Manuke FPS
The gates of the company (do it), which are the gateway to the underground temple, are so heavy that they cannot be opened without the strength of a pushing hand.
Slightly squeaky, hooking metal noise sounds uncomfortable. I don't think Felix or Prince Kileak, who is supposed to be ahead of us, asked me, but I can't let him understand the intrusion.
There is nothing in the company. Soil walls in wooden frames, fragile buildings the more they poke at, but they are protected as magical buildings and cannot be easily destroyed.
The only one here is a staircase down to the basement. At first a wooden staircase, about a minute down the ground floor, a cave in the dark.
Summon and install a Tactical Light for FN P90 from the inventory. Having a light source will also inform the surroundings of this presence, but the NV (Night Vision) mode will not work in complete darkness. Without a slight light source, we cannot see the darkness.
The light illuminated my yuku path as if it were the only gleaming hope in despair, and the cave, colored in two colors, green and white, drew a gentle descent line and curve, which continued deep and deep.
The map in sight shows only one path - a little further I could see the stone steps. Proceed slowly, quietly, silently through the cave, along the narrow, long main road, and down the stone steps again.
They say the underground temple was built on the site of the labyrinth and a royal castle was built on it, but this cave may have been the labyrinth itself.
I don't know how many layers I went down anymore, but when I went down to that hierarchy, I was convinced this was the bottom tier.
"That's straight..."
The main road of this hierarchy was unnaturally straight. But this road looks familiar - the passage just before it leads to the throne.
With this easy to understand straight line, you won't need tactical lights anymore. Besides, I see the light ahead of me in a straight line - and all I hear is talk.
"Father, would you mind telling me? Don't you think that's unfortunate that only a cute son doesn't know the full story of Blood Skills?
'Don't make me say it again and again. Royal Kurt Merga's "Bloodline Skills" … The full story of "Class Change" is only known by the King and Prince Wang. "
"Then you can make me Prince Wang! My brother seems to have escaped the attack on Flyheit, but you think he can escape my“ Rafflesia "? Besides... I won't hold it in that eroded body for years. You know that, Father!
'Kileak, reconsider. Admittedly, your track record of leading the "King Hana” is not the same as putting the clan together or putting the country together. "
"You think I don't have the power to lead my country?
"That's not all, you're overconfident, chronic, and in love." Class Change "is a skill that demonstrates the possibilities… it's a skill of the blades."
'It's unhappy... don't you think so, Felix!? I am not expected or appreciated by my father! Besides... apparently you haven't even seen it as a replacement for Brother Khan'
"Give up Kileak. Where I got it, it's an illusion that disappears quickly '
"Felix... what are you going to do with this kingdom"
'What do you think? That's none of your business anymore. If you don't recognize Kileak here as Prince Wang, that's fine. If you can confirm that the blessings promised are the skills you inherited, you're no longer worth anything.
'What a waste... you really think that when that man helps you not to do it for Kurt Merga?
'I don't think so, Father. But there are as many ways to make you listen! First we kill no one left of the women in Zeppernel's main house, then we kill the women in the branch, and if we don't still listen, we kill all the women in the kingdom.'
'What a fool, then the people of the country will be interrupted...!
"That's not true, Father. There is no need for inferior species such as women to govern the new world of hegemony. Live and live as a workforce livestock at best. '
"How are you going to survive your country without having children, raising them, and inheriting them? Are you going to make Kurt Merga a land of the dead!
'Don't worry… Zepernell also knows how to do that. It was only when I got that one! When we extend our hegemony to the world! Getting the throne of the Kurt Melga kingdom was the fast way to do this, but if Father doesn't approve, there's no way. At least at the end of the day... I'd be lucky to have my son drop his neck - Felix, give me the sword'
"No way, your true aim is-"
Just as he ignores the words of the present king, Kileak waves up with both hands the overdecorated long sword in his hand and stops overhead. Later, only with the momentum to shake it down and slash its neck off under one sword - but that long sword never reached the neck of the current king.
Shot both arms of the shaken up Kileak out of his elbow first. The 5.7 x 28 mm bullet used for the FNP90 is set as a bullet with excellent penetration on the VMB. But falling into this world fundamentally enhances its power, the 5.7x28mm ammunition does not just penetrate the target, and the enclosed energy storms around and destroys the point of landing.
In other words - Kileak's arms burst first from his elbow, and his blown hands ripped without remaining to the tip of his finger without being able to accept the destructive force.
The end point of the main road is a place unlike any cave or underground temple, and one I've seen many times - between the thrones.
At the same time as the shooting, he dashed the main road and threw in the M84 flashvan and smoke grenade with all his might, but shortly after he shot through Kileak's arm, Felix cracked into it on its ray.
Special grenades take three seconds to unplug and then burst. Throw a special grenade at an attack target during that slight error, but they were amputated seconds before the explosion of the comma.
Cut back from living together. Felix slashed off the special grenades he threw with my arms, reinforced with a power suit, in different dimensions, and as soon as he turned his gaze on Kileak for just a few moments, he blocked himself in front of me.
"Black side......"
That's all I heard you say to whine, but soon that mouth was shut and the jade eyes caught my whole body feeling freezing ruthlessness.
But I won't slow it down if I run through the main road and into the throne. The current king has his hands tied behind his back, kneeling before the throne a few steps up.
His own son drops his neck - he opened his eyes to the screams of the moment he thought so, and followed with his eyes the figure of Kileak as he lost both hands.
There was a large space between the thrones without a single column, but a red carpet was laid on the front leading to the throne.
The present king and Kileak, and Felix, are ahead of them - the two special grenades slashed by Felix turn into particles of light without exerting their effect, and Felix nabs again from his abode as he flows, slightly falling back.
- Thunderbolt.
Felix pulls out his sword with a lightning flash and swings it straight through the horizontal gills.
Instantly understand what that word and action means, moving from dashing to sliding low - and at the same time squeezing the crosshair into the felix to trigger.
The moment it was silenced by a silencer, but felt a 5.7 x 28 mm bullet shot off as the slaughter of light aimed at my neck passed overhead and crossed - captured Felix.
"Thunder Drive"
When Felix's entire body was blurred like a blur, he jumped in the right direction in such a motion as to illuminate the speed of light.
The bullet, which should have captured the area around his waist, shot through the illusion and landed on a pedestal leading to the throne. Felix's move to the right was evident in the flashing motion that ran into his vision and was definitely a "skill" in the fast moving system.
Suddenly stop sliding through the carpet, rotate each body and fly a right to the cross, looking for Felix - there!
Felix had fallen back to kill the fast moving momentum and lay his hands on the floor with the hands of those who did not have a knife.
One trigger the moment the crosshair matches that body. Five bullets were imminent, but Felix let the attack also spin his body and dance.
Can't that evasive behavior be exercised continuously?
Before moving, the crosshair sucks and collects 5.7 x 28 mm ammo near the center point of the most difficult body - but this seemed bad.
Felix stood his knife like a shield as if it were a comic book or an anime, bouncing off all the bullets he had concentrated.
Can you really do this......
"It doesn't look like a bow or crossbow, but it sounds like a flying tool. There are a limited number of attacks of this kind at a time. How many more of yours are there?
Felix stared at the faux graphics of the bullet marks on the knife and stood up watching it disappear.
As Felix put it, the indication showing the number of remnants floating in view is 0/50. Still, I haven't lowered my hand to install the P90.
Too many shots were fired when I was caught on that fast move... but I can't afford to change the magazine. Making it look like Felix right now isn't tasty, it's not a prediction or a hunch, that's what my instincts are complaining about.
Once you show it, Felix will instantly understand the biggest weakness of the shooting.
In a game called FPS, magazine redecoration - there is no more defenseless moment than during reloading. Being a virtual reality shooter called VMB didn't change that.
In order to shorten that gap by even a second, the players have stuck to the fitting position and timing of the spare magazine, its motion, its faints and various elements.
But that never goes to zero.
Now I would be able to reload faster than I was when I was a VMB player. There is also an option to return the P90 to the inventory and retrieve or summon another firearm with ample ammunition.
But again, that time is not zero, and I want to avoid showing the summons process in front of me.
I want to give him less than one piece of information. Otherwise, all means will be dismissed, bounced back, and I will be slashed down by the Japanese knife-like knife he possesses.
Besides, it's not even time for a showdown. In addition, there are questions about the fact that only the Throne Room remains intact on the site of the Labyrinth, which should have died - no, I can imagine the answer to this.
The first thing I have to do...
"Felix ooh!!! What are you doing, help me quickly! Eh, I can't stop bleeding, I'm gonna bleed to death like this!
It was commensurate with Felix not turning into an attack cheaply, but it was the cries of a sad kileak that interrupted the teasing