitchen of this martial arts mansion, could it possibly be earthen pot cooked?
I don't remember eating rice cooked in earthen pots in the previous world. Is this the true taste of comedy... I never thought I'd be eating real rice in another world.
Then I get a pan dish. First, sip a little juice - pouring in is a rich juice reminiscent of kelp sauce.
Wrap the large white meat in leafy vegetables and transport it to your mouth - a gravy that bites off the leafy vegetables left over from your teeth to zero out.
"This is delicious too"
The ingredients look only slightly different from the previous world, but the flavour is as imagined - though.
"Does this pan dish have any sauce to put on?
"Was it flavored thin?
"No, it's delicious. Because it's delicious, I want to enjoy this dish with all sorts of flavors."
"What do you want, for example? Waterfowl pots are typically prepared with seaweed."
Chancellor Zepernell taught me the general flavoring for my hopes, but this waterfowl pan - no matter how I look at it, it just looks like a water cooker.
As far as I'm concerned, I wanted to try some of this world's pong vinegar, sesame seeds, etc., but apparently it's not very common.
"Well, for example, this"
With that said, I put my hand in the cloth bag I brought with me with the Great Magic Stone, acted as if it had been there from the beginning, and summoned some seasonings from the food gift BOX.
Seeing one vial after another that can be arranged on the table, Mr. Shall takes it in his hands first, opens the lid and smells it.
Chancellor Bergman was more interested in screw caps and hinge caps than in the contents, and Chancellor Zepernell and Ashley had dropped a little sauce on a small plate to make sure it tasted scary.
"Schwartz, what is this?!
Many of the condiments I put on the table were stored in the kitchen space of the Continental.
At first there was a label printed with illegible letters, but it was removed and discarded as soon as it was taken out. Even if there is no label, the contents can be immediately seen by the colour and aroma.
All the seasonings lined up go with the pan dishes, the pong vinegar with the addition of teak, grate, salt, ginger, etc. And sesame seeds, spicy sauce, etc.
"How much seasoning does your Lord carry..."
"Huh? Huh... I'm not very good at cooking, so I treasure these vials that I can carry around and enjoy all sorts of flavors."
The waterfowl pan is certainly delicious even as it is - but flavorful in flavoring terms.
Delicious pots for delicious rice, and various sauces arranged on small plates. Because I know all sorts of flavors and dishes in the previous world, I am well aware of the breadth of flavors.
But the people of this world are not yet mature.
The food we had at the Royal Castle and at the dinner party in the entertaining city of Venere was excellent. But that's not only excellent ingredients and culinary skills, but the presence of skilled "cooking" improves the taste of cooking - that's the reason for this world.
Because of the widespread recognition of the existence of skills, the culture of carrying a delicious dish, a little seasoning, is not developed.
I guess this is one of the reasons why the lunch culture is still underdeveloped. If a cook with excellent "cooking" makes lunch, you can enjoy a delicious meal wherever and whenever you eat.
However, Skilled Cooking belongs to individuals. It is not possible to produce a large quantity of mechanically uniform dishes.
Delicious food was the right place, and it was natural for someone with excellent skills to make it at a price.
By contrast, a product called a lunch box that carries delicious dishes that I have advanced with the Marida Chamber of Commerce provides adventurers, explorers, travellers and workers with a delicious meal that is easy and more than constant, even if not with a superior skilled cook, but with an above-average "cooking" - where value exists.
And what about the wines and seasonings I brought out over Continental?
The wines that are always available in the finest motorhome called Continental are also of the finest quality - then the condiments in the kitchen.
"Is this scent sesame? What an appetizing scent."
"It's a little spicy - but it tastes like a habit!
"This one smells like citrus. I didn't expect the taste to be so bright just by putting it on..."
Seasonings are also the finest.
A delicious rice cooked in earthen pot, with less opportunity to taste in the previous world. A simple but taste-filled waterfowl pan made of ingredients from this world. And a bunch of the finest seasonings I've prepared.
The family reunion dinner party, which turned into a seasoning review, lasted until late at night, forgetting that time was running out.