Manuke FPS
"Your Majesty, we look forward to your safe return"
Moving from the shooting range to the Baldage Castle with the current kings and prime ministers, numerous light points floated neatly in front of the warehouse, awaiting the return of the present king.
Aligned are the Western Knights of Barga and the nobles who lead it to the representatives of the Knights who have gathered from all over the kingdom, as well as Prince Ark on Prince Khan and Lapitilika on Chancellor Zepernell.
"Well gathered, all of you. As I'm sure you've already heard, my stupid son Kileak flipped the anti-flag through the Baishburn Empire. But Kileak and his belly, Felix Mendoza, can't move back from the king's capital. Khan, how much power is gathered?"
"Yes, Your Majesty. Thirty-six knights from 52 countries have joined us."
"Have the remaining sixteen Knights reached Kileak?"
"There is no certainty… and the Duke of Berdarine, the Alliance Master of the General Alliance, has contacted many of the Adventurer Clans under the umbrella"
"Yuki, what about the declaration of war from the Baishburn Empire?
"You're not supposed to be here yet. If you go back to the Imperial Castle, you may be able to roll over one of your letters, but first you need to calm down the country."
The move from then on was fast approaching the rebellion of the "King Flower”.
Leaving behind the queens and defensive forces in the castle city of Barga, he focuses on the Western Knights of Barga and sets out for the King's Capital. One after another he reclaimed the important facilities of the temporarily occupied King's Capital, forcibly investigated the clanhouse of the "King's Flower” and the Chamber of Commerce under his umbrella, and - swept away the remnants of the “King's Flower” that remained in the half-destructed Royal Castle, restoring the real rights of the King's Capital by the evening following the revolt.
But that's not the end of the crackdown on rebellion. Send a knighthood to the noble realm to join us in this emergency, temporarily detaining the lord's nobility.
Whether or not it was involved in this rebellion, and its connection to the Baishburn Empire, many other hearings were held.
However, the main team of the “King Flower” was able to capture most of them, but Kileak and Felix, who had transferred from the underground temple, disappeared, and the Adventurer Clan under the umbrella became scattered and impossible to follow.
The primary cause of the loss of traceability is the inability to identify individuals. I have an ID card called the Alliance Card, but that's only one of a few means of proof. The General Guild issues guild cards, but does not store their reproduction information.
It is only because the card information that can only be presented in person can be presented and shown that the identity verification can be obtained, and if another guild card or clan information is not listed, there is no way to confirm it.
Then, as with normal policing actions, we have no choice but to listen and consolidate evidence after capturing them, but we cannot do that to adventurers all over the kingdom. If we do that, the adventurers will leave the Kurt Melga kingdom and move their strongholds to neighbouring countries.
Even days after the rebel crackdown, the Baishburn Empire as well as the naturalizing kingdom of Drake remained silent. I have not received a letter declaring war, nor have you inquired about the royal family I murdered at the Yamigasa Chamber of Commerce. It was as if it had been irrelevant from the beginning, continuing to take up the static structure.
And when I say where I am now...
"Master Shaft, dinner is ready"
After transferring the current king's line to the fortified city of Barga, I was moving to the marine city of Amar at the behest of the current king. What is that request...
"Where are Prince Khan and Prince Ark now?
"With Lady Anastasia and Lapitilica, we are greeted at the salon."
"Ashley and the Sovereign are still in fleet headquarters?
"Yes, but I thought you'd be home soon."
"Well, why don't you let the princes eat first?"
"How about Master Shaft?
"My share is good. Waiting for Ashley and the others to return."
"Yes, sir."
"Regards, Lester"
Dropping off Mr. Lester's back, the deacon at the Zepernell family headquarters who walks out of the private room - removes the Kevlar mask and takes a breath in his face as Schwartz.
After rescuing the present kings from the royal castle, I did not participate in the counter-insurgency operation. Of course, he asked me to join the war, but I decided to keep fighting all night, arrange it appropriately that it was the limit in terms of strength and energy, and let him rest in Barga.
The real reason is that the remainder of the CP (Crystal Point) is no longer a figure that can withstand combat action, and given the fuelling of mobile vehicles, the ammunition replenishment of firearms relations, etc., it has been decided that it is not possible to continue combat behaviour without replenishment......
As the crackdown progressed, I visited the Marida Chamber of Commerce in Barga, where I met with the branch manager, Bill, and secretly asked him to collect the purchase of unattributed demonic stones.
Mr. Bill was anxious about the appearance of the Knights of each territory overflowing with Barga, and was questioned about information on the King's capital and the safety of Mr. Malta, but there are limits to what I can tell him.
I can't even talk to Bella about the details of the King's capital, the rebellion, and the crackdown, and Marta only told her then that she had escaped the first raid and had escaped safely.
After that, Count Crude began to communicate between the Knights in Varga as general adviser to the Knights of the Kingdom, so I could finally hear the story after the raid in Flyheit there.
Count Crude, who escaped with nobles, women and merchants unable to fight from the unused underground tunnels of Flyheit, said he immediately secured several carriages and ran through the first area and left for the second.
“Champion Flower” was not aimed at the collapse of the King's capital. The fighting concentrated on the first area, while the second area with many commercial establishments and the third area with sprawling residential areas was a quiet one.
And it is the status quo.
Having suppressed the rebellion of the “King Flower” and told the people of the widespread rebellion of the Kileak, the current king stripped Kileak of his right to inherit the throne and declared that he would necessarily atone for his sins for the national treason, including the remnants of the "King Flower”.
But the claw marks of the rebellion engraved on the royal castle are deep. So it is difficult to take command of kingdom rule or lead a daily life. Prince Khan, who also continued to unleash powerful magic in counter-attack operations, fell ill due to the magic overflowing with his recoil and needed rest.
For this reason, it was possible to take a tranquillity at the Zepernell residence in the marine city of Amar, far from the Wang Du and the Baishburn Empire and impossible to board directly in the transfer magic formation. Prince Ark has also accompanied Lapitilica because he could still have been targeted.
The present king asked me to escort the two princes and their companions, as well as the Zeppernel family. I also felt like a burden not participating in a crackdown operation, but if you think you're going to protect Ashley, there's no reason to say no.
Ashley exchanges information with the King's Capital, as she did on a daily basis at Amar's convoy headquarters, and is educated to become a symbol of the nobility without power as the next Zepernell, under the supervision of Prime Minister Zepernell.
Now, just a little bit of CPs could be restored with the unattributed demon stone that Bill had prepared for me and that I could buy at Amar. In the future, we are also going to buy unattributed demon stones from the Union of the Filtonian Islands, which is trading in the oceans with Amar, and save more CP.
Personally I would like to enter a nearby labyrinth for exploration, but there is no labyrinth near Amar for day trips. Besides, considering the escort of King Khan's princes, we can't leave for long.
This is one place, let me rest as King Khan's Prince rests.