Manuke FPS
"Is this the entrance?
"Yes, it's a ladder, please go downstairs"
He led Bigsheep lord Wolvan to the command tower and immediately opened the hatch at his feet to lure him into the U-boat.
Wolvan was intrigued by a completely different steel than a regular sailboat, or he went down to the issuing station as he slapped a ton to knock on the hull.
Inside the issuing station it is narrow, overflowing with meters and handles, as well as numerous levers. How would they have appeared in Wolvan's eyes?
"Where's the steering wheel?
"The two on your wall are the ship's steering wheels."
"What, there are two?
"Yeah, functionally they're both the same, but due to a variety of safety considerations, we'll be steering multiple people."
"It's changing... what are they showing?
Wolvan asks a lot about the instrumentation and lever roles in the station, but I don't know everything about them.
It's not just the VMB, but the basic knowledge when operating a submarine gained from other game titles and the knowledge I've seen and heard in the previous world that I will review and answer that kind of response.
Naturally, ships in this world are not manipulated mechanically, so no matter which ship you look for, you will never be surrounded by this much equipment.
"Hmm, that's the sharpest ship in Kurt Melga... but it's a much narrower cabin"
That's no use denying. That's what a submarine is, but I'm not trying to get Wolvan to understand that.
As he continued to explain to Wolvan, who leaked his voice, laughing lightly with his nose, "There are several times as many flagships in our fleet," he saw Yumil's face coming out of a circular edge like a earthen pipe that connects to a living space for corporals.
You must have heard my voice and come to see how it goes, but maybe you're on guard against the unfamiliar look of Wolvan.
"Dear Wolvan, is it time to move on to the point?
Speaking to Wolvan, who never tired of seeing the launch site, he has also noticed signs of Yumil, and has turned his gaze to the living space for corporals to encourage him to continue his conversation.
"Hmm, we don't have that much time until the convoy comes out. Let me know what you have on the chief fish."
"Yes - a large warcraft currently approaching Big Sheep, this is not a chief fish (Sea Serpent)"
To that one word, Wolvan's one-eyebrow moves slightly, but he says nothing. I guess I'm waiting for the words to follow.
"Far greater than that, something with mighty power, the fruit of a champion swallowed by evil, disinclined and rampant..."
"A champion...?
"Yeah, that's right. The dragon, the champion of nature - the labyrinth that has captured its power, is rampant, getting huge hands and feet and approaching."
A light bulb that illuminates inside the command center shakes slightly into the waves, creating a shadow in Wolvan's face that looks straight at me.
The shadow shook as if it represented Wolvan's mood, and he seemed to be deciding whether to take my words as a joke or as true.
"- Master Wolvan, I have one sure proof."
"Evidence? Let me see."
There was a natural grin on Wolvan's face, as if waiting for a help boat of judgment, and the stray disappeared.
Again, there is no way to believe that yes it is. This will be a big bet for me too, but can I only expect things to progress by letting Yumil meet me?
When I answered my call, Yumil jumped out of the corporal's quarters to the command post.
"It's a warcraft - and...?
Seeing Yumil jump in, Wolvan fists aggressively, but the setup stopped halfway through.
Yumil, who came into the issuing station, was glowing blue and white. The atmosphere that brewed made him feel great majesty with the drifting cold air, and when he jumped on the desk, he stood a long, thin tail and concentrated his freezing chi on the tip.
"Yumil, you promised."
"Cu ~"
Yumil, who was spotting Wolvan with a yellow dragon's eye, turns her gaze here with a slight dent, reminding her of her promise to me.
As I followed that gaze, Wolvan's gaze also shifted from Yumil to me.
"'The Great Blackhouse'... No way, you're the heir to this warcraft - no way... the champion?
"- That's right. This child is the definitive proof that a baby was born more than a dragon egg."
"No way...... no way, talk to me in detail again. I have a heir here, and you think the Warcraft approaching Big Sheep is the champion...? Then you're not the one who took the heir and brought the angry champion here!
Doubt, confusion, and stray - Wolvan's emotions changed dramatically, and at last he bared his voice and exposed his anger.
But it is also impossible to draw that conclusion. Now the dragon followed the eggs to the South China Sea. If you know anything about dragons at all, it's not weird to think that dragons come to Big Sheep after babies.
But Wolvan doesn't know yet - it's the labyrinth dragon (Labyrinth Dragon), not the champion of nature that's looming.
"Let's talk a little bit more"
I started telling Wolvan how I got here, stroking Yumil's back riding on the desk.
On the way to transport the traded goods from the Kingdom of Kurtomerga to the Union of the Filtonian Islands, I found a vessel that would take a suspicious route, track it down, and I thought it was an adventurer's vessel that would enter Labyrinth Island without permission, but I was suspicious when I saw the massive unloading, and this one landed to see what was happening.
What I saw there was the raising of the large eggs brought in, and the rampage of the labyrinth, and the champion of the descended nature.
the three forces ate each other, and fell together, and the eventual rampant labyrinth gained the power of the dragon to move
I don't know who the forces that brought in the eggs were, but I left Labyrinth Island by hand with Yumil shortly after hatching.
But the labyrinth that got my hands and feet started moving here for Big Sheep, so I rushed the ship to let them know.
Mixing a little truth in a lie - - that's all it takes to make my story extraordinarily credible.
Wolvan gradually regained his calm as he listened, arms alternating between me and Yumil, stroking his jaw and thinking silently.
In giving an explanation, I decided to lay low my qualities, my Drake kingdom, and the involvement of the Baishburn Empire.
Find out more about me and you'll soon find out about the Zeppernells, Chancellor Bergman, and the Clan “Spark".
But I can't even let the transfer magic team I brought in know more about my relationship with Yumil.
And most importantly - we don't have time.
"" The Big Black House, "I got your story. But then I had to go further. There must be no such thing as a labyrinth moving around freely."
- But, Master Wolvan, you can't sink an island by boat.
"Maybe... but I can buy you some time. It is the champion who is the regulator of nature, and likewise the labyrinth that strikes people, is also only the natural regulator. If we don't let the people off his path, the days of rest will never come again."
That's all Wolvan said, he put his hand on the ladder going up to the command tower just saying "we're going out" at the end of the day.
And he bowed his head gently to Yumil and turned his gaze to me again.
"You set sail immediately, too, and take the heirs somewhere else. It's not like the labyrinth that lost its goal doesn't set the inheritance as its next goal, so we're not allowed to act with Big Sheep."
"Okay. Good luck..."
Dropping off Wolvan as he went up the ladder, telling Yumil to wait in a living space for corporals before leaving for the command tower, the pier was wrapped in a hustle and bustle that didn't seem like just the crusade fleet's appearance.
"Ring the big bell! Summon the big captain immediately!
I can see Wolvan walking up the pier, skipping various instructions to the other side and going up to the large flat ship.
In no time, I heard a bell so loud that it rang all over the bigsheep.