Manuke FPS
The next morning. I woke up when I heard the noise of the servants coming from the basement and the bustle of the squire doing the morning's ordination.
I fell asleep on the couch at the salon last night, so when I woke up, I was butting on the floor and hanging on the couch. Her upper body is naked and her lower body is barely wearing thin trousers.
Picking up a jacket that rolls on the floor and looking around lightly while wearing it for now, no one seems to have come to the salon yet. The room remains dim, with Ashley resting on the couch wrapped in a blanket removed from the inventory in the middle of the night.
My face gets slightly hot when I look at my stripped shoulder and think of last night as I stroke the shiny hair of red gold.
What are you delusional like a kid...
Dropped in this world, I became the Lord of the Labyrinth (Dungeon Master) with little desire such as emotional ups and downs and lust. Still, what I could do was say a hopeful discovery.
"- Uh-huh."
I think I woke up Ashley because I was stroking her hair.
"Morning, Ashley."
"Oh... oh..."
The first thing I saw when I woke up was my face, and I guess Ashley remembered last night, too. He dyed Zhu Kui to the tip of his ear, pulling the blanket to his head and hiding.
Such a cute trick - and so on, gently tapping near the head over the blanket -.
"I'm going to see how Yumil is doing. And then I'm going to go to Marta's, so I'll be back by noon."
"Wow, okay..."
I heard him answer Mogo Mogo over the blanket and stood up with his pompous hands again.
Leaving the mansion and entering the stables, the armoured command vehicle Dorchester and Roy the Monument Grass (Suzuran) were waiting.
"Good Morning"
"Morning, Roy. I'm sorry you had to go through all this trouble watching Yumil."
"No, because this is also the mission of Suzuran."
"Isn't Rachel with you?
It was one Roy who was turning inside the stables, and I didn't see his sister (Rachel), the same green-haired sibling.
"Rachel is attached to Master Charlotte and packed in the command post of the convoy of escorts. I've been in contact with the Knights of the Sea since the Sovereign, and I've been staying for two days now."
Speaking of which, there was no sign of Mr. Charles at the salon gathering. I thought you were drunk in your room because it was night, but you weren't at the mansion in the first place.
You heard me and Roy talking, I heard Dorchester shake and Yumil roar.
"Yumil ~? Gohan, I've got it!"
When I opened the door in the rear of Dorchester, it flew up like Yumil could wait.
Pushed by the momentum, he fell from his back to the stables floor.
"Cuh! Cuh!
Covered in a yumil that's already grown bigger than my body, rubbing my nose tip against my face and neck muscles to sweeten it.
"Sorry, it's Gohan's demon stone for now"
Remove the last attribute demon stone from the inventory and give it to the tip of your mouth.
I swallow every hand of mine offered by Yumil's big mouth, and I feel it licked around in my mouth and taken the demon stone out of my hand.
"Shh, Master Schwartz...... So, are you okay?
"Oh, I'm not being eaten, so I'm fine, Roy"
Though it was Dorchester's turn at the stables, it must have been the first time I'd seen Yumil inside in person.
Roy was in awe of the dragon he first saw - its prestige and overwhelming presence.
"This is the dragon..."
Looks like Yumil, who was licking the Demon Stone, noticed Roy's presence.
Staring at Jeez Roy as he mogged his big mouth, his thin, long tail brought his sickle and pointed him at the tip.
But there's no sign of focussing frozen air. Only the yellow dragon eye moves between me and Roy many times, tilting his head to the side and thinking about something.
'... Promise!
Dragons say they are highly intelligent, but I find that instincts very often prevail when I watch how Yumil is doing.
Is it a growing proof that you can still remember your promises to me and judge your actions?
"Yes, I promise. Don't attack people and things without darkness, only warcraft and subraces can hunt."
I turn my hand around Yumil's neck and say it again as I gently scratch her chin.
As I watched, Roy made a big detour and came around behind me.
"Master Schwartz...... can you talk to the dragon heirs?
"... it's not like I can. This kid understands our language."
"I see, that's a dragon..."
As Yumil narrowed her eyes and let herself feel comfortable, she opened her eyes to notice something and turned her gaze towards the entrance to the stables.
With the light points on the map floating in my sight and the sound of footsteps walking, I knew immediately who was standing there.
"So pretty... the kid is Yumil?
"That's right, Ashley."
Ashley, walking from the entrance to the stables, is turning her gaze to the flicker and turning her face red here, but she also seems to be concerned about the lustrous scales on the blue and white water-bodied hair as Yumil's clear.
You noticed that my voice color was different from that directed at the others, and Yumil started thinking about something again as she alternated between me and Ashley's face.
"Good morning, Master Ashley"
"Morning, Roy - really, you're a dragon boy"
Approaching the front of Yumil, Ashley stops that foot and stares straight at Yumil.
"Yumil, this is Ashley, my..."
"Mom's mom?!
What the hell kind of thought can I get to that answer......
Yumil looks at me with her yellow dragon eyes shining, but she can't even tell me she's “my mom” about Ashley.
Is the dragon - can you understand the concept of a loved one, or lover?
"A little different... not far away, that's who I am"
Roy is standing behind me, and I'm ashamed of the boulder to be seen calling me Mom about Ashley.
"Cu ~!
Still, it seems that Yumil guessed in my response, turning her gaze to Ashley as she swept her tail off the stables floor.
"Nice to meet you, Yumil. I'm Ashley Zepernell, of Schwartz."
That's it, Ashley was dyeing her face bright red.
A slightly different Yumil's voice sounded, but I'm glad it didn't pass on to Ashley......
"Well, I guess that's too soon..."
Are you telling me?!
Dragon's language skills are insulting - Yumil didn't speak Orlando common language.
It's the same voice that echoes in your brain as Elkaynes.
"Master Schwartz...... no way?
I can hear Roy squealing behind my back. Apparently it sounded this way too...... I guess Yumil is still not used to this way of speaking and communicating his voice indiscriminately.
In the meantime, ignore Roy's whining.
"Ashley, Roy...... apparently you know what Yumil says, so could you watch a little? I want Yumil to get used to people other than me, and she'll be ready for a metastasis."
"Yes, sir."
While dyeing his face red, Ashley, who was reaching softly over Yumil's head, responded with a chilling glance here, and Roy responded neatly as if there had been no earlier whining.
"Yumil, I'm going out for a little while, so get Ashley and Roy a gohan. And don't ever forget your promise!
I don't know if you reacted to my story or to the word Gohan, but I responded with a squeak with a long, thin tail pinned up.