Manuke FPS
A dinner party to celebrate Prince Ark's birth and adulthood - a long and pleasant time that ended with a sudden raid.
A cyborg like a ghost covered in steel armor - obey the Ghost Steel Soldier (Minion), with a sharp eye distorted in the back of a black headscarf, let's see.
And he called me a "cartographer"... not many people call me by that name. That physique, that voice color, that comes to mind - that man who subscribes to King Hua (Rafflesia), the clan that has the most power by making it the largest clan in the Kurt Melga kingdom.
But standing in front of me is the assassin (Assassin) who fought at Lapitilica's request for escort - black headscarf in the same black costume as the members of "The Cactus".
Those two, which should never overlap, overlapped in a single word he said away.
"Reinell... I didn't know you had a back face."
In one word I told him to whine, I heard a tongue pounding from his mouth covered in a black headscarf.
"This time too, the female fox guard, but... this ghost steel soldier - can you protect it from this wonderful demonic weapon?
After a slight exchange of words with Reinell, the Fourth Central Knights, who are in charge of security in the venue, enter.
At the same time, however, the siege of Flyheit, the venue, was about to be completed.
"" Schwartz the soap shop, "you know that guy?
Vee comes to the side, slashing off ghost steel soldiers in the air and slamming them down to the floor.
"It's" The Big Black House ". A little acquaintance - no, he seemed like a man who knew nothing."
"Come on, ghost steel soldiers, stand up! I didn't hear you guys were so soft!
To Reinell's word, a ghost steel soldier pierced by the ceiling - a ghost steel soldier who shot through the flank and blew it up - a ghost steel soldier who was beaten down by Vee rises.
33-30 No damage is seen at all in the abdomen where the actual bullet should have landed. Did you recover while you were lying down, or was there no damage at all?
"Prince Wang, are you all right!
"Prince Wang!
"Evacuate the visitors! Don't let any of the thieves escape the scene, do you have a secure underground junction magic team?
"I'm able to confirm. We're the only ones who can handle Skills and Magic while the connections are working."
Yes - some of the fly heights and royal castles in the venue can have a junction that inhibits the activation of Skills and Magic. I can't leave it activated because it consumes a lot of demonic stones and magic, but to ensure the safety of the prime minister and the three princes, the activated state continued before the start of the dinner party.
And the Central Knights metal armor has the ability to deactivate that junction. I don't know what kind of system it is, but they were supposed to be the only ones who could exert their original power within this venue.
But I... we saw it. Red light running inside the venue.
"You ghost steel soldiers, get rid of them!
The ghost steel soldiers who rose to Reinell's decree protruded their left hand, and a trapezoidal object popped out of the vicinity of their wrists.
A moment of tension runs over the Knights and young nobles protecting the princes, but they didn't understand what it was.
"Avoid it!"
At first glance, I can see what that is - the first laser weapon to blow the head off a male paycheck.
Looking back immediately, throw down the M94 and jump with Lapitilica and Prince Ark in both hands.
A laser, released from the left hand of a ghost steel soldier, ran - burning down walls with delicate decorations, shooting away painted ceilings and knights who had not been able to react to the movement.
And apart from the laser attack, a number of explosions sounded, shaking the entire fly height.
They were merchant and non-combatant women who seemed to have regained their tranquillity by the entry of the Knights, but they descend into a state of panic at the appearance of the Knights as they are separated from the venues that are to be destroyed by lasers.
"Oh, thank you"
"Thank you, Mr Schwartz"
It was Chancellor Zeppernel and Mr. Charles, and the corner of the venue where Ashley was evacuated, who chose to avoid the siege.
Next to it, Roy and Rachel from "You Shadow Grass (Suzuran)" meet up. I guess they made us evacuate to this position.
"Mr. Schwartz is amazing. I can't believe you're using so much movement and skill even though you're in the juncture with so much reaction."
While standing to protect Ashley and the others, Rachel's eyes on me were full of respect that I didn't quite understand as curiosity.
"Prime Minister, we are already under siege outside. It's dangerous as it is."
"But how do we get out of here? Whatever your concubine and Ark are, Khan will never run, and..."
Once again, a loud explosion sounds and the whole fly height rocks. Apparently, the aim of the troops besieging the outside is not just to prevent them from escaping. I suppose you're going to destroy every building and try to wipe us out.
There has been havoc in the venue over attacks from within and outside, and the surviving Knights have begun fighting with ghost steel soldiers.
Reinell seems to have temporarily lost sight of this one, but I don't think this situation will open naturally.
The Central Knights are the only ones who possess weapons or retain combat capability, and that they fall one after the other before the ghost steel soldiers.
Ghost Steel soldiers' combat abilities were antagonistic with the Knights, but no firepower magic attacks can be used while the venue chaos persists. If so, it will only be a melee attack, but the armor of the ghost steel soldiers is thick, not frightened at all by slight wounds, and pushed by the ghost steel soldiers who keep moving without fear of death.
I'm guessing the ghost steel soldiers don't feel any wounds or fear of death of their own. After all, it's not a willed or emotional creature - it's a machine. I don't know why that stuff exists, but it's not like I don't know.
But that's later. Right now, the top priority I have to think about is...
"We will provide you with a means of escape. However, it is impossible for everyone - such raids cannot be carried out without guidelines on the part of the Kingdom. Without knowing the traitor, it's dangerous to rescue all visitors."
I will not make public statements about Reinell's - "Hegemon Flower” and “Hegemon Tree” yet on this occasion. Because we still don't know how far the two clans overlap.
If it were to be completely back-to-back, that would be a rebellion by the Second Prince - a situation that could develop into a civil war.
You can't talk about that cheaply under this circumstance.
At the end of my eyes, I could see Reinell picking up my Winchester M94. However, the moment it is lifted, it becomes a particle of light and extinguishes.
I'm the only one who can hold a VMB firearm. Firearms touched by others and extinguished as particles of light return to the inventory.
Summon the M94 on your right hand side over the inventory again and pull the trigger toward a ghost steel soldier who is trying to hold back a knight defeated with a six-foot stick.
"The Great Blackhouse, then Prime Minister Zeppernel and the Princes of Kings, and the women alone, will escape."
"What about Sir Crude?
"The eagle commands a young aristocrat who can fight to escape the others. There's an underground tunnel in Flyheit that we used to lay down our boundaries at the time of construction, it should still work."
"You need to use it."
It was the Duke of Barga who came into the conversation with Sir Crude.
"I'm in charge of that role, too."
By firing to help the knight, Reinell, dressed in black, noticed my position.
"Can you do it?
The narrow eyes of the Duke of Barga stare at me as if he were going to shoot me through. He doesn't know I'm a shaft. Just as when Lapitilica was asked to escort her, she looks me in the eye as if peeking into this abyss -.
"You've seen eyes before - well, is that what you mean, Chancellor Zepernell?
Something - no, you understood the connection between me and the shaft, and the Duke of Barga looked back to Chancellor Zepernell, who was watching over his accomplishments, confirming his expression and snapping a word.
"Vee, join him, please."
"I'll take care of it"
At some point, Vee stood behind the Duke of Varga. Behind that, I see Ashley staring worried about this one.
"'The Big Black House,' can you do it?
"It's all right, Sir Crude. I'll go flashy, so I'll ask you about the merchants."
All this time, I can't protect the Maltese.
I hear Reinell flying directions to ghost steel soldiers. All five ghost steel soldiers turned to secure the prime minister and the murder of Prince Ark on Prince Wang, in order to accomplish their original purpose.
There is no more time.
Activate the TSS (Tactical Support System), select the pouch from Avatar Customization to attach to the hips, and at the same time select the 30-30 packet bullet, the ammunition of the M94, to summon inside.
The M94 needs to be hand fed one bullet at a time from the feed port at the top of the trigger.
There are only seven rounds loaded. Since we have already fired four shots, we will cage the live ammunition in the feed port while manipulating the TSS by will alone.
The ghost steel soldier's left hand goes up - that laser attack is coming again -.
Sole was summoned to use as a shield after completion of selection in the TSS.