Manuke FPS
He traveled from Labyrinth Island to the onboard city of Big Sheep, and to the marine city of Amar, and now returns to the residence of the Zepernell family.
The AEC armoured command vehicle Dorchester, with the yumil on board, was operated remotely and allowed to pass through the main entrance to the stables.
It would still taste bad to let Yumil out now. There won't be any outbursts on your own, but it will be more noisy than it was earlier when you let it out.
Let Yumil have a little more patience.
Walking beside Ashley in the mansion, I left Amar for the port before heading to Big Sheep, Labyrinth Island and Big Sheep again to the salon telling her everything I had seen.
Ashley and the others were contacted by Chancellor Bergman and already knew I was going to cut my plans and come back to Amar.
I didn't tell him the date and time of his return, but I hear the Prime Minister and the Crown Princes are waiting for my return.
"Anyway, I'm glad you're okay. Is Yumil okay by herself?
"Maybe - because I want to feed you before you go hungry and ring out, and you can't just leave it at Amar"
"Chancellor Bergman told me about the summer shelter. To the northwest of the city is a small village called Torinto, and in the woods nearby is a villa where royalty spends their summers, with a large stables."
"How many days does Torinto take from here?
Check the speed of movement and current location of the pins punched into the labyrinth dragon (Labyrinth Dragon) while enlarging the map floating in view.
Though there is still time to reach Amar, there is not much time left, given the transfer of the crusade operation of the labyrinth dragon (Labyrinth Dragon) to execution.
Ashley shook her head and answered my question.
"I can't go directly because of the rugged mountains. Originally, it's not the kind of place you can reach by land, but the only way to get around is by transferring from Wang Du to Magic Force."
An isolated safety zone. So if it's a land where people don't flow in from the outside, it's convenient to hide the presence of a yumil.
"Contact Chancellor Bergman and move him as soon as he's ready."
I don't need to hear from you.
"'Cause I'll wait there."
That being said, when Ashley opened the door leading to the salon, there were not only Prime Minister Zeppernel and King Khan Prince inside, but also Prince Ark and Chancellor Bergman.
"I've been waiting, Schwartz."
The first person to speak to me as I entered the salon was Chancellor Zepernell. White hair as bright as white porcelain as ever, sinking herself on the couch, tossing her legs out, gazing next to me and behind me as she plays with the puffiness and looking for something.
"- So, where's the dragon baby?
"It's a stables... he's a prominent child, so I don't care if the guard soldiers see him and make a scene"
"Oh, um... can I see that kid nearby?
Lapitilica, sitting on the couch with Prince Ark, asked in a slightly blushed and excited manner.
For her, who has trained as an adventurer with camellias (Southern Ka), the dragon, the champion of nature, is not a form of warcraft or anything else. Maybe it was a subject of awe.
"I made a promise not to attack people. I'm still a young girl, so I think if you don't stimulate me, you'll be fine."
"That's awesome. Dragons say they have intelligence that transcends intelligence, but I didn't know they were just born to understand people's words or let dragons do the act of promises that only people do... that's“ unjust "?
King Khan Prince seems to be interested in dragons too - no, maybe no one isn't interested.
Besides, it may only be possible for someone who is not a man to make promises to a dragon.
Prince Khan's last grunt was small enough to finally be heard on the sound collection sensor, but when she saw Chancellor Zepernell's gaze shake slightly, she might have been heard by her long ears.
"Schwartz, I'm ready to protect the baby in Torinto. His Majesty agreed to your request. He also said it was a good omen to welcome the son of a champion into the kingdom."
"Thank you, Chancellor Bergman"
"So, what you're saying about coming back here... are you coming?
"Yeah, Chancellor Bergman. The Labyrinth Dragon follows one of the larger fleets heading north, taking a direct hit on the continent of Orlando - the marine city of Amar."
"A moving labyrinth, about the size of an island... can you handle that?
The anxiety Ashley leaks would be the anxiety of everyone gathered at the salon. Lady Anastasia, sitting next to Prince Khan, held the hand of Prince Khan, and Prince Ark was pulling Lapitilica's shoulder.
"The Marine Knights are letting it expand into the South Sea of Amar. We have to deal with evacuation ships from Big Sheep. So... how are you ready and ready?
"Yes, as soon as we send Yumil - the dragon baby to Triton - we want to get ready for the final"
"Mr. Schwartz... can you really defeat the labyrinth dragon? We also discussed this with Brother Khan and Bergman, but tensions with the Baishburn Empire are on the increase. It is impossible to assemble knights from all over the kingdom here - and... defeating so many great warcraft before landing is unfortunately overloaded with one Marine Knights"
Normally, even if he participated in discussions with the Prime Ministers and Prince Khan, Prince Ark was a breeze who was watching, hearing and studying the consultations with little to no expression of his opinion, but today - rather than - said Prince Ark has studied imperialism vigorously here in Amar since the second prince Kileak started a conspiracy.
The medical condition of Prince Khan, the number one successor to the throne, is stable, but it is difficult to realistically inherit the throne and take over the throne.
There are still a considerable number of people, including women, who have the right to inherit the throne of the Kingdom of Kurtomerga.
But more than ranked, the substantial next King Kurtomerga will be the third prince of Ark in the right of inheritance. That consciousness must have emerged as participation in the consultation.
I can't assure you that "I can defeat you - but before the Marine Knights clash with the Labyrinth Dragon (Labyrinth Dragon), they attack enough to change the topography of the island. Even if we can't defeat it with that, we should be able to take a considerable deep hand... if we can get the Marine Knights to attack there..."
"Let's get Amar's convoy out too. According to the report, you're spitting out warcraft and marching at sea, aren't you? I won't allow any of you to get anywhere near the coast of Amar."
"Thank you, Chancellor Zepernell. If you do that, you'll have one less worry."
"Schwartz, I'd like to hear more about your adventure tan. How the hell was a labyrinth dragon born?
"I'd be delighted to talk to you, Lady Anastasia."
Sit with Ashley on one empty two-seater sofa in the salon and receive the glass brought to you by the waiter.
Everyone gathered at the salon showed interest in this. Adventure Tan, not the progress report we are receiving as a report - listening as a story can also be described as the best entertainment for them who are busily killed by politics (every single thing) in one room of the mansion.
I don't know what it's like to see an impending crisis as entertainment - but maybe you want to get rid of a little anxiety and fear by listening to me cut through that crisis and come back to this place.
While firmly holding the hand of Prince Khan, but capturing the hand of Lady Anastasia in the corner of her sight, she began to talk about her previous history, like Tan, a hero sung by the poet.