Manuke FPS
Amar's coastline had changed as before. Walking down the street is not about tourists or fishermen. Parents carrying large bags and pulling children's hands. Take many carriages of carriages, and the men of the escort follow them to protect them.
Most of them never uttered a word, and they were all on their way to a giant elevator, the Demonic Lift, which could be uniformly described as Amar's specialty.
Against the currents, I go alone along the coastline. I gaze at the buildings built along the futon road, but the houses and shops are tightly closed and there is no sign of people from inside.
Temporary alienation has begun and most of the city's inhabitants are probably moving to the mining district of Britra and the mountain city of Bareiler.
In contrast to this quiet big move is the coastal area. Numerous trading vessels anchored at the pier had disappeared and instead various military vessels, large and small, had anchored themselves.
I can see the marines going back and forth to the crossing that connects the military ship to the pier. I grabbed a number of bags in my hand that looked like tool bags, and I was rushing around, rushed by the rage echoing from the deck.
"Here, here. Load it up! Kurtomerga Marine Knights are not allowed to delay each convoy of escorts!
It's the captain screaming on the deck, or around the chief sailor - loud enough to reach me walking along the coastline, even though I'm picking it up with a sound collector sensor. You won't find the Marines listening directly at the pier.
According to the voice echoing the coast, it is the Kurtomerga Marine Knights that are moored at the pier. They say that it is the only navy in the kingdom and that all the fleets organized in other port towns operate as convoys of escorts.
There's not so much difference in the organizational system, but the biggest part of it is still what - who you fight, you'll end up at that point.
The convoy of escorts, as its name suggests, has the main task of protecting trading and transporting ships from warcraft and pirates, while the Marine Knights have the main purpose of engaging with the navies of other countries.
But when it comes to the Kingdom of Kurtomerga and the great powers across the sea, it is the Union of the Filtonian Islands, where a treaty of friendship has already been concluded between the two countries and where the Knights of the Sea rarely carry out their original activities.
For them, this task of crusading the labyrinth dragon (Labyrinth Dragon) may be the first chance they have had to visit in decades.
As if to prove it, the hustle and bustle and the tight air get darker.
"Thirty-five years of service to the Knights of the Sea, we have finally had the opportunity to show His Majesty the fruits of our daily workouts… to this Kurt Melga people! Standing before us is the dragon, the champion of nature, and the Great Labyrinth, the enemy of the world! But you don't have to be cowardly! The arena for the battle is this Southern Ocean waters, this is the world of our Marine Knights!
"Even if hundreds or thousands of great tsunamis of warcraft push by, you will survive that wave and risk your life to strike out the catastrophe in front of you and destroy it! That's what our Kurt Merga Marine Knights hold!
Finally, we also begin to hear the grand speech from above the deck, and the loud cheers echoing in response.
Walk up the coastline to see how it is, and from the military ship throw a lifeboat into the sea where it is at a blind spot.
It's bad where the Marine Knights are thriving a lot, but I would ask them to separate from the bigsheep and protect the large fleet that is fleeing towards Amar.
And - if things don't go according to my assumptions, I'll ask you to put your life at risk and stop the labyrinth dragon (Labyrinth Dragon) from landing.
If we fail to do so, the nations of the continent of Orlando will be ravaged by labyrinth dragons (Labyrinth Dragon) and countless warcraft, as the Mad Goddess wishes - this world will follow a path of ruin.
Summon and transfer a U-boat just out of the sea and at a distance from the marine city of Amar. From there he took the path south on a submersible voyage and took the path south all the way, being careful not to be disturbed by the military vessels assembled on the coast of Amar.
A few days south at maximum ship speed, multiple black shadows appeared on the horizon staring from the periscope.
"Apparently, you escaped safely..."
Multiple black shadows - the large convoy separated from the onboard city of Bigsheep was divided into three parts to escape the labyrinth dragon (Labyrinth Dragon), one of which was heading north for Amar.
It was a bunch of shadows that appeared in the periscope. Stop the U-boat in the sea and observe the fleet as it passes through the sea - at the same time change the window monitor of the TSS (Tactical Support System) to an enlarged map and predict the time remaining from the position of the pin punched into the labyrinth dragon (Labyrinth Dragon).
"You don't seem to have much time..."
The distance between the large fleet and the labyrinth dragon (Labyrinth Dragon) had narrowed considerably. Perhaps a huge shadow of the labyrinth dragon (Labyrinth Dragon) can be seen from ships sailing near the rear of the great fleet.
No, the giant head that strikes heaven must definitely be visible.
From the periscope it is not possible to ascertain the condition of the people on the fleet, but a clear sense of impatience and sadness was felt from the movement of the large fleet aimed straight at Amar.
The Labyrinth Dragon (Labyrinth Dragon) is not the only one chasing after the Great Fleet. That's a moving labyrinth - countless warcraft spit out of the heavenly high stretched dragon's jaw gate (Agate) and should be heading north to follow the labyrinth dragon (Labyrinth Dragon).
Neither are we going to let that spit out countless warcraft, nor let Amar raid, nor let the Great Fleet catch up.
Here, settle in this watershed.
Then for a few hours I floated a U-boat at sea waiting for a sufficient distance from the large fleet.
Three to four hours or so until the impending labyrinth dragon (Labyrinth Dragon) crosses the line of engagement. The warcraft spit out before then will push over, but with all that time, this one will be ready for interception.
I ascend from the command post to the command tower and gaze at the huge island shadow covering the horizon as I walk to the deck.
Inhale heavily and exhale slowly and for a long time.
Remove the lifeboat from the inventory again and throw it into the sea from the deck. The sound of a rubber boat that swells instantly as it bursts amidst the waves that ring in the sea breeze.
"Oh, my God."
Fly from deck to lifeboat and return the U-boat to dock. The large hull of the U-boat returns to the particles of light, shaking and ascending to heaven and disappearing.
The U-boat was a good submarine. According to VMB specifications, the ship is equipped with only two uniforms - the interpretation of the uniforms varies from ship to ship, but in the case of a U-boat, two torpedo firing tubes at the bow and an 88mm cannon at the command tower.
But there is clearly a lack of firepower to crusade the labyrinth dragon (Labyrinth Dragon). I've traveled with you for a long time now, but this is where I say goodbye to the U-boat.
If you stare at the horizon, the shadow of the labyrinth dragon (Labyrinth Dragon) is bigger.
"Let's get started"
That's not a whine to tell anyone - no, if I hadn't told myself that, I wouldn't have been able to make the last stop.
The moment I slowly, but sharply, shook my left hand out - dozens of TSS (Tactical Support System) window monitors appeared on all of my vision.
And look - items that have never been opened before. That's a feature (system) that could not be accessed from inside the game due to VMB specifications.
But that day, I even assimilated the system into this body.
Now is the time - to use this new system. To throw everything away to survive and go back under Ashley and Yumil again -.
- Oh yes... the crazy goddess who dropped me in this world was right to choose. You can just admit that. You can just thank me there.
As one FPS player, I put my foot on one pinnacle. I would have climbed the top of it within a few years.
But by being dropped into this world, I think I got more than the view from the top.
The woman I love, the kid who admires me with his parents, the friend I care about, the fellow I risk my life with, they're all hard to come by.
So - just once.
"I'll follow your thoughts only once... I'll drive you crazy only once"
Discover the desired command from among the countless window monitors displayed and let it float in front of you.
"Labyrinth Dragon... I invite you. To my world, to the world of the unjust king - now activate it!
Then slowly raise your hand and extend your finger to the command shown in front of you.
"Labyrinth Creation (Creative Labyrinth)!