Manuke FPS
About two days passed after the voyage began while monitoring the labyrinth dragon (Labyrinth Dragon).
The path is still straight to the onboard city of Big Sheep. However, the Labyrinth Dragon (Labyrinth Dragon) had grown further in the past two days.
The tip of the heavenly, stretched head - as the oral cavity came down to near the sea level, it jumped numerous warcraft from its wide open mouth into the sea.
Much of it seemed like a fish-based warcraft, but I could also see warcraft popping up inside that couldn't even swim and sinking straight into the sea.
Apparently, the labyrinth dragon (Labyrinth Dragon) has the same properties as a labyrinth in a runaway (stampede) state.
I'm glad the place where this guy was born was an isolated island of the sea...... if it had been born on the continent of Orlando, not only the desperate power of the dragon, but the living and living things of nature could have been instantly mowed up by a massive swarm of endless overflowing warcraft.
The distance between the U-boat and the labyrinth dragon (Labyrinth Dragon) was sufficiently opened to keep the surveillance from being entangled by the warcraft released into the sea, during which time he also made contact with Ashley and Chancellor Zepernell, plus Mr. Malta.
And on the morning of the third day, the growth of the labyrinth dragon (Labyrinth Dragon) - no, is it right to say evolution?
I saw if that was a paragraph or if I increased my speed and started traveling to Big Sheep, this one also increased my sailing speed and advanced to Big Sheep.
The labyrinth dragon (Labyrinth Dragon) gathered enough information. Even with any more surveillance going on, it's just slower to tell Big Sheep to evacuate.
And if you get so close, sometimes you find other fishing and trading vessels ahead of the horizon.
Every ship shrinks its distance once to the figure of a labyrinth dragon (Labyrinth Dragon), but as soon as it sees what a moving island is, it changes course and leaves.
Some ships headed for the bigsheep on the path, while others took the helm towards Amar, the maritime city of the Kingdom of Kurtomerga.
Labyrinth dragons (Labyrinth Dragon) were indifferent to those ships, except for the warcraft that unleashed them into the sea. White waves were seen standing on the surface of the sea, as they followed ships that changed course and left.
I want to prevent the Warcraft from pursuing them if I can, but it's hard to annihilate a single U-boat about the size of a Warcraft.
Besides, even though we're not ready for this one, we still have trouble getting hostile action from the Labyrinth Dragon.
I want you to run away, please.
With that in mind, I rushed to the twelfth ship of Big Sheep. Given the speed of travel of the labyrinth dragon (Labyrinth Dragon), is there a two-day temporal respite......
"Oh, hey... what's that ship?
"There's no sail, but we're moving on, right?
"What's that size? I've never even seen it at the main island shipyard."
"Hurry up and get ready to leave the port than that!
"Any response from the union?
"No, it's like we're not talking. I ended up laughing that you saw it in the mirage, too.
I can't afford to wait for the night to enter the capital in secret. Bringing the U-boat closer to the dock of the twelfth ship, the sailors who were working there made a scene when they saw the U-boat.
On the contrary, some sailors seem to be rushing around without looking at the U-boat at all -.
With such sailors' movements sidelined, he sailed the U-boat in the water to enter the dock with dignity and walked out of the command tower toward the office where he would jump to the pier with dignity to conduct the entrance examination.
My surrounding eyes go back and forth with me on the U-boat, but there's no point in making a scene here about the arrival of a labyrinth dragon.
The first thing you should head for is Sierra's Shop, a collaborator in this city. If I go out to the Lordship Hall in Big Sheep, they'll just pay me in advance. Meet her first, who is a leading merchant in this city and who has shown sufficient ability as an informant.
After completing the examination of the entrance to the capital, we took the crossing ship and moved early enough to the sixth ship where the shops gathered.
Incidentally, the U-boat has been left moored at the pier and Yumil has been forced to leave a message in the cabin.
The vibrancy of the bigsheep remained the same, with the front streets showing great buzz, but the corners and shadows of the shops also saw the rushing merchants and sailors.
Apparently, I may have seen frozen cloud lumps settling at sea from afar on the sightings of labyrinth dragons (Labyrinth Dragon) and flaming wings burning red over them.
"Sierra's Shop" had also changed the atmosphere somewhat. Miscellaneous products display the same, but there is no light in the dim store. I didn't even know if it was open, but the map showed a light point that would light up in a room in the back.
Stepping into the store, one of the light points immediately floating in the back moved this way.
It was Garda, an old sailor of the beast race, who entered out of the darkness.
When Garda looked at my face, she advised me to go to the back slab room just by hand without saying anything.
"Oh? I wonder who's here. Isn't Mr. 'Big Black House' enough for Labyrinth Island?
There was a Sierra waiting in the slab room to sit with the cloth bag like a cushion. He rocked his leopard patterned tail on the same thin clothes, spread many paperwork on his hands, and hung his golden-edged round glasses on his nose, pointing only his gaze at this one.
"You've got a bit of a problem. Don't you know this one too?
One of the nautical chart-like documents scattered across the slab was in sight, but there was some sort of route prediction map toward the bigsheep.
"What you know... is that a troublesome warcraft was born in a maze on Labyrinth Island (Stampito)."
"No... the situation is more serious."
"Serious? The information that the unidentified large warcraft is approaching already runs behind the bigsheep, and Lords Wolvan is preparing to organize a crusade fleet to intercept. Before the sun goes down, we'll leave the harbor and clash in the waters of a day until the Big Sheep."
Sierra pointed this way at one of the documents in her hand, where the expected battle waters were noted. The number of ships from the Big Sheep side is five or six - in retrospect of Amar's convoy of escorts, it would not be possible to scratch a labyrinth dragon (Labyrinth Dragon) with that degree of number of ships and the power of the combat sailors aboard.
Exhale one small sigh...
"They're dragons."
To my word, my hand with Sierra's paperwork swayed.
"There shouldn't be any champions (dragons) in Filtonia, and if that's true, where the hell did they say they came from?
"To be honest, from nowhere - I don't know. But I can see why you're here."
"It's... it's connected to why we're here."
"Yeah, I want you to introduce me to someone."
"Information to the Demon Stone, and now it's time for people - so who?
A Sierra sitting in a cushion in my front dares to reassemble only one leg of hipster similar to a thin paleo and smiles to enjoy my response coming out next.
I also loosen my mouth slightly to meet it and speak of my biggest purpose in coming here.
In the name of its de fate, Sierra laughed out loud with a full grin as soon as she opened her eyes only for a moment.
"Ahhh! You're calling Wolvan!
A speckled tail is tapping the slab floor with a pisci, but even this one doesn't afford time to do something roundabout.
The Labyrinth Dragon (Labyrinth Dragon) is headed straight here. Instead of being relieved that it is too late to send out a crusade fleet, the cities on board could sink.
For Sierra to explain with a laugh, Wolvan apparently assembles a battleship at Pier 12 in order to lead the crusade fleet into battle.
This would be convenient if we could meet there. If I could only see you for a few moments, that would be enough.