Manuke FPS
My gaze is drawn to the appearance of Kileak screaming like a cry - that seemed to be the same for Felix across the street. We predict and trace each other's next move, and repeatedly probe each other for slight motions in an attempt to poke the reverse.
Kileak and the current king are a few steps up the pedestal in front of the throne, and Felix is a little further away. I'm the one who's closer in distance...
- The next move has been made.
Throw down the FNP90 and jump across the pedestal all at once - four Smith & Wesson E&E tomahawks are hidden inside the feather-woven overcoat at the time of the decision to customize the avatar of the shaft.
Grab a tomahawk in both hands in the air and aim for the clavicle of Kileak -.
"Thunder Drive"
The next moment when the sound collecting sensor captured Felix's voice heard from the rear, the flash ran across the field of vision, and Felix interrupted with the skill of light speed travel to take it with a knife shielded on one knee to a blow exerting force to sever the kileak vertically from the clavicle.
A knife that shows a beautiful blade print reminiscent of thunder (squid) and two black tomahawks scrape a razor.
It was only a few minutes ago, a minute or two before I first showed this skill in light speed travel, and there is definitely a cool-time limit to his light speed travel skill - until it becomes reusable.
That's when you switched positions.
"Look down in the midst of a monster"
That was when - shortly after tracking down the thief Cat Willow (Cat Yanagi) at the King's Festival - six clowns came after him as assassins from the Hegemon Tree (Cactus). Felix has seen my zombie face and launched an attack without question.
Now that Felix's light speed travel skills are in cool-time, this is your biggest chance.
"Your Majesty, go up now. I'll be right behind you."
"Kileak, the treatment is later. Go to the back."
We push each other as hard as we can, and the movement is stopped. Now is the time to let the present king escape to earth. From Felix's point of view, he probably decided that it was now that my hands were blocked and the movement stopped in a one-by-one situation to move the summoning kileak to a safe place.
But what do you mean, "go back"? If you look at the map in view, there is only one small room behind the throne. You mean go there... is there something there?
"I'll take care of this."
"Go ahead...... no problem!
You must have recognized me as an ally. But as a king, I may not speak cheaply words of gratitude or apology. The current king rose with his arms tied and began to travel to the entrance between the thrones with a little relief.
"Felix! Your father will run away, kill him! If you don't kill him soon, you won't get the throne. No!
"Give up, now go to the back and fly. Get treatment and stand by."
"Oh, that's... ooh! You're a" shaft on the black side "!? This misfortune which has thwarted my ambition...... I will never forget it!!
Barking behind Felix, Kileak ran out to the back of the throne with tears coming from the severe pain in his eyes. Is it hard to balance with the loss of both hands, or you go away with more fluffy footsteps than the current king.
Me and Felix are the only ones left between the thrones. About two minutes after the impending start, Felix moves out first -.
"Thunder Drive"
Felix, who should have solidified his movements with a push of force, disappeared instantly from my sight at the same time as activating his skills - but the movement could have been anticipated.
The skill you are activating by chanting "Thunder Drive" is not a completely invincible mobility technique. Its weakness is already visible - whether we ignore the posture and travel at light speed, literally, its direction of travel is indicated by the band of light.
Moreover, apparently, the "skill" has a fixed travel distance or a travel limit distance.
The subject who was applying force to push him to kill disappeared, and the moment the band of light ran, his vision followed it, and the right-hand tomahawk flew to its end point so that it was delayed.
A dull metal noise rings by chance.
He's a lucky guy - Tomahawk flew ahead of him in the position of a stopped knife set up by Felix. The bounced tomahawk pierces the ceiling between the thrones, staring again at Felix.
But I can't loosen my hands on the attack. For about two minutes before the end of Thunder Drive cool-time, this meagre amount of time that can only be avoided by physical surgery is the biggest weakness for him (Weekpoint).
I've used Thunder Drive twice so far in dodge and defense, but when they used that one to attack me, I don't know how far my CQC (Melee Fight) can handle it, and if they poke at me, they'll instantly slash my neck off.
The travel distance of Thunder Drive was also roughly known. Maintain a sense of distance above the maximum travel distance, always attack from here, and don't let him like it.
Throw a tomahawk in the left hand grip in a side throw - while pulling Five-Seven out of the hip-holder with your right hand.
Once again the metal sound rang between the thrones in a different and clearer tone than earlier.
It wasn't an accidental collision, it bounced off with technology - no, the bounced tomahawk flew straight over here.
"Come on -!"
I flew my crosshair to Tomahawk with AIM just for my senses and stopped pitting with a feeling close to my unconsciousness - recognizing that the tomahawk and crosshair matched beautifully was about the same time I fired the trigger twice in a row.
The first shot passed untimely with the rotating tomahawk - the second hit the grip area, and the tomahawk changed to a steep angle and pierced the floor in front of me.
But my shooting won't stop. Five-Seven has as many as twenty rounds loaded. Immediately after two shots in the tomahawk, slide the crosshair back to Felix to pull the trigger.
Felix plays the 5.7 x 28 mm bullet with a knife as he moves sideways, turns his torso against it, and swings the knife up again so that it snaps up with a knife.
Felix prepends the ballistics, even though he's aiming for the center point of his body, whether he's slicing through the flying bullet itself, or at the end of the gunpoint.
Hide your left hand in the overcoat and summon the M84 flash van and smoked grenade again. The pin bounced off with his fingers and threw them away at the same time as he took them out.
Five-Seven crosshairs are still overlapping Felix. Trigger fired three times in a row to chase two special grenades. But Felix doesn't seem to be going to wait for the cool-time of Thunder Drive while he's on the defensive side either.
Felix plays a 5.7 x 28 mm bullet as he leaves one step forward, and when he sticks a knife to the floor, he shafts it and rotates like a solo to take the second and third shots, kicking off two special grenades thrown at the same time.
"Battousai - Purple Flash"
The moment I landed to flow from the solo circle, and at the same time saw if I had nabbed him - the appearance is sumptuous by mentioning the name of "Skill". Felix travels here so fast that he can't be seen...
"Come on -!"
I can't read through the motion!
Immediately deploy the CBS (Circle Barrier Shield) while shifting away, protecting your body with just a look.
A flash of light penetrated directly next to me, and a single blow wiped out about 30% of CBS endurance. A special grenade, kicked off a short distance, bursts, exploding and dazzling flashes between the thrones, and a smokescreen spreads.
Felix pushed me backwards. Turn 180 degrees to follow it and set up Five-Seven...
"That's it."
Felix, standing ahead looking back, was behind me, swinging up a knife in between.
I used Five-Seven as a shield to kill the momentum of the sword that was swung down, but there was no way I could have prevented this one with a handgun. Five-Seven is broken, and he pulls himself away - but the tip of his sword plunders the Kevlar mask.
Felix, who should have pushed through, can't be here. Did you activate the Thunder Drive and come back behind me right after you ran right past me with the Purple Flash?
I'm not a human being in this world, I can't master, collaborative attacks by Skills - I can't keep making this move.
Pushing his torso into his lower body - the sliding jump to the rear, which rolled out in an aggressive fashion, was able to avoid a direct hit while losing his posture.
But at the same time as the distance goes away, the Kevlar mask is slashed and torn, revealing its face as Schwartz, not Zombieface.
That was just for a moment, but the Felix in front of me overlapped with his gaze - my body jumped backwards and jumped into the smokescreen that erupted from the smoke grenade.
"That's not your old ugly face, is it? That's your real face"
Felix's voice echoes from across the smokescreen. Are you on smokescreen alert, or are you going to wait for me to pop out? Change the field of view to FLIR (Infrared Thermography) mode and check the heat source of the Felix.
"... aren't you going to answer"
Of course. It's like telling me where I hid in the smokescreen when I answered. About a minute after the smoke screen disappears... in this glued state, decide the battle.
Be aware of the activation of the TSS (Tactical Support System) and select Support Weapon Summoning. Calling is two remotely operated heavy machine guns, St. Regan, and then selecting an inventory to retrieve the firearm, followed by opening the SHOP to purchase and retrieve the firearm.
Summoned to hold on both sides were two GEM 134 Miniguns. With barrage fire by these two electric gaddling guns shooting out 4,000 rounds per second, there's no way Felix can play it no matter how many times he waves a knife. There's no way I can keep doing this. Furthermore, it is supported by two Sentry Guns.
This man must be defeated when he can be defeated, or defeated with a one-on-one chance to face each other in this confined space -.
Crosshaired to a heat source showing Felix standing up across the smokescreen - but the perimeter of Felix blurred out.
The vicinity of the ceiling between the thrones rapidly turns blue indicating a cryogenic state, and the red muscles indicating high temperatures rising from the vicinity of the floor, the number of which increases and even begins to rotate around the Felix as it swirls.
The MINIGUN begins to spin, and a roaring electric sound echoes through the smokescreen. As opposed to that, thunderbolts started pounding from around Felix. At the same time, the figure of Felix, which had been visible until then, was hidden in a whirlpool of low and high temperatures and invisible.
"A thunderbolt has come - the sword has appeared -"
The roaring thunder of a dragon blasts, and across the smokescreen is enveloped by high temperatures.
Tastes bad, this blow absolutely tastes bad. Felix likewise saw the glued state facing each other in the confined space as an opportunity.
"Battousai - Thunder Dragon (Kannakamui)!
Relying on a slightly audible voice across the thundering smokescreen, crosshair and sentry gun aim to begin firing.
The smoke screen disappeared over time, along with simultaneous shooting by two MINIGUN and two Sentry Guns, and a giant thunderdragon jaw released to intercept me.
The MINIGUN, which is supposed to be held with both hands, is forced to recoil control with one hand and shoot off to Felix, who is supposed to be ahead of Thunder Dragon. From left to right, swivel shooting by two Sentry guns.
Even if the smoke screen clears, my vision is wrapped in thunder and I see nothing. The light-shielding function is activated, but I can't see where it's wrapped in light.
I rely on cross-hair expansion and vibration when the bullet hits to adjust Aim, and at the same time I deploy CBS just by consciousness in front of me - although the shape I deploy distorted into an oval that hides the center of my body.
The CBS will take any attack, including the user's own. If we do not do this, the 4,000 rounds of ammunition released from MINIGUN will not reach Felix.
But there was no way the impending incarnation of Thunder Dragon could be defeated with a bullet. Hearing is weird not only by sight, but also by the thunder that blasts. And I was swallowed up by the jaw of a thunder dragon.