Manuke FPS
After a debriefing in the Royal Castle's Tabernacle Room, he headed with Chancellor Zepernell to the Tabernacle Mansion, built outside the Royal Castle, where he joined Ashley and the others, who were cleaning up the vandalized indoors, to the first protective facility rebuilt in the Royal Castle under reconstruction.
The protective facility was rebuilt with a strength about the size of a small warehouse but not easily collapsing when attacked from the outside. A Kingsguard knight stands at the entrance and exit at the facility, surrounded by guards at the outpost.
And there's only one thing in it right now - the mock magic formations, the exit of the transfer magic formations.
This concrete hunk is protected by the exit of the Transfer Magic Brigade, which I own. It is primarily a place to connect with the marine city of Amar, and also a place to set up a forwarding magic team for emergency evacuation if the King's capital is attacked again while we are in Amar.
"It's like Ron and the others are still here."
"Jizzy's got a long meeting anyway."
"It was a meeting with all the Knights executives and the Demonic Nobles, wasn't it? Wouldn't it be helpful if it took a while?
"That's right, Shall. Though the turmoil around the King's Capital has subsided, we still need to watch out for the movements of neighboring countries, starting with the Kingdom of Drake."
LVTP-5 is already waiting inside the protective facility, leaving the full hatch open for transfer at any time. The connection is to a large parking lot in a large shopping center set up in a shooting practice area.
Chancellor Zepernell sat in the passenger seat of LVTP-5 and had extra waiting time as he patted his legs. To see what it looks like, the sinking emotions I showed after the debriefing seemed to have disappeared.
No, you're just trying not to show it to Ashley or Mr. Shall......
I despised myself for being a doll and even said “curse” the power of immortality to expose my disgust, but I didn't say a word about myself as an ex-NPC in the gaming world.
Maybe that's a fact that even the current kings and Chancellors Bergman don't recognize.
On second thought, I took that for granted. There is no way that people in this world will understand that I am not a person or an elf and that I am an NPC in the gaming world. What's more, who the hell would believe, such as being subjected to flesh by a god of creation or a mad goddess, and getting raw as a person...
That's what I can believe better when I say I'm a messenger of God.
Chancellor Zepernell exposed his chest that far, probably because it was before me who fell into this world under the same circumstances as the Founding King.
"Anyway, I want you to hurry. Schwartz's expedition means he won't be able to drink Biru for the time being, so I'm taking a ton of it home today!
"Yes, it is! We need to collect a large amount of this from Ashinaga.
A bitter laugh leaks from Ashley standing in front of me, sideways Mr. Shall as he embarks on LVTP-5.
"How long are you going to stay in Filtonia?
"I don't think I'll be home for at least two months. A regular merchant ship would take two weeks to reach the front door of the Union of the Filtonian Islands. My ship would be sooner, but not in a day or two."
We have already informed Prime Minister Ashley and Prime Minister Zepernell of our intention to head to the labyrinth island abandoned by the Union of the Filtonian Islands.
At first it was objected to - on the other hand, future activities required a large number of demon stones, which could not be turned away from the fact that even each attribute demon stone was in decline in circulation as well as non-attribute demon stones within the Kurt Melga kingdom.
In the first place - why am I craving an attributeless demon stone?
I haven't exactly told him why, but he explained that I, the 'exorcism', am an unattributed demon stone to use my lineage skills, so that he understands the importance of collecting them directly on Labyrinth Island, just as he needs magic and demon stones to use demon props.
In addition, the holders of the lineage skills that the Baishburn Empire is collecting and nurturing need unattributed demon stones just as much as I do, and the policy of collecting demon stones from all over the Orlando continent by citing kingdoms, including the intention to interfere with them, has also been decided.
In the future, the Kingdom of Kurtomerga and the Baishburn Empire will secretly contend over the distribution network of demonic stones.
Even in the sense of avoiding that struggle, I need to collect the Demon Stone directly in the Labyrinth.
But if we do that within the Kingdom of Kurtomerga, there will be more danger than a labyrinth search. If I take solo action in my labyrinth exploration, an adventurer under the umbrella of "King Flower (Rafflesia)" lurking all over the kingdom will come after my life.
Even in the sense of avoiding trouble and obtaining more Demon Stones, he decided to leave the kingdom and go hunting for the Warcraft and Subraces overflowing with Labyrinth Island.
"But... are you okay on your own?
"It's safer to be alone. Besides, if you ever need a situation or reinforcement beyond your control, you'll be back in Amar with a transfer magic team soon."
Yes, Prime Minister Zepernell and Prime Minister Bergman would not have agreed to the expedition without that security measure. Because of the agreement between the two, Ashley was also convinced and the current king was comfortable with his departure from his tenure as Prince Khan and Prince Ark escort.
"Ha... it's depressing. When Schwartz is gone, the head of security at Amar is Pork Lemon..."
You were hearing our conversation, I can hear Mr. Shall blurring out of LVTP-5.
"... Who is Pork Lemon?
I asked Ashley unexpectedly, thinking of the belly and head of a pig lemon whose name I can't remember.
"- Rachen Drumo, eldest son of the Viscount Drumo family and commander-in-chief of the Amar convoy. Until now, Zepernell and Bergman's clan, Spark, were escorting Prince Khan and Prince Ark, but they're sticking around knowing you'll be relieved of your duties."
Ah...... a nobleman who was desperately trying to catch Yona and U-boat......
"It's okay, Mr. Shall. Roy and Rachel from" You Shadow Grass "will remain at the mansion, and if you need anything, please call me on your cell."
Join Ashley inside the LVTP-5 and sit back in the seat in the passenger compartment to continue the conversation.
"" I want to stay. "Oh, my ears are so cold. It feels weird to hear voices from your ears, and no."
"If you use it, you'll get used to it one of these days. Yeah - but refrain from using it while I'm gone. You can't restore the fuel gauge if you use it too much."
"Uh, hello, Ron? If you're a concubine, how long the hell are you going to be in a meeting? Come on!
I have no choice but to recover the fuel gauge reduced by the call directly. Though it has dozens of hours of calling capacity, it would be gone as soon as I was on the phone with a few things.
Even Prime Minister Bergman, including Prime Minister Zepernell, calls to talk funny and futile about the emergence of novel and convenient tools.
But if they use it like that, they'll definitely run out of fuel gauges.
Unexpectedly, his gaze moves toward Chancellor Zeppernel, and his gaze at Ashley and Mr. Charles also turns toward the Chancellor, caught in the motion.
"Ron and his meeting is already over, and soon - what's wrong with you?
After finishing the call with Chancellor Bergman, Chancellor Zepernell stopped moving when he noticed the sight of the three of us.
"Master, refrain from using" I want to stay "when Schwartz leaves for Labyrinth Island. If you can't use it, it's important."
"Ugh... I see."
It was almost at the same time that Chancellor Zepernell drowned a little badly, and the doors of the protective facility opened for Chancellor Bergman and Prince Khan to come in like Anastasia, plus Prince Ark and Lapitilica.