Manuke FPS
Whether it was an unlucky coincidence or an obstruction by someone willing, the LVTP-5, which had been prepared as an emergency escape means, was exposed to lava eruptions and detonated.
It is not just the vehicle body for mobile use that has been lost. We lost the transfer and simultaneous simultaneous simulation magic formations that were installed inside it. It became impossible to travel to and from the onboard city of Big Sheep.
If you look at the sounds and topographical changes happening across this labyrinth island, you know that the whole island is going to turn into something else.
Even though we no longer have the means to transfer, we still have the means to travel by sea. Staying on the labyrinth island was extremely dangerous and came first for the coastline, but during the hours spent travelling, the situation was undergoing further changes.
"... is it working?
The eruption that took place near Caldera instantly increases the number of its eruptions, and if it does not travel with vigilance in the sky, we do not know when the tubular lava will descend overhead.
I looked up and noticed the sky as volcanic ash erupted and covered in black smoke. An eruption flowing into the wind above is moving in a direction unrelated to its orientation.
No - it's not the smoke that's moving.
Stop where you say a little more to the coastline and bring down the yumil you hold to your side. At the same time, it is not the smoking motion that confirms it, but the motion of the ground on which it is attached.
The intermittent sounds turned into slow swings, even a slightly upward and downward feeling. When I checked the sky again and looked for a dragon head stretched high in heaven - its head facing in a different direction than ours.
It was obvious that a labyrinth island was moving in the direction of the head, with a labyrinth dragon (Labyrinth Dragon), to observe from the smoke flowing in a different direction than the wind.
Where - where it moved toward -.
Launch the TSS (Tactical Support System) while moving through the shrub again, opening the map and extending it to a scale where the surrounding waters and critical points can be seen.
"No way...... is that bigsheep?
The labyrinth dragon (Labyrinth Dragon) is not shown as a light point on the map because of its mighty power, or simply because it is too big.
But if you launch a marker pin that players use to set goals and instruct each other to operate, you can see it move on the map.
If you follow that marker pin as it moves, it overlaps with the large fleet of onboard city bigsheeps.
Through the shrub forests, he came back to the coastline, which was the landing point. Yumil's running behind me, too. Yumil has been running a lot better in the last few hours. You won't need me to hold you up anymore.
Remove the lifeboat from the inventory and throw it to the sea. Yumil rushes over intrigued by an orange lifeboat that instantly swells to the field.
"Yumil, don't break the boat."
It's nice to be interested in a swelling lifeboat, but Yumil had a thin, long tail up and ready to eject the ice spear.
Yumil has the habit of shooting out ice spears, either from the alertness of a toddler or in front of a first-sight object or opponent.
We're going to get out of Labyrinth Island, but as things stand, it's too dangerous to take people to the city they live in. But more than the Labyrinth Dragon (Labyrinth Dragon) headed out for Big Sheep, it would be a choice between stopping that offensive - or evacuating the offensive destination.
But there's a problem here. Even if we stop the attack, there are not so many means left for me. Plus, we need a lot of prep to make sure it stops.
Yumil's treatment is one of them, and it's not even possible to get Ashley to meet him without changing his habit of trying to pierce him with ice spears, no matter who.
"Make one promise to me."
"That's right. Don't attack people and things without darkness, the only thing you can hunt is warcraft and subraces - can you?
Get in the lifeboat and also lift up the yumil you think of as you shake your tail and put it on the boat.
"Cu ~ ~"
Yumil kept coming up with ideas even when he was put on a boat.
"Man... Warcraft... Subraces... Mmm! Ok! '
I'm worried you really figured it out, but I just have to believe it first. Run the lifeboat outboard aircraft and leave the coastline -.
Yumil was throbbing at the boat's motion as it began to slit the waves, scratching the waves with her tail and playing them out.
Side by side, make sure the labyrinth dragon (Labyrinth Dragon) moves through the ocean.
The great ground crack that broke out near the labyrinth of the fire exit and the ice wings rising from it had frozen the clouds and the flaming wings were burning the sky.
No heart or the position of both wings seems to have changed. The whole island also became a more biological silhouette, and I felt it was finally over with to turn into a single supergiant dragon.
"This one is not in my eyes..."
The head of the labyrinth dragon (Labyrinth Dragon) looked straight at the onboard city of Big Sheep. Are you sensing a place with more people, or the existential significance of the labyrinth - moving to invade a person's living area as a top priority in order to destroy every life in nature?
We switched from a lifeboat to a U-boat VII at sea, and on a dive voyage this one also took the path to Big Sheep.
Several hours have passed since we began our dive voyage. It still takes days to get to Big Sheep, but it's ahead of us first by trailing the labyrinth dragon (Labyrinth Dragon).
Measuring the invasion route of the labyrinth dragon (Labyrinth Dragon) from the enlarged map of the TSS (Tactical Support System) spread to the captain's office and making sure it was definitely headed for the bigsheep, he took out his phone and started pressing the number key.
"- Non."
"I'm sorry I'm late at night. Schwartz."
The time is already far past sunset. The labyrinth dragon (Labyrinth Dragon) was pushing through the sea without rest.
My U-boat is adjusting speed while moving a little further ahead of the labyrinth dragon. I don't see how you're sensing me at the moment, but if we move on for a few more days, we'll be closer to the shipping route with the Kingdom of Kurtomerga, and we could capture the merchant and fishing vessels of the Union of the Filtonian Islands.
How the labyrinth dragon (Labyrinth Dragon) moves when it does - nor could it push to the bigsheep without checking what other ships would do.
In the meantime, he contacted Chancellor Bergman of Wangdu together with a progress report.
'Well, it looks like we're in trouble again. Let's put an immediate ban on travel to the Union of the Filtonian Islands.'
"Is it possible to convey information from His Excellency the Chancellor to the Lord of Big Sheep?
'I can do what I can. But if you think about time, your Lord will be quicker.'
"But can you listen to me even if I go out to the Lords' Palace?
'... maybe I can't. The tribe ruling Big Sheep was Wolvan, or he wouldn't listen to people. I'm not afraid of the Warcraft itself. "
"The size of the labyrinth dragon (Labyrinth Dragon) is huger than the city on board itself. And it's not the island itself, where adventurers and knights can crusade directly."
'So what should we do, if your lord can crusade before we reach Big Sheep?
"Not enough time to prepare for that"
'... then we'll have to persuade none other than the lord. The only way to connect with leading merchants and port officials is to evacuate Big Sheep. "
Again, that will happen... I am entering the Union of the Filtonian Islands in a manner close to illegal immigration, and I am bringing in the Transfer Magic Brigade to connect with other countries. That is an act that, if you make a mistake, could be regarded as the forerunner of an act of aggression.
Besides, who the hell would believe a dragon the size of an island is approaching?
If you want to inform people living in Big Sheep of the danger, you should still know all about the city...
"So, how does your lord plan to move, including the dragon you protected?"
"Keep going ahead to Big Sheep and ask your local collaborators for an evacuation recommendation. Yumil... I think he's going to take you to Kurtomerga..."
I hear a deep sigh over my phone. But I don't want to inspire a mad goddess by taking her to a shooting training range, and she's too cramped to be locked in a personal room.
"His Majesty's summer shelter is northwest of Amar. Let's arrange for protection there. '
"Thank you"
He continued his diving voyage by monitoring the movements of the labyrinth dragon (Labyrinth Dragon) while also exchanging information with Chancellor Bergman afterwards.