Manuke FPS
A large planar vessel comprising the onboard city of Big Sheep, the "Sierra's Shop", which stores one of them, vessel No. 6. The business talks that started in the back of that store were going smoothly besides thoughts, back to back with Sierra's bold outfits.
"On the nautical charts around the Big Sheep, I need information on the labyrinth island that is a hunting ground, 50 gold pieces of unattributed demon stone, is this all right? Besides empty demon stones, we also have rare lightning and dark attributes in stock."
"No, the only demon stone I want is no attributes. And there's something else I'd like you to have prepared."
"I've ordered a lot more, but you still want it? Huh, is that Warcraft material? Or something else you can prepare for me?
sitting with each other facing each other on cushions placed on slab floors. Sierra has repeatedly changed her legs and taken a bold stance, but my heart wasn't shaking as much.
I was surprised by the outfit itself and its boldness - but thanks for falling into this world, my mind and body have had very little emotional ups and downs such as carnal desire and passion. Even if my mind reacts temporarily, I immediately look at them with cold thoughts.
It still is. It soon became clear that Sierra had considerable influence as a merchant. He said that he would prepare one smile even if he sprayed unattributed demon stones, and that he wouldn't be the person he was supposed to teach me, such as nautical charts around Big Sheep and the location of Labyrinth Island, to be a person from another country, but he would prepare gold coins for consideration without any problems just piling them up.
During that business conversation, Sierra was trying to create a gap in my consciousness - that's how it felt.
Whatever that aim is, whether it's business (on purpose) to pull out a more beneficial deal, or simply fooling me - it doesn't work for me.
I consider this emotional deficit a vice that has been dropped on this world as the Lord of the Labyrinth (Dungeon Master).
Lust, carnal desire, inferiority, and affection for people - there are many ways to call them, but all of them are feelings that are unnecessary to grow a labyrinth and destroy a person's world. Instead, that could turn into sympathy and shackle.
I don't know if I regained those emotions slightly when that wedge was unleashed by the Genesis God, or if what was repressed was loose, but obviously the way I felt was different from the previous world.
"The Chairman of the Maltese Chamber of Commerce tells me that if you... no, you're the only one who can get it."
"... Damn, that guy is really good at putting people up, and he does it unintentionally, unlike me, so poor quality (and so on). So, what do you want?
"We hear that Big Sheep has a foreclosed warehouse for adventurers and chambers of commerce. I want you to arrange a warehouse for the most trusted of these vendors to be unlocked with Demon Stone Consumer Demon Lock Stamps. And we hear that some of the labyrinth islands have been destroyed uncontrollably."
While specifying the specs for the foreclosure warehouse, the look on Sierra's face didn't change that much. However, with regard to the discarded labyrinth island, its expression clouds as it looks at it.
"If you have any other information on the location, size, entrance to the labyrinth of the discarded labyrinth island, the materials of the warcraft and subrace that emerge, the magnitude of the supposed outburst, all of that,"
"Damn... that information is expensive. It's not enough to multiply all the costs requested, including arranging a rental warehouse."
Sierra seems to be putting her hands on her forehead, trying to cover her face and calculating a lot.
"Amount is not an issue. If you can get me what I want, I'll pay you in full and instantly."
I'm not crippled with money. He has received large sums of money as one of the rewards for stopping the sale of the Great Magic Stone (Dungeon Core) and the "Great Black House" sales profit, as well as the "King Flower (Rafflesia)" rebellion. It's not a big deal, like a white coin or an information fee about two white coins.
"... it's not Malta that's really bad quality... it seems to be you"
Sigh, sigh, sigh, sigh. Sierra says, but this is only business. Let the money say things. What are you going to do... for once, no.
"Fine, 'Sierra's Store' will take responsibility for everything. However, I only need two days for things, and until then, I'll be waiting for the inn on boat seven... well, I'd like" The Inn in the Blue Sea. "
"" Blue Sea Inn "? Ok. I have a lot to do with this one too, so I'll wait to hear from you there...... By the way, do you have a long relationship with the Chairman of the Maltese Chamber of Commerce?
"Going out with Malta? It's a long time. It was at the same time that I planned to expand my sales channel to Amar in Kurt Merga, and his Marida Chamber of Commerce was trying to build a merchant shipping yard. I bought a merchant ship with co-financing as soon as the horse fit the story."
I thought we'd find it oddly intimate, but we've been seeing each other for a long time.
"I see, Mr. Malta deduces. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'd like to take a look around the city before I take the inn."
He rose from the cushion and gently bowed his head to the old sailor named Garda and Sierra, who did not move at all while sitting like a figurine, walking out of the slab room and out of the store.
Through the dim store, he went out again to the boulevard with the scent of the sea breeze.
"Grandpa, ask for information about the abandoned labyrinth island and... a merchant named Schwartz"
I waited a little while at the store looking around and the sound collecting sensors were capturing Sierra's voice.
Naturally, though Marta's introduction, there's no way he's sweeping out a lot of money like hot water and not looking into merchants who want to buy information about abandoned labyrinth islands, etc.
However, how much information is available in this bigsheep… Since the creation of the title "Spark", the unit directly under Prime Minister Bergman and Prime Minister Zeppernel, there has been an information blockade regarding registration details and ranks in the overall guild.
If we can get to the Big Black Shop, it's better, and if we get to the Spark, the Sierra's abilities will prove the opposite.
He glanced slightly behind the dim store and immediately walked out into a stream of people walking down the boulevard.
Afterwards we shopped and sightseeing as if to reclaim the time of our voyage, which was boring, and headed to the designated inn before the sun fell - the "Inn of the Blue Sea".
"Is the room empty?
"Welcome -. Excuse me, sir, we are currently full..."
The Qinghai Inn was a two-story building with a tavern on the ground floor and a lodging on the second floor. I spoke to the young man standing at the counter of the tavern...
"I've been recommended by Sierra on the sixth ship, is it full..."
"Introducing Sierra? Then I'm free. Wait a minute."
As soon as I gave out Sierra's name, the youth's response changed and I took one of the Demon Tablet tattoos from under the counter and placed it on the counter.
"Hopefully... can you make it demon stone consumable?
The Demon Tablet tattoo placed on the counter was a magic consuming type. I can't use this. I'm not going to pretend that it's 'exorcism', but I can't unlock it if they give me a magic consumption type.
When the youth got their hands under the counter again, they took out and replaced the Demon Stone consumed Demon Tablet tattoo this time.
"... go ahead. I'll take the money to introduce Sierra. Pay me in advance for five pieces of silver a night, and if you want some rice, you can give me some money here or elsewhere to eat."
Place one gold coin on the counter as a 20-day accommodation fee and hold this inn as a base for activities in Big Sheep.
"Oh, and one more thing. Next door to that room is also used by long-term customers, but don't rub it up because they're a little creepy."
On receiving the Tablet of the Devil, the young man added as if he remembered.
"I'll remember that."
That's all I said, I went upstairs to check the room first.