Manuke FPS
I started living calm for two months as if I were on vacation in the marine city of Amar. The rebuilding of the royal castle had just begun, and the days of relaxation while escorting the princes were still ongoing.
I am here today at the Merchant Shipyard of the Marida Chamber of Commerce in Amar.
"It's most important to see you safely again, Mr. Malta."
"Thanks to Mr. Schwartz, too."
He faces Malta in a reception space separated by a simple partition, a corner of the office space on the second floor of the merchant's yard, where he enjoys green tea brewed with Japanese tea leaves taken out of a large shopping center.
"But this deeply steamed tea, it's really delicious - is it Mr. Schwartz's tea leaf in the world?
You cared about the other employees doing clerical work in office space, and the second half was whispering like I was the only one who could hear you.
"Yeah, this mellow richness and mellow sweetness, isn't it great?
"This powdery and dark green color looks cheap at first glance, but this strong aroma is rich and definitely the finest."
It's been a long time since I've had a tea party with Mr. Malta, but I have a lot to check on.
"So, what's the status of Wang Du?
"It's amazing."
"Eh -? Again" The King Flower (Rafflesia) "?!
"Eh? No, the king's capital is peace itself."
It was me and Marta who unexpectedly matched whether the "Hegemonic Flower” or the Baishburn Empire had moved out again, but soon Marta would blow it out and add with a laugh -.
"No, no, Mr. Schwartz. The king's capital is now held up on the subject of the shaft of a black hero who saved the kingdom's predicament."
To that “one word," I accidentally wanted to hold my head...
"Again - right? Defeating the Raiders to the Royal Rescue from Flyheit, collapsing the Yamigasa Chamber of Commerce shortly after... even though this was just amazing, I even rode to the Royal Castle to try and rescue His Majesty the King and the royal family. Initially, Mr. Schwartz was named, and the information was complicated, but now it's all been done by the Black Hero Shaft alone, not only in the Wang capital, but throughout the kingdom."
"... what about me being here now?
"You already know the early-heared merchants and the powerful, because the transfer magic formations that connect Wang Du with the mining city of Bareiler are sealed off -"
Yes, in order to increase the safety of the marine city of Amar, away from the Wang capital, the transfer management office of the mountain city of Bareiler, which was the nearest exit from the transfer management building, was sealed off.
More than two months after the Rebellion of the “King of Flowers”, Mr. Malta appeared here because he was unable to transfer and had traveled by land.
"General, if you'll excuse me while I talk to you. It's easy to get loads from Filtonia."
It was the director of this merchant yard, Borroy, who put his face in the reception space. He's a cat-based, magnificent beast race, with a barren beard on his bossy head - a man of the living sea, rather than a merchant.
Director Borroy has a large crate to hold in both hands, and that's definitely what I ordered.
"Thank you, Borroy. Put it on the table."
Director Borroy was a thick arm with as many adult male thighs, lightly placing the crate on the table. On the back of the motion, it can be seen that there is a considerable amount of weight in the crate.
Put the crate down and Director Borroy goes down. Mr. Marta slowly opens the top lid of the crate as he rotates the crate and points the front towards me, loosening his nibble and mouth -.
It was a massive amount of unattributed demon stones that were laid inside the crate.
"What do you say, Mr. Schwartz! As soon as I heard from them, they were imported from the United States of the Philtonia Islands."
"Thank you very much, Mr. Malta"
"I don't think the market within the kingdom will settle down yet. Not only will the distribution of attributeless demon stones be delayed, but also the distribution of attributeless demon stones will be delayed beyond the loss of the" King's Flower "that was cutting the front lines of the Labyrinth Crusade and the stronger wind to the Adventurer."
Due to the large number of Umbrella Adventurer Clans involved in the Rebellion of the “Champion Flower”, the ban on the distribution of permission to use the Transfer Management Building, as well as requests of high urgency and importance, had stopped turning to the General Alliance.
"Securing unattributed demon stones, is it going to be difficult?
"Domestic collection will undoubtedly decrease, but the Yamigasa Chamber of Commerce and many of its umbrella chambers have been captured, so I think the supply will increase and stabilize in a little while."
"Until then, we seem to have to rely on imports from outside the country. I'm thinking about diving into the labyrinth myself, is there an affordable labyrinth nearby?
"Right...... for the record, would you like to cross over to Filtonia? In the Union of the Filtonian Islands, made up of small and large islands, it is not uncommon for the inhabitants of the island to be wiped out by the rampage of the labyrinth (Stampito)"
"Runaway (stampede) doesn't happen that often, does it?
"Yes, but there was a sacrificial faith in Filtonia that deliberately rampaged the labyrinth to turn one island into a nest of warcraft."
"On purpose -?"
"Yeah, the Warcraft can't cross the ocean, so feeding slaves and criminals into the labyrinth and hunting overflowing Warcraft on the coastline is the traditional way of hunting in Filtonia."
From the United States of the Filtonian Islands - the marine city of Amar, you can reach the northernmost onboard city of Big Sheep for two weeks by large ship.
The onboard city of Big Sheep is home to around 200 ships large and small, making it a single island and forming a living environment. Bigsheep is the gateway to the Union of the Filtonian Islands and a trading port that deals with foreign countries.
It is not until this onboard city that the merchant ships of the Kingdom of Kurtomerga can enter the territory of Filtonia, which will require a formal immigration procedure in order to land on the actual islands.
Marta told me that the island overflowing with the warcraft of the labyrinth is one about two more days south of Big Sheep, and about five other places, but there must actually be some labyrinths unknown to foreign countries.
Purposefully rampaging the labyrinth, hunting for warcraft and subraces overflowing the earth. It's an extremely dangerous way to think normally, but there were several reasons why Filtonia would take this way.
That - the Union of the Filtonian Islands cannot cover the various domestic demands alone, and that it is essential to do business abroad - especially with the Kingdom of Kurtomerga and its neighbours.
And there were no major domestic products to trade with foreign countries, and we had to rely on the collection of demonic stones of immutable value in any country or region.
But it's hard to keep stabilising and attacking the labyrinth, and if you crusade, your income stream will temporarily disappear. The site of the labyrinth may produce a vein of magical water or a vein of demonic ore, but much time and funding will be needed to develop and maintain it and allow it to be shipped as a commodity.
Rather than devoting time and funds to its development, the parliaments of the Union of the Filtonian Islands opted for ways of making effective use of unnecessary human resources and obtaining demonic stones with a minimum of danger and effort.
That's - the livestock production of the labyrinth.
"But isn't it easy to say, but it also comes out if it's actually out of your hands?
It's a question that sprang naturally from listening. I've never actually seen a rampage (stampede), but if it was enough for people to control it, they wouldn't say rampage, etc., in the first place.
"Exactly. Besides, Filtonia does not allow any labyrinth exploration other than the adventurers registered in the domestic guild, and all demonic stones collected are required to be wholesaled to the Adventurer's guild."
"That... wouldn't it be impossible for me to go, too?
"The island that Filtonia now manages is right. But... there's an abandoned island that can't control the rampage."
"Abandoned island?
"Yes, between us, we call it Labyrinth Island."
Marta's eyes, who said so and raised her mouth angle, had her eyes as a merchant who usually didn't have much to show.