Manuke FPS
Five mechanical soldiers like cyborgs called ghost steel soldiers (minions). The left hand is directed at me and the princes behind me.
To escape the sudden raid, Flyheit, the venue of a dinner party that became a turmoil with no havoc, no leadership or organized action, summoned a shield to protect everyone from the attack of ghost steel soldiers, a "leg” to escape the king princes and princes, and the Zeppernel prime ministers.
Shortly before the ghost steel soldier's laser attack was irradiated, it was Typhoon-K. who summoned him to trample down a number of tables and dishes scattered throughout the venue.
The official name is KamAZ-63968 Typhoon-K. The vehicle was deployed in Russia as an armoured personnel transport vehicle, an armoured reinforced vehicle to protect soldiers from the more powerful mines and explosive devices such as IEDs in recent years, as well as heavy machine guns.
The overall shape is a cab-over-type armoured six-wheel truck with a cockpit above the engine, with sixteen seats positioned opposite the rear occupant compartment, allowing eighteen people to board alongside two of the cockpits.
The particles of light overflowed the venue, and at the next moment the gaze gathered throughout the venue at the appearance of objects of elongated tortoise-like design.
And Typhoon-K's armor receives a laser attack illuminated by ghost steel soldiers.
Check the endurance value of the Typhoon-K floating in sight and make sure that even when subjected to five laser attacks, the damage is negligible. You won't have to worry about this being destroyed before you escape.
Open the door of the cockpit opposite the Ghost Steelers, with the rear hatch only by will.
Both doors are electronically controlled and open automatically.
"Oh, what is this? How can you do this in the juncture?!
Rachel from "You Shadow Grass (Suzuran)" keeps asking questions that poke at the core, but me, Ashley, and the Chancellor are ignoring it.
Others will be equally questionable, but no one should have time to talk about it under this circumstance......
"Roy, go inside through the front door and tell us what's going on when you make sure you're safe to get there. Rachel, no questions! Lead the Prime Minister and the King and Princes inside through this door and escort them until they arrive inside."
"Schwartz, I can't believe this..."
Ashley approaches behind my back and grabs the tailcoat hem. I guess she figured out what Typhoon-K was.
"Ashley, I'll take care of this. Relieve the first people you experience inside."
No response from Ashley. Just staring me in the eye, losing my words, my mouth just moves slightly.
The light point of the map floating in sight moves. I guess the ghost steel soldier intended to put his hands down directly by showing it to prevent laser attacks.
"Come on, get in! My Lord Chancellor! Prince Ark to Prince Wang. Get in this box too!
"Did I say Schwartz, that we could get out in a box like this carriage?
Prince Khan approached me as prompted by my voice, but at first sight I couldn't possibly understand that it was an armoured transport vehicle. I don't even have time to explain it in detail...
"Khan, I'll leave this to Schwartz."
Prince Khan turns to a word of Chancellor Zepernell that follows behind him and leaks a word, "If you say so…", and takes a hand to Lady Anastasia to the passenger compartment.
"Come on, I won't let you!
It was then.
As soon as the raid began, one of the young noblemen, who was rushing to Prince Wang, pulls a short knife out of his nose and rests on his hips, advances with the back of Prince Wang as he ascends the rear hatch -.
While the surrounding eyes were directed at confusion and ghost steel soldier outrage, the only move to stop that progression was by Mr. Charles, a man in uniform who was participating as an escort to the Chancellor.
"- I'm doing it!
He jumped between King Khan Prince and the young nobleman, kicked up his hand holding a short knife and poked the young nobleman straight up.
"Sanson! What are you doing!
The consciousness of Sir Crude and the Duke of Barga also caught up with Mr. Shall's movements, seizing the young noblemen who had been thrust away.
"I thought the guide was so close..."
"Charles, that's a brilliant response. Khan will be inside soon, so will Ark."
Side by side with Sir Crude seizing the young nobleman, keep his back in the rear hatch of Typhoon-K and pull the trigger with M94 crosshairs to the ghost steel soldier approaching in Lean's posture.
"Your Eminence, hurry inside too - unfortunately, only those who can be trusted will be brought outside first."
"Mr. Schwartz, have you decided where to go?
Do the cocking with normal lever action and trigger another, not the spin cock.
Take a ghost steel soldier trying to get close, calm down everywhere - and turn your gaze to the Duke of Barga, who speaks in a calm tone.
"I thought the royal castle was safe..."
Though still young, one of the nobles pointed a blade at the king prince. I don't know how far the root of the “Hegemon Tree" stretches, and if you think about the second prince, the clanmaster in which Reinell participates, the Royal Castle may not be considered safe either.
No, rather - given the timing of this raid, there could even be a simultaneous attack on the Royal Castle.
"Mr. Schwartz, do you know where my mansion is? So let's check the situation and, in some cases, pull it up to Varga to get the crowd in order."
Is that what you can do...
"Now, one or more of the eagles directs you underground. There may be traitors in there, but I'll take them out and show them."
Whether the survivors of the Central Knights understood our aim, they began forming a formation to keep the ghost steel soldiers close to the M94.
The visitors are also moving to shield us as we make our way around the venue.
Visitors who escape cheaply are eliminated in the darkness of the vestibule.
A brilliant blade of light in the dark, a bunch of screaming - I was not the only one who knew that many visitors were surrounded by every fly height.
"I will now take you to the residence of the Duke of Barga"
Prince Khan and Lady Anastasia, Prince Ark and Lapitilica, Chancellor Zeppernel and Mr. Charles, Rachel and Roy as escorts, Duke of Barga and Lady Emerada, as the situation changed one after another.
And finally, Ashley gets into Typhoon-K.
"It's okay, Ashley. If you buy me time to get everyone out of here, I'll get out, too. Ask about the royalty and the prime ministers."
"Be careful - I'll take care of the Sovereigns"
The overlapping gaze is blocked by a rear hatch that closes. Now we're ready before we escape.
Later - how far I will show the power of VMB in a havoc fly height... no, no spare time, no.
While caging a 30-30 packed bullet in the M94 feed port, consciously retrieve several types of melee weapons from the inventory.
At the same time, Typhoon-K begins to sound a heavy bass engine sound and moves to a moveable state at any time.
"Sir Crude, use this. I can't take all of them, but it would be reckless to go underground without weapons."
That's what I said and gave it to you, five large battle machets. Western swords do not exist in VMB melee weapons. Though an alternative, a modern weapons machet should suffice.
"Where the hell do you keep all these weapons from..."
"That question will be asked later - no, ask Chancellor Bergman"
"Say goodbye to Bergman?
"Yes - it concentrates their consciousness on me. Go underground in that gap."
The next subpoena for Machete was RPG-7.
The RPG-7, arguably the famous device of portable rocket guns, is a portable anti-tank projectile launcher developed in the Soviet Union and widely operated worldwide from the time of the Vietnam War until today.
One of the features of RPG-7 is the extension of range and high hit rate due to the addition of rocket propulsion to the shell, but at the same time gas injection occurs behind the shell at firing as a disadvantage, giving the possibility of endangering allies.
However, only its advantages were set in the RPG-7 of the VMB, and even with allies standing directly behind it, there were only disadvantages to the extent of visual inhibition by white smoke.
Sir Crude stared at the green cylinder I summoned - the RPG-7 - wonderfully, but I'm not going to explain it.
Fighting Ghost Steel Soldiers and Central Knights is pretty pushy - Ghost Steel Soldiers are too tough.
Attacks from troops surrounding Flyheight have also continued. The smell of burning begins to drift and a fire can be seen.
I don't have time to do anything. Bear the RPG-7 on your shoulders and pull the trigger toward the front of the typhoon-K and toward the wall ahead.
The prolonging blasting and flying sounds echoed through the venue, turning into explosion sounds at the next moment.
At the same time, the typhoon-K is controlled by the remote control mode of the TSS (Tactical Support System), with a large hole drilled and run towards the wall connected to the outside.
The venue is hard to say ground and flat height, but Typhoon-K has the performance to run through any desolate wilderness.
Six wheeled tires absorb recoil as they move up and down, running all the way out to the front yard at once.
Conscious of steering wheel operation while floating the screen monitor of the TSS in his sight, he ran with the momentum to slay the troops outside surprised by the typhoon - K - that came through with the explosion, accelerating toward Wangdu Central Street.
"Chip! What is that - ghost steel soldier, don't let him get away with it!
I can hear Reinell's tongue pounding and rage.
You can't let a ghost steel soldier follow you. We can't let Sir Crude's escape get in the way.
In order to nail Reinell's consciousness to me and buy time - that man needs to show off what the Hegemon Tree would resent the most.
Remove the smoked grenade from the inventory, pull out the pin and roll it to your feet.
"Sir Crude, please initiate the induction while you can"
"What the hell is that box... wow, okay. We're going underground, too!
"I'll stay here." Schwartz the Odd. "We'll need to buy each other time in this place until we can be sure that Master Frank will be safely escaped, won't we?
A bitter laugh leaks into the words of Vee standing beside him as he captures the figure of Sir Crude and the demon-guided aristocrats at the edge of his sight who begin to guide the remaining aristocrats and merchants.
And the smokescreen that erupts temporarily hides who I and Vee are -.
"The darkness that nestles in the king's capital, the judgment on the black side - now is the time to take it"