Manuke FPS
The predecessor former Big Sheep fleet is sailing north more than half a day away. Given the speed at which labyrinth dragons (Labyrinth Dragon) travel, they won't be able to catch up that easily.
"Yumil, go back inside because you dive"
"Cu? Cu!
Yumil, who was running around on the deck, returned to the command tower and jumped into the hole where the ladder hung.
I'm going down from the command tower to the command post, and I'm going to send a U-boat underwater.
I'm swallowing things up at sea, and I have trouble with us and the U-boat being locked into the labyrinth dragon (Labyrinth Dragon).
Stretch out the periscope, monitor the sea from the sea and follow the black shadow movements of the labyrinth dragon (Labyrinth Dragon) that appeared on the horizon.
At the same time, I also sailed north and kept watching while maintaining a certain distance.
And as expected - no, the worst of some predictions became a reality, and I made one big decision too - I was pressed to make the decision to cross the biggest obstacle in implementing the means to kill a labyrinth dragon (Labyrinth Dragon).
The Labyrinth Dragon (Labyrinth Dragon) began to follow the largest of the three large flotillas travelling north, taking the path to the far north.
Maybe he's aiming for the Orlando continent ahead of the large fleet in front of him.
"Yumil, can you understand the transfer magic formation?
As Yumil turned her gaze here strolling in our face through the command post, she twisted her head as many times as she could think of something, pinned her thin, long tail to see if she understood my words -.
'- I get it! Yumil, you can jump!
Nod to Yumil's response and earn distance from the labyrinth dragon (Labyrinth Dragon) for the east on the path of the U-boat.
The U-boat ship is narrow and difficult to install a transfer magic formation. If you want to install it, you have to float and install it on the deck.
We took a good distance and jumped with Yumil to Amar ready for the metastasis.
The destination of the metastasis was a place without a single light. Check the mapped map at the moment of transfer and you'll see that this is a large warehouse.
Mr. Malta was asked to move the transfer magic team he had set up on the trading vessel to the coastal area of Amar. This is probably one of the warehouses managed by the Marida Merchant Shipyard.
Outside, the Book of Darkness (and all) had already descended, and there were no signs of people around.
I'm checking the current location and saying that Yumil is somewhere safe - but I can only guess about Zepernell residence.
Until we get there, we can't show Yumil to anyone else.
"Yumil, this way"
I guess everything I see for the first time is fresh and interesting. Yumil was running around the warehouse, but when she responded to my call and went outside, its body glowed pale and white to reflect the stars.
Cold air emanating from the body produces ice crystals, which reflect light.
It's a sight I've seen many times since I took Yumil, but today's glow was the strongest glow I've ever seen.
Yumil is growing rapidly. With each meal of Demon Stone, the luster of body hair increases, and the dragon scales are growing greatly with repeated peeling.
In retrospect of the magnitude of Elkayness in the North, perhaps the only time a person is large enough to hold it is for a very short period of time.
In the meantime, the trip to the Zepernell residence decided to summon a support vehicle to head there.
When summoning AEC armoured command vehicle Dorchester from the garage, Yumil looked intrigued at the concentration of light particles. How does Yumil see the system usage of the VMB that I take for granted -?
"- Come on!
What did you think, the ice crystals released enough frozen air from the tip of the tail to be visible, swinging a thin, long tail to create a fog of crystals in front of the warehouse to play.
But when the light particles emerged a box-shaped vehicle similar to Aliqui, they ran around Dorchester uncommonly.
"Yumil, this way"
Open the rear door and prompt them to get inside. As Yumil rode into Dorchester with the momentum running around, he jumped on the standby desk and began to look over the interior.
"Cu ~?
The atmosphere in Dorchester's car would be similar to that of a U-boat, but completely different in size. It's a room with no columns or walls, not a living space that's forced into a narrow passage.
I get in from the rear too, close the door and take a seat in the driver's seat.
Amar's mapping is 100% complete. Even if you don't know exactly where you are right now, if you expand the TSS (Tactical Support System) window monitor and view the map, you'll know everything, including directions to Zeppernel Mansion.
He pressed the start button to start the engine and stepped in the accelerator with the headlights lit as he felt the spread of slight vibration on the heavy engine sound.
I guess Yumil also felt that Dorchester ran out. Turning his gaze behind him, he cleverly stood up on his back leg inside the car with only a small peephole, and saw him gossiping his head off trying to look out.
Is it okay if I let you like it...
Running Dorchester as inconspicuously as possible, he ran down the night lane avoiding passers-by that opened his eyes to something, and in time he could see the gates of the Zeppernel mansion.
"Hey, what's that?
The guards standing in front of the gatekeeper.
He slowly climbed up the ramp in front of the Zepernell mansion and pulled Dorchesta over, being careful not to raise the gatekeeper's guard more than necessary.
"Yumil, please wait here for a moment"
Speaking to Yumil, who fell asleep in a living space from the driver's seat, he stepped out the side door.
"Mr. Schwartz!
One of the guards guarding the gatekeeper was a man who knew my face.
In addition to the Chancellor and Ashley, the Zeppernell residence also houses royalties, including King Khan's Prince, and Lapitirika Barga, who became his fiancée.
Numerous personnel have been summoned as escorts from the Wang capital, and many people familiarize themselves with me being cordial with the Zepernell family.
Still, you're lucky there was a guard standing at this time who knew me.
"I'm sorry I'm late at night. Can you tell Ashley or the Chancellor that you're back?
"Yeah, of course. Please wait a moment."
Speaking to the guards who came running under me, I immediately turn around and rush to the mansion.
When he crossed the gate, he slapped the other shoulder with his hand on the long sword of his hips, telling him only "don't worry" and ran through.
The other guy fluttered his gaze between me and Dorchester, heard the engine sound as it hung, and the other guards grew.
I'm used to being somewhat noticeable now. Few people rumor that Clan “Spark (Spark) is manipulating an incredible iron box that moves without a horse, rather than me.
He has put the royal family in mobile vehicles many times as “black-sided shafts” as well as "The Great Blackhouse" Schwartz, and stood flashy in the uproar in the Wang capital.
The tourists of the mobile vehicle did not come out of the mansion grounds, but watched and whispered at each other firmly as they pretended to be vigilant around them.
Whatever he was talking about with the sound collecting sensors was faint, but he was more aware of the running footsteps heard from inside the mansion than his surrounding eyes.
It was Ashley who popped out with the mansion door open.
"I'm home, Ashley"
It was Ashley as the Dorchester headlights ran through the illumination, but the momentum gradually weakened.
The red gold hair shining in the light was beautiful whenever I saw it, and the full smile that floated made me forget the impending crisis and fear.
But at the same time, it was a terribly embarrassing situation to welcome you into your chest with open arms naturally.
'Hey, what is it? I thought you didn't have a son-in-law candidate for next term?
"Where did you get this from? He's a big merchant who also delivers goods to the royal family, and if you give me here, I'll always be with Master Ashley, okay?
"Stupid, more“ spark ”than that, right? I'm talking about adventurers who belong to the executive forces of both prime ministers."
"Spark" is where the “black-sided shaft” crushed the Second Prince's conspiracy by itself, right?
"Black prince”?
'Wait, wait... I'm also delivering goods to the royal family and a merchant who is involved with the clan your prime minister is holding... so I'm selling “Miracle Water” - no, it's the "Big Black House" I was selling!! I don't even know when I'll be able to buy it in Wangdu's store waiting for delivery booking... I don't know if I have it in stock right now...'
The guards that Dorchester had invited me to gather were whispering to each other as they watched the distance between me and Ashley shrink.
I guess Ashley figured that out, too. He approached slowly as he blushed, urging me to follow him with only a grunt "welcome back" in front of me.
My face gets hot until I get to the whistle someone rang, but I'm evacuating to the mansion first - so what do I do with Yumil...