Manuke FPS
Returning to the coastline campsite, the sailors were moving in a hurry.
"Hurry up! They'll be here in an avalanche in no time!
'Not enough material!
'Cut down a tree and use it instead of a wall!
The sailors had doubled the campsite's protective fence, cutting down the shrubs and piling them up like barricades. Three people in the hood are also out of the log house, and I see them talking about something in front of clear ice eggs.
The content of the conversation is interrupted by the voices and working sounds of the sailors and can't be heard well, but they seem to be discussing how to protect the eggs.
But what is it suddenly? I'm pretty sure we're preparing for an attack from something, but there can't be as many warcraft around the coastline that I've hunted down and threatened.
Suppose there's enough left to have to enhance the defensive line - the young creature of the Empress Ant?
The highs of the sailors' minds reach me a little further away, and I inadvertently gain power in my hand holding the ARX-160.
Given Empress Ant's habits, he probably issued a directive to attack this place on toddler bodies in search of food. I still don't know what's going on inside Caldera, but my hunt has left me without enough food on the coastline side to react to the newly landed sailors - or to those eggs.
- What am I gonna do?
One of the Hood men turned back to the campsite to make sure he was the eighth prince of Zaghir in the Kingdom of Drake. If we can confirm that, clear ice eggs brought in from outside the island will be deeply involved with the Baishburn Empire.
When that happens, how do I move...?
Destroy them all before they cause harm to the Kingdom of Kurt Merga and destroy them before the eggs hatch? But the truce treaty between the kingdoms of Drake and Kurtomerga has not yet been broken. Perhaps that is why we are on a labyrinth island in the Union of the Filtonian Islands in a third country......
Even if we attack here, if we don't figure out the timing, I could open the battlefield between the two countries.
You don't know me directly, but as I looked into Labyrinth Island, you'll know who looked into Labyrinth Island at the same time as a large number of sailors and their employers crossed over to Labyrinth Island.
Then - no matter what the Baishburn Empire plans, I can crush everything as long as I destroy that egg, no matter what the Drake royal lineage skills are. I don't know if it's a juvenile or a herd of warcraft, but I'll multiply it by the raid on the campsite and destroy it.
Where we have decided how to move against what happens next, we will open the inventory and select the firearms that we will need.
You can't see that I destroyed an egg, and silent shooting from a distance would be effective to control the situation.
In order to select the silencer as an attachment to the M24A2 and monitor the situation in the shrub, a gilly suit was removed from the avatar costume.
M24A2 is a bolt-actioned SRF (sniper rifle) that I have already used many times. Gilly suits are camouflage clothes that can also be synonymous with snipers, with their entire bodies covered in grass and twigs. If you lay low in this, you won't see it as grass if you stay away for a minute.
Once away from the side of the camp, he lay down in the bushes of a place that was uphill. Now we can fit the whole thing into the range of shooting while overlooking the campsite. Of course, clear ice eggs are in the shooting angle. They are angularly blocked by the walls of the cabin and invisible, but we know they are not moving from there. It's easy to shoot through every wall of the cabin, even if you don't see it directly.
Gilly suits are disguised camouflage clothes that deceive your vision, but if there is one weakness, the heat is on the inside. When the labyrinth island sunset time, situated near the equator, was slow, always hot and humid, and I accidentally wanted straw for a pet bottle to drink while lying low, I began to hear grass scratching and trampling through the shrubs.
Are you here...
The range of sounds is wide and the number of footsteps that follow - toddlers.
The sailors at the camp also noticed the sound, holding one long sword after the other, holding a spear and waiting to appear in front of them.
'Here we are! Don't be confused, it is clear that you are not a man, but a warcraft!
It was one of the hoods who raised his voice, a tense young voice that skipped the instructions to the sailors.
Is that hood the leader of this group?
Follow the man in the scope of the M24A2 and wait to see the face hidden in the hood.
The battle began immediately. White beast race in the shrub forest on the front of the campground - rat face on the cat ear big man, and a large number of raccoon-faced toddler bodies appear, intimidating the sailors with red glowing eyes.
The sailors are armed, but the young creatures don't have what they can call weapons. I can't even say bare hands - what I hold in my hands are enough rocks and fallen trees to hold with both hands.
And there was a roar that could be described as a signal of war. A flock of white cat-eared big men rushing out of the bush forest crash into the campsite's protective fence, behind which rat and raccoon faces can be seen making magical chants.
The opposing sailors also put swords and spears on their shields, and three of the hoods were in the magical chant in front of the breeding cabin where the eggs were seated.
Staring over the scope at the clash between the two, I waited to see evidence to gain certainty.
"Damn, I knew it was a warcraft!
"What the hell is this guy..."
"Strike the Warcraft rather than slap it for nothing! Whatever they are, the guy coming at them is the enemy!
One of the hoods drank the words the sailors would leak. Apparently, the young creatures look different in the (pseudo), but the sailors know the figure is a bluff. I don't seem to see through the "pseudo", but I guess it's pseudo to something that doesn't fit into a closed space called Labyrinth Island.
It soon became clear that the defeated toddler body was not a person. The blood flowing was the same red, but the white body collapsed to melt, and instantly the feet turned into a patterned spot with a mixture of cloudy fluid and blood red. There is no way that a demonic stone can remain and disappear without a trace is the same as a man's death.
And the number of young creatures far exceeds the sailors, breaking through the line of defense where a simple assault was an organization. In an instant, the campsite becomes a mix-up, and the three of Hood are also forced into melee combat, not magic. A bunch of cat-eared big men - the rain of magical attacks pouring from the rear into a sight that can only be described as unusual. The sailors were defeated one after the other, and they were surrounded around the breeding shed.
"It's dangerous as it is."
"But... it's the same thing to get away with this here. It's not just me, the country dies"
"I just have to give birth here..."
"Damn, that's too dangerous!
"This is the only way!
I heard the Hoods having an early conversation in front of the breeding shed. Apparently he's going to hatch an ice egg. It matches the cross of the scope to the hood like a leader, but I haven't been able to confirm its face yet.
Well, that's about it.
Moving Scope's aim from the man in the hood to the breeding cabin, he hangs his finger on the trigger - matching the landing of a magical attack by the mouse and raccoon faces, shooting out the eggs inside each wall of the cabin - but he doesn't feel it.
If you slash or beat him directly with a sword or stick, the feeling can pass on the weapon and feel it, but even if you shoot him with a gun, it exists. No - speaking of my experience, that also exists in FPS. Crosshair spreads and, depending on the game device, vibrations can tell you how to land a bullet.
Expansion and vibration occur in the crosshair if it also lands on VMB, and in the case of SRF (Sniper Rifle) it feels a slight vibration in both hands.
Given the size of the egg, I don't think I took it off, but I pull the bolt handle on the M24A2, turn it around, load the next bullet and pull the trigger again. I never felt a bullet landing again, but I knew why.
I see ice across the hole drilled by the bullet. Apparently - the inside of the cabin was covered in thick ice, where the bullet stopped.
No one noticed my shooting, but I saw one of the hoods take an international large demon stone out of the toolbag and throw it in the egg while he was firing two bullets.
Light leaks out of the hole opened by the shooting. It seems to be responding to the absorption of demonic stones. And the young creatures were also responding to that light and roaring.
Does the aim of the toddler body still look like a clear frozen egg, or a lump of fine magic as bait for the Empress Ant?
But at the same time that the siege net of the toddler body shrunk further, fighting in the campsite changed dramatically.
The ice, which was stretched only inside the breeding cabin, spread all the way around the cabin, icing not only the three of the hoods, but also the feet of the sailors and toddlers who were fighting nearby.
"Hey, what is this!
"Is this ice your magic?! Why are you interrupting me in this situation?
"Ko, what the hell is this -!"
A sailor and a toddler body froze down to their knees, unable to move, raised their voice, and the men in the hood did not seem to swallow the change of circumstances.
"I can give birth... I can give birth!
But only the leader's man had a different reaction to the egg changes. From the frozen foot rolls a running stream of shining particles, and at the tip of the right hand pointing at the egg, a magic formation rises, slowly spinning -.
That's a thing by reason separate from the magic of this world - lineage skills at a glance. To back it up, the hood turned to me, stirred by the winding runoff from my feet, and I also saw the face hidden in it.
- You look just like Cotty.
A man of the universal race, so similar to Coty as to think he was a twin, began to say something with a joyful grin.
"- I tell you. I give you the keys to life and the vow of destiny."
But - before I pulled the trigger for the third shot, its grin and chant wiped out of this world by an ice crystal that suddenly stretched out of the breeding shed.