Manuke FPS
From Flyheit, the venue of the dinner party, King Khan Prince and Prince Ark, as well as Prime Minister Zepernell, were escorted by me and Duke of Barga's exclusive escort Vee to distract the raiders in order to get them out of Typhoon-K., an armoured personnel transport vehicle, and to provide cover for Sir Crude's escape from the basement.
The smokescreen sprayed from the smoked grenade rolled at my feet instantly envelops me and Vee.
A huge box suddenly appeared at the venue moved out, and if he noticed, the raider - Reinell of the "Hegemon Flower (Rafflesia)" - had not been able to correctly recognize the situation for the assassination target disappeared from the venue.
"Shit, what's going on? What the hell is that carriage that runs without a horse? And where did this smoke come from?"
And the same goes for the Central Knights, who were in charge of the security of the venue, who didn't know what was going on -
"What's that? Where have the princes gone?!
More waves descend on the venues where chaos spreads...
Jumping out of the smokescreen, he throws a newly summoned melee weapon - a sledgehammer - at a ghost steel soldier (minion) as he rotates forward.
To ghost steel soldiers, Winchester M94 couldn't do enough damage. It's not that the M94 is underpowered, the ghost steel soldiers are too hard.
I decided I needed a simpler force (power) to break through that cyborg-like armor.
Sledgehammer struck directly at a ghost steel soldier standing beside him to protect Reinell, and a simple but overwhelming chunk of violence blew up the ghost steel soldier and implanted him into the venue wall.
And the landing from the jump - descending in front of Reinell, discerning the ferocious eyes that are overflowing with killing and passion from the moment you see me.
"Why are you here?! Black-sided shaft!!
Yes - just before I jumped out of the smokescreen, I changed my avatar customized costume set, German SS black clothes on the overcoat, and a black tactical kevlar mask - I was changing my appearance from Schwartz to Shaft.
"It's a shaft..."
"The black side!
"Is that the shaft on the black side?"
Surprised by the sudden appearance of the shaft, the same was true of the Central Knights and the visitors leaving the venue.
"That black outfit looks familiar -" Cactus, "right?
To that one word, I could see Reinell's eyes distorted hiding his face with a black headscarf. And then my gaze moves to the left and right, and moves to explore my rear...
"Well, you know what... you're a mucky bastard everywhere, mapper - no, black-sided shaft"
This man is not an idiot either. Even if you hide the moment of change, if Schwartz disappears from the sunny smokescreen and a man appears in front of you hiding his face with a black Kevlar mask, you will have nature and one answer.
"So we had each other's back faces."
"Looks like we let the princes get away well, but the time of death just postponed, and there's no escape for them"
"How about that? Don't think it's easy to do what I'm protecting..." Sorcerer's Kill, "Demon Armor“ Land of Chaos (Terrorist Chaosso), "Six Clowns... Whatever you guys use, it all didn't work out, did it?
"Oh, yeah, you're right - Will and Galac lost to you and died -"
Huh? Am I the one who killed Will and Gallac?
While pretending to be calm, beneath the Kevlar mask, he was rebelling against Reinell's words and remembering them.
Will was a light warrior in charge of mapping the "King Flower" and Gallac was also a member of the “King Flower” and a heavy warrior as a shield. Overlay those two with the assassins of the "Hegemon Tree" I've defeated...
Right, Will, the assassin who attacked us using the “sorcerer killer”, and the black knight who has challenged us to battle alone in demonic armor, Gallac, is that what you mean...
Both had reached such an end that their faces could not be confirmed at the end of the battle. However, in retrospect of that hair and body, there were numerous characteristics that matched.
After all, “Hegemon Flower", which makes it the largest clan in the kingdom and places a second prince on the master, was one of the dark guilds that leaps behind the kingdom, "Hegemon Tree"...
I wasn't expecting or imagining it, but without rushing to draw conclusions, I hoped it wasn't.
"- But it's something I don't think even I can do easily. Felix decided to put your assassination behind him at the King's Festival, but now we're lucky to meet here."
Is even the sub-master connected to the “Hegemon tree” - after all, is the “Hegemon flower” and “Hegemon tree" the only thing...?
While organizing the information, we will judge the position of the five ghost steel soldiers, the movements of the merchants and nobles escaping the venue, the movements of the reinforcements that were besieging the outside, all of them from the maps in view and the sounds captured by the sound collecting sensors.
"It's only later that we go after the princes. First of all, I owe you everything - all I can do is talk and amulet of a female fox. You don't need it for our hegemony, just disappear!
At the same time as he uttered his anger, Reinell held the dagger backwards, pulled from behind his hips with his left hand, and stepped in without scratching my neck.
This one also steps in as it moves, punching Reinell's left arm from the outside to the inside with a right palm bottom punch, punching him in the chest with an elbow to flow and thrusting him -.
Rinell, punched through the steep point of his chest, blocks his breath and uses an elbow-butting recoil to fly backwards.
But that act is what I'm after. Aware of the inventory the moment the distance opens, place your right hand inside the overcoat to hide your hand.
Instantly summoning is a handgun with a silver metallic silhouette - Dessert Eagle.
Handguns with a history of being designed and produced across multiple firearms manufacturers in the United States and Israel and multiple countries. Whatever its biggest feature, in the automatic pistol category, is its ability to handle strong loading - that is, magnum ammunition - with a predominant focus on offensive power.
Magnum ammunition has the highest class of power as a handgun bullet and was selected simultaneously as the bullet to be loaded into the dessert eagle. The .50 AE ammunition is set as the most aggressive pistol bullet in the VMB.
Alternative disadvantages also exist, with seven loads at the time of .50 AE ammunition selection, and very large diffusion values for recoil and reticle at firing. Bullets never fly where they're aimed unless you're careful with the firing interval.
I chose Dessert Eagle for two reasons. This is because of the avoidance of FF (Friendly Fire) to the Central Knights who are staying on the spot and the higher endurance of the Ghost Steel Soldiers (Minions) than you can imagine.
There are many weapons that wield more vicious outrages, such as RPG-7 and M134 Minigun. However, weapons that may involve allies should be used with great care.
Pulling his right hand out of the overcoat - Reinell instantly understood what it was the moment he saw the dessert eagle that had been summoned to my disposal.
"Ghost Steel Soldier, protect me!
The firearm I've used as Schwartz, the firearm I've used as a shaft, and I showed it using Winchester M94 at this dinner party venue.
In targeting the shaft, I should have gathered enough information about the weapons I use. And if you actually look and feel it with your eyes - you'll understand the danger of being pointed at gunpoint, even if you don't like it.
I aligned my crosshair with Reinell's right shoulder and pulled the trigger.
At the same time as the low, heavy firing noise, a graphic of the muzzle flash that erupted the fire appeared at the gunpoint - blood and screaming went up ahead.